Meet for people in the South/South West please read!

Hmmm not sure on another week day personally as I have pretty much got plans for my paid holidays & my OH won't be keen on a week day either because of his work.

davina said:
bubble is there anyway you could come, maybe someone is passing that way.

i think im a bit out of the way for anyone to be passing :( and dont think there is anyone that is that close to me :think:
Yay! I'm so pleased you are going to come Sami!!! Alex is very excited about meeting Damien :D

i will check with work tomorrow afternoon to see if the 26th is ok but i think its cool.

glad there now seems to be quite a few other oh's going now!

Kina would be fab if you could make it hun. can understand not wanting to do two long journeys on the trot though :?

Sunday 29th October?

you say which date would be best for you lot

Sunday 29th would be better for me but i can always arrange a day of or swop my day off etc.

i pretty easy any day that week. (hell i'm easy any day of any week!) :rotfl:

Weekend would be better for us as Mark works long hours during the week and will have too much work to catch up on otherwise.
I'm gussing Sundays would be awkward for those using public transport :oops:

I've to get to Sami first on train :D
il prob be ok with any day as im going to be cheeky and jump in laylas car :D xxx
i cant do saturday the 28th coz ts Ethans birthday party, his birthday is on sunday the 29th but we dont mind coming down on that day, he will like the day out.

and i can do any weekday

Yay - my home town! I wont have far to come :wink:

Where abouts in Southampton where people thinking out of interest?
hmm, just looked at it and its a bit far from train stations etc.

might have to think about an indoor play area, Alice, you know any?

Not really seeing as I dont have any bubbas (yet)

I think the best person to ask is Honey7733, she lives down the road from me and she has a LO

I can only think of Ollies Ocean World but ?is it shut now. Honey7733 do you know?
looks good hun.

how will it be for publice transport - not sure if anyone is coming by train/ bus etc or not?

A weekday is more ideal for me as weekends is a bit more awkward for the trains especially on a sunday.

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