Someone to go through the 2ww with?

Morning ladies, 10 and 11 dpo is still early, there are loads of women that don't get bfpnthen but are pregnant. I so hope thats the case.

Lara if you don't mind me asking how long have you been trying to consider metformin? X
I resisted the urge to test this morning i will wait until tomorrow, then i'm 2 days late for mondays af or 2 days early from fridays af which ever one i'm supposed to go by lol...and yes Lara deffo not out until the witch arrives so keep thinking positive hun :) xx
Hello ladies. I don't know why I was up that early corrinne, ha ha, last two nights I have slept terribly.
Sue - my story is I have been trying to conceive for two years. First year without really monitoring just lOts of bding! Ha ha. Then gave up a year in, but to my surprise I fell Preg in dec 2010. Sadly lOst my little bean at 7 weeks.
So I then had a messed up cycle for 3 months and suffered with anxiety for a short while too :( but ovulated in April again and now ovulated for sure 10 days ago. So you see why each 2ww is so tentative for me because it's a long time until the next one.
I have pcos which is why my cycles are buggered. Metformin helps a lot of women get preg who have pcos or who the doc suspects have hormonal imbalance due to insulin resistance.
I am absolutely bOiling this morning. My face is pink.
I am gutted abOut my bfn x x
I need to post a Pic as soon as I get into work. Just did second mu. Need your eyes. I think mine are playing tricks on me x
Ladies I fell AF'y today.... so much so that I have to keep running to the toilet to check that she hasnt arrived. Boil still on my chin (WTF) and have had to almost slick my hair to cover it so looking almost as though I have a beard! I am talking to work collegaues side on! Lush!!!!! I am boiling hot too LarA - GET YOUR PICCIES POSTED............. so excited for you xxxxxx
i've felt like that for 2 days Daniph but no sign of the witch as of yet...i'm hoping my body thinks i'm going to come on when actually i'm not and thats why i'm getting the pains lol wishful thinking eh :/ lolling about the boil too...its funny, when i was brushing my teeth last night i noticed in the cabinet mirror i had 4 spots all on my bloody chin, look a right buffoon wi dotty chin today haha! xx
Deedee - Im hoping tjhis is it for you.... you must be on tenterhooks!1 So excited. I did read somewhere - (fricking google) That boils (if never had before which I havent) have been known to come up on early pregnant women due to hormone surge.. suppose Im just trying to hold onto something as feelng witchy today! xxxx LARA - post ur piccy! xxxxxxxxxx
i'm hoping too, the af cramps arent as bad today and usually when they are quite bad like yesterday i tend to start spotting right after the pain but nope...not a sausage lol! the boil thing sounds promising too! maybe the witch is teasing this mnth the old hag haha! fingers crossed that none of us get afs this time round, that'd be nice! x
Ahhh daniph I can't find my connected lead for my iPhone. Going to borrow a colleagues and then post it. However, update, I just did a superdrug test at 3rd wee of the day and nothing. Basically what I am going to post is the clear blue I did at second mu. I don't know why I did it after getting a clear negative at 5am but with the second mu there was something there. HOWEVEr - it's was uber faint. And I think it might be grey not blue. But appeared straight away Which is why I'm confused. Will post shortly. My feeling is, it's grey :(
at least its a glimmer of hope Lara...i havent even had that lol fingers crossed for u tho hun! xx
I have had nought either - i even took photos of it yesterday to see if that helped. Took test apart (often wonder how many other woman are doing the same thing at the same time!) and there was a thick pink line but in totally the wrong place. Google (monster tool) l... lines only apear if positive in the right place! gay gay gay!!! oh well! Im so excited for you .... post and we shall all put our line spotting eyes to good use! xxxxxx
Oh become I am sop convinced witch is on the way for me I am going to give you another symptom I have had...... prob tmi!!! So avert ur eyes if you dont need this...... DH and I were DTD the other evening and my nips were soooo sensitive - now my nips are nver ever sensitive - so much so that I often wonder when watching films (not blue ones) why women moan and groad when their nips are touched etc!!!!! xxxxx sorry if I offendeded! HEHE XX
haha daniph mine have been like that for over a week, dont hurt unless they are touched and i'm the same, never have sore nips not even when af is due etc so i would say a good sign myself unless our bodies are playing tricks on us which they hopefully arent :) x
Mine arnt sore.... just feel nice to my DH's touch! hehe! oh it feels naughty typing this! Im hoping its a good sign but think IM just holding on to any hope at this moment in time!! I think Witch is mounting her broom as I type xxx
hahaha dont worry about it thats what the forums for i guess and i'm the same, really hoping the witch holds off and spotting anything different, maybe a little too much lol x
Tmi but also I took a pic of my nipples at 4dpo to track change in them. Then I took one today at 10dpo they are definitely markedly different. Shall i post for scientific evaluation or is that tmi? Just loading test pic up to laptop now x
Pics of nipples can't believe I am asking if you want to see this?!!! Lol
LOl I have taken pics before but we shouldn't post, we might attract the wrong type of attention! :)

As you can see you can barely make this out on the photo, it is vaguely clearer in real life. but its so far more that I got on any previous test which was compltely NOTHING. This was my second morning wee, first one presented absolutely nothing at all. So my feelings are that this in an evap. although, having said that, it came up within 30 seconds, but appears grey to me??? Perhaps. x


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LOl I have taken pics before but we shouldn't post, we might attract the wrong type of attention! :)


ha ha well you cant really make it out cos its close up - it was more for the colour analysis ha ha ha - i.e there isnt any breast in it! If some random bloke looked at it I would be EXTREMELY worried if he found it exciting!!! LOLOLOL

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