
Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2018
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My AF is due on my birthday (the 26th) this month so a BFP would be a great present!
Hi @chattychar1990, can I have the 16?? It's a week after my period, I will try to hold myself from testing before since last time it ended up in chemical :(
Hi @chattychar1990, can I have the 16?? It's a week after my period, I will try to hold myself from testing before since last time it ended up in chemical :(
Welcome @Haikos, i haven't seen you on the testing threads before so it's great to have you here :)
I am sorry about your chemical and i hope September is your lucky month xx
Welcome @Haikos, i haven't seen you on the testing threads before so it's great to have you here :)
I am sorry about your chemical and i hope September is your lucky month xx
Thank you :D yes I took part only in one testing thread, then I have been on and off on this website, especially last month after the chemical!
I’m going to keep coming back here to check this thread I’ll put my name down when af comes if it ever does. Hopefully it’ll come soon and I can squeeze onto the end of September! Good luck to everyone xx
Welcome @Hannah1678 & @TTC no2 - it’s really nice to have ladies on this thread that I have never been on a testing thread with :)
August was a poor month and not much support so hoping September is a better one. Xx
Thanks @chattychar1990 . This is my first cycle. Quit the pill 1st aug had my withdrawal bleed and been testing for ov ever since. Got my peak monday and then negative Tuesday so I'm 3dpo..

question.. anyone got a fitbit or apple watch. I've being done some research on rest heart rate (RHR) and ive been watching mine increase since ov. Apparently it can dip during implantation then continues on a rise in successful.

Thanks @chattychar1990 . This is my first cycle. Quit the pill 1st aug had my withdrawal bleed and been testing for ov ever since. Got my peak monday and then negative Tuesday so I'm 3dpo..

question.. anyone got a fitbit or apple watch. I've being done some research on rest heart rate (RHR) and ive been watching mine increase since ov. Apparently it can dip during implantation then continues on a rise in successful.

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Hi! I have heard of this before and I’ve just looked back at my Fitbit heart rate chart. I ovulated around 30th and then my resting heart rate continued to rise - I then got my BFP! Good luck!

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