Wales meet anyone? POLL ADDED

tezzy said:
ol im more than willing to pay since its a meet. im not gonna say 'oh im not coming now!' lol

i just thought it was expensive! :oops:

I knew what you meant hun :lol:

And SSS - you dont know where wales is? Seriously? Its that big other country stuck onto the side of england :lol:

Your in Grimsby right? Heres a rough idea, ... 20LL29%208

edit: cant get that link to work for some reason, try copying and pasting it into address bar and you'll see :lol:
OMG :shock:

I just did a search on national rail enquiries for how much and how long it will take for me to get to bangor.

Well im coming from swansea in the south and it will take me 6 hours :shock: i could drive quicker ffs and the cheapest return ticket is £34

I take it im definatly not coming to the meet lmao i cant imagine my 2 girls sat on a train for 6 hours behaving :rotfl:
Yes, ive checked it out too and its a long old drive from cardiff, perhaps we could literally meet in the middle and do something in mid-wales instead?

I'll have a look and see what there is around mid-wales tomorrow :D
i couldnt get to mid wales as i dont drive and too fa on train - dont think there are many trains that go towards mid wales from here either id have to go right to the end of the coast (pwllheli) then get a train back around the coast inorder ro get anywhere near mid wales :roll: :doh: :bored:
maybe we could have a north and south meet?
Honestly dont change no arrangements for me, I just checked to see if it was possible. It seems that more people are more north anyway.

I dont even know what day it is and if im off. I didnt mean to start people thinking about a different venue :oops:
doesnt look like both north and south can meet together because of the distance :cry: :cry: :cry:

so may be ur right Tezzy we may have to have seperate meets :think: :think: :think: :think:

shame tho :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
dont worry beth! a few people have said its too far and TBH i dont blame them! 6hrs there and 6hr back is a lot of driving for a meet of about 10 people!
ive chosen north wales but would be happy with whatever as long as i can get there.
ohh just rememberd my laptop is goin gfor repair on thursday morning for any thing betwen 2-28 days :shock: WTF how and i going to cope if they take it for a month im gonna be lost with out this forum. but im also worried i will miss the infor on the meet/meets? how am i going to be kept up to date really worried now :shakehead: :cry: :doh: :doh:
do you want to pm me your number and i can text you upsdates?
ohh yes please tezzy that would be fantastic ill pm u in a sec thanks so so much would kick my self if it has to go away for weeks and i miised the meet.
ur a star :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have voted North Wales, its closer for me to drive to. I think fun centre sounds ace, as long as Ruby can crawl safely, we will be happy, she is constantly on the move at the mo :shock:

Has here been a date yet? :think:
no date yet but im hoping we can get one before thrusday am as my lap top is going to the computer hospital as christopher pulled three keys off it thats why my spelling is jumbled as i have keys missing - little terror - but if there is not date by then tezzy will text me updates.

ruby will be able to crawl in safety in the under 3 area. mite be better to book the place if we have lota of tiny little ones so there wont be any other kids diving around. hey ruby and christopher can crawl ill their little hearts are content. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Ok north wales it is :lol:

If you want to chuck in a couple of dates we can get that sorted too before Rhian goes offline, I suggest August Bank holiday Monday, 27th?

All other suggestions welcome, we can do another poll then :)
im off work all of that week so im good any day

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