funniest thing you did in labour?

I wish i'd read some of these before i went into labour. I would have peed myself! I thought You've Been Framed was funny the week before i was due.
Sounds like Gas and Air was a popular choice. Shame i couldn't hack it coz i think i'd be funnier! Lol
Haha oh my god!
This thread is so funny!!

I had gas and air for hours....
Apparently just looked gozzy eyed stumbling around

Then i wanted something stronger..
The midwife said shed go and get the diamorphine ready
As soon as she left apparently i wanted to go and find her
Shouting at my OH that i was going and for him to get out of the way because he was trying to stop me :rotfl:

And then when i was in the toilet...
Lee came in after a while to see if i was ok
And i just said
"Yeah although im trying to force out a big poo but its stuck"
Its a good job he loves me isnt it :oops:
Shaun told me after that i was the Stereotype pregnant lady. In my birth plan i only asked for Gas N Air and maybe Pethidine if i asked for it. Then i started begging for an epidural. But coz my labour was so quick i didn't have time. I just kept saying "Gimme all the drugs" "Get the damn thing out" "I don't want her anymore!"
hehehe!!! This has made me laugh so much.

I hardly opened my mouth when in labour as I was so scared someone heard me!!! According to Brian I would have put Katie Holmes' silent scientology birth to shame!!

I remember telling one of the mw I was going to be sick after the 1st (and last!!) go on gas and air and she was like "no you wont dear, you're just not used to it" needless to say I threw up all over her and the floor and when she looked a bit pissed off I turned round and said "well I did warn ya" That was the nasty mw that Brian chucked out and demanded another one.

The next one was absolutely lovely. I remember her saying to me "you can swear if you want" and my reply in a pathetic whispering voice....
"good, cause it f*cking hurts"
I kept shouting out to my Mam, i love James i love James mam did i tell you i love james hes brilliant hes so wonderful did i tell you i love him

and ooooooooooooooooooo this gas and air is gooooood i want to take it home to the nurse can i take it home

im at a club and im dancing this stuff is wonderful whoo my heads spinning its like being drunk this is fun Mam im liking this

when the bottle began to run out i went loopy i screamed at my Mam to tell the nurse to get another one

gas and air wow what a party :rotfl:

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