South Wales meet

the heath too,

I hate it there tho, im not allowed Midwife lead, i have to have consultant, do you know of any other hospitals apart from the heath?

One of my friends delivered at Glamorgan but i know that they have the highest caesarian rate - dunno if thats important to you.

She had quite good care - but was left alone quite frequently.

My other friend had her LO in the Heath this morning - was aiming for the MLU there but wanted an epidural.

She ended up like me though - cut open and forceps. I wonder if they rely too heavily on instrumental deliveries. I found the care there awful - understaffed and not all mw's gave a toss. I waited 8hrs for my meds on the 2nd day and i was in agony.

Not sure what Princess of Wales is like - you could take a look maybe?

Why you under consultant then hun? If you don't mind me asking?

where is the Princess of Wales?

i was on conslutant lead care on Coby coz he was big and they have said coz of my labour and that he got stuck coming out i would have to have consultant lead again.

POW is in Bridgend - used to be pretty good and i think they've just refurbished etc.

Layla i'm so sorry i hassled you to get the teething beads for jacob - i've just read your post about Jase and i feel like a right knob!

I hope you're feeling a bit happier tonight. You're really going through it at the mo you poor thing. I don't know what to say really cos everything you say is right it just sounds like Jase is being a bit selfish (well alot) but i don't know him and its not fair of me to pass judgment on him.

Childminding sounds like a really good idea. You could even do it once the holidays are over. People are always looking for relieable childcare and you'd be fantastic.

Defo go to the council though babe and see if they'll help you out.

Anyway back to hospitals! - i think thats it apart from Newport/Swansea

dont worry about it babe,

thanks for the hospital advice!

im just off down the pud to apply for a job wish me luck!

Hello sorry I havent replied...

I had zack in the heath aswell, arrgghh hated it... felt so dirty lol

Ok the meet I have kinda skipped through this thread so dont know if I missed the when and where??

Zacks being a horror at the moment. Started hitting me and OH and answering back.... arrgghh could throw him through a window. Sorry gone off in a rant lol. so it all depends on if my mum can have him for a bit.
Can we make it before the 14 July as i have to go back to work for a week so i can get paid over the school hols.

Other than that i'm pretty flexible - oh apart from Sat 8th July (soz!)
Wkday or wkend doesn't matter...
Kayl1986 said:
sounds like u got ur hands full violet glow lol xxx

I dont know whats wrong with him, im thinking about selling him on ebay. But I doubt id get much for him they way he is. OH thinks zacks just jealous because of the baby coming etc, but im not so sure.

Sorry im forever having a moan on here arnt I :?
:) Cheers for understanding hun. Just driving my potty at the moment. He will soon be 3 and hopefully out of the terrible 2s... im counting the days :D hehe
I sooOOoo want a little girl and so does my OH. My OH says if its a boy then hes pushing it back in during labour, because he doesnt want another zack running about lol

Id love a little girl to dress but and be able to play with her hair and maybe nick a few of her boyfriends when shes older lol.

I think your little girl is so adorable, shes got such a pretty smile.
ooh looks like there will be a few of us :D :D :D xxx

Kayl, Abi is a nightmare now too lol she's gone from a really placid baby to me knowing i have her lol,

Right how about 1st week of July either at Barry Island or Laylas house (she's so brave inviting us all there lol) what day is best for eveyone how about Tues 4th or Wed 5th?

Rach i don't mind driving or we can catch the train we'll see where we're meeting first :)
either date is fine with me!

we coul go to the island if you all wanted, i just thought if its cold, whcih it is here at the mo, or raining, it would be good to be indoors, plus i have baby toys and a big front room for you all lol

i dont mind what we do or what day we do it :D
manda its up to you hun i dont mind the train but if you want to take the car thats ok with me too :D totally up to you xxx
I'll ask my mummy if she can have zack :D hehe and get back to you.
Should be fine tho if she hasnt got anything planned.
guys, i cant do wednesday!

i forgot i have something planned, tuesday is still fine tho?

im so excited about this!

i think it will be a great day :D


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