Possible Hysterectomy and No More Children? Struggling...


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Jul 25, 2024
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I don't even know where to start without this being a long post. So forgive me if this is long, I'll try to shorten this.

Just a bit of history, I'm 44 years old. I have 9 kids and pregnant with #10. One of my pregnancies, I had twins. They had to be born through C-section, all my other kids were born vaginal.

I had an ultrasound appointment today, and found out my uterine lining is thin. The ultrasound before that, I found out my cervix was thin near the scar from the C-section. Today they said I have to get another C-section for this pregnancy at 37 weeks and I can not go further than that or I will be at risk for a uterine rupture. He also mentioned that when they do this C-section, I may not be able to have kids, if in fact, my uterine lining is thin and any further pregnancies will put me at risk.

I'm trying to get myself to accept the fact of not having any more kids after this one. I'm sad a bit but in many ways grateful.

I'm blessed for the amount of kids I already have. I am worn out from the pregnancies. I'm just having a hard time with the part, I may not have anymore after this. It's like I'm back and forth on this.

I don't ever want to have my tubes tied or be on birth control again. If I have to have a hysterectomy for medical reasons, I understand. That's the only way I won't have any more kids and knowing I'm close to menopause, so that's another factor as well.

How does one learn to accept the fact regarding this? I love being life into this world and everything. They're wonderful blessings.

But also trying to get myself to look forward to any further grandchildren I may have later on down the road.

Just having a hard time with this.

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