london meet (south)

might have to pass on that as im coming on the train would be good if it went anywhere near ther but im not sure :? anyone if you guys do meet up have a fab time!
hun, still have your meet tho! its so hard for all of us to get to one place, its hard for me to go in to london, and to be honest i wont coz i hate the place, and its hard for you and prob sarah to get to windsor, so maybe 2 seperate meets will solve it?

where is windsor???

how about a meet at my house hehe
but dont tell my mum sure she wont notice all u ladies anf the bubs lol
know why urchin had such a tough time now!

i know what you mean flossy - i will be on the train too if Nicki or Duds cant help me out and mine would be nowhere near either!

Windsor is west of London, its Berkshire, near Slough and Reading.

might have to pass on the meet all together as the o/h wont let me travel to london on the trains let alone go anywhere in london. if i could get to anywhere on the outskirts then that would be great but will have to think on that one.
:shhh: sarahs mum will hear :rotfl:

sorry sarah alex is too loud - she will def notice him!!!

Flossy, Sarah, where would be ideal for you to get to? if you say where you can travel then we can say wether we can make it there too

I can alos make southampton if thats any help Em.

Right im going to be coming from cromer (norfolk) so where ever it would be it would have to be accesable by train if possible?! :D
layla its about 2 hrs from me by car but i think there is a train with a link to there. no idea how long on a train though!

i think you may be right - it may need two meets!

where abouts are you from in s. wales hun. my dads family were from Abercynon (sp?) south of Brecken Beacons.

i live in a place called Barry, its 8 miles from Cardiff.

moved here in 1997 from Slough, all my family are still back there and Jases family all live in basignstoke so we go down that way alot to visit

Flossy, i think we will have to have 2 meets hun, i cant really travel any further than berkshire way and thats to fat for you to go from norfolk.

Layla said:
Flossy, i think we will have to have 2 meets hun, i cant really travel any further than berkshire way and thats to fat for you to go from norfolk.


you calling everyone in Berkshire fat Layla? :rotfl: dont think you'll be welcome there now ! :lol:

hey layla ull have to let me know wen ur coming down this way again and preferable not wen im away id love to meet u hun
i can get newhere theresa train in reason lol
lol opps! i meant far, typo mistake, honest lol

can one of the mods make just one post this is too confusing.

'moderators come and help please'
Davina, i think there may be two meets, one in london and one in southampton?


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