@Sfj0709 Congratulations

Yes this is what I'm finding resting heart rate keeps increasing. And if implantation is not successful it starts to drop. I've been reading other threads on diff websites and the ladies knew then AF was on her way. I feel it may be great indicator when to test and not waste so many tests. I will def keep eye on mine. It's all very interesting
@Sfj0709 Congratulations

Yes this is what I'm finding resting heart rate keeps increasing. And if implantation is not successful it starts to drop. I've been reading other threads on diff websites and the ladies knew then AF was on her way. I feel it may be great indicator when to test and not waste so many tests. I will def keep eye on mine. It's all very interesting
Have you thought about temperature checking too? This is also a good indicator but I know I found it too stressful and others have too.
Yes I have.. if I dont catch I already have the femometer here waiting. Liked the idea off it it automatically sends the info your phone.
Thanks @chattychar1990 . This is my first cycle. Quit the pill 1st aug had my withdrawal bleed and been testing for ov ever since. Got my peak monday and then negative Tuesday so I'm 3dpo..

question.. anyone got a fitbit or apple watch. I've being done some research on rest heart rate (RHR) and ive been watching mine increase since ov. Apparently it can dip during implantation then continues on a rise in successful.

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Interesting! I have an incredibly low resting heart rate according to my brother’s fitbit.
Il be spamming the thread with pics of my graph to see what happens. . Literally every morning I'm looking to see what my resting heart rate is..
Eugh, having a really tough time of it this cycle! (Cycle 10)
1 - the doctors can’t fit me in any time this month because it’s not ‘a medical emergency’ :talkhand:
2 - I’m sure my body is playing tricks on me with the cramps, hunger, moodiness but I’ve literally come to the point of trying now where I KNOW it’s not going to be pregnancy :(
3 - one of my best friends has just found out she’s pregnant and is gutted about it? I know it’s each to their own but god, understand your luck!!

How is everyone else doing this month? X
Eugh, having a really tough time of it this cycle! (Cycle 10)
1 - the doctors can’t fit me in any time this month because it’s not ‘a medical emergency’ :talkhand:
2 - I’m sure my body is playing tricks on me with the cramps, hunger, moodiness but I’ve literally come to the point of trying now where I KNOW it’s not going to be pregnancy :(
3 - one of my best friends has just found out she’s pregnant and is gutted about it? I know it’s each to their own but god, understand your luck!!

How is everyone else doing this month? X
Sorry your having a rubbish month hun. I wish I could say it gets easier but it really doesn’t. I am on my 15th cycle and it’s literally killing me now that I haven’t fallen pregnant yet. Not even close! I have had every symptom too so now I try my hardest to ignore everything that goes on with my body in the 2ww.
No disrespect to your friend but she really doesn’t know how lucky she is to be carrying a human inside her. It annoys me when ladies take it for granted!
I find this forum so comforting when I am feeling down so I hope you do to. Chin up hun it will happen for us when the time is right. Pfttttt! Xx
Eugh, having a really tough time of it this cycle! (Cycle 10)
1 - the doctors can’t fit me in any time this month because it’s not ‘a medical emergency’ :talkhand:
2 - I’m sure my body is playing tricks on me with the cramps, hunger, moodiness but I’ve literally come to the point of trying now where I KNOW it’s not going to be pregnancy :(
3 - one of my best friends has just found out she’s pregnant and is gutted about it? I know it’s each to their own but god, understand your luck!!

How is everyone else doing this month? X

Sorry you are having a bad time!! I’m also on cycle 10! Had a chemical back in May and since then I’ve been all over the place with super long cycles (currently cd 60) or late ovulation.
How comes the doctors won’t see you yet? Are they telling you to come back after a year? Mine told me to “go away have fun and come back after a year”. Easier said then done though!
As for your friend it’s rubbish! People don’t realise how lucky they are. Good luck this cycle!! Hopefully it’ll be the one xx
Sorry your having a rubbish month hun. I wish I could say it gets easier but it really doesn’t. I am on my 15th cycle and it’s literally killing me now that I haven’t fallen pregnant yet. Not even close! I have had every symptom too so now I try my hardest to ignore everything that goes on with my body in the 2ww.
No disrespect to your friend but she really doesn’t know how lucky she is to be carrying a human inside her. It annoys me when ladies take it for granted!
I find this forum so comforting when I am feeling down so I hope you do to. Chin up hun it will happen for us when the time is right. Pfttttt! Xx
Thanks so much for your reply, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone but it is comforting being able to speak to people who are going though the same thing, im going to start doing the same and ignoring everything. My mum said herself the month she fell pregnant she didn’t have a single symptom so I suppose it’s a waste of time symptom spotting anyway!
I know I wanted to shake her and be like omg! Enjoy it, it’s a blessing! Xx
Sorry you are having a bad time!! I’m also on cycle 10! Had a chemical back in May and since then I’ve been all over the place with super long cycles (currently cd 60) or late ovulation.
How comes the doctors won’t see you yet? Are they telling you to come back after a year? Mine told me to “go away have fun and come back after a year”. Easier said then done though!
As for your friend it’s rubbish! People don’t realise how lucky they are. Good luck this cycle!! Hopefully it’ll be the one xx
Oh hun I’m so sorry, bad enough in it’s self but them long cycles must be torture!! Hope things start to clear up for you soon, I told a fib to the receptionist and said I’d been trying for 13 months now to bump my way up there but she pretty much just said she’s got sick people to deal with and I need to wait, which made me feel awful for even asking! It is 100% easier said than done, wouldn’t even class it as ‘fun’! Thank you so much and you too! Xx
Does anyone ever get period type pain half way through their cycle. Today I’m get small cramps. I’m day 14. I’m assuming this could be ovulation pain? I never get this. Xx
I remember my last pregnancies I knew when I ov.. i had such a sharp pain in my left side. I also had a positive ov test before it happened.. it literally took my breath away. So tip those niggles could be very well u ov. Are u tracking?
:2ww:is such a killer.... much prefer waiting for ovulation. Least I get to pee on a little stick feel like I'm doing something. 4dpo today.. I had no preg tests so ordered some from amazon for next week should I need them they will be here. Tonight I'm off for family meal with my in laws and will be busy over weekend aswel. My 2kids also are back to school next week. So I have lots to take my mind off this hateful waiting time.. lol
What's everyone else plans
I remember my last pregnancies I knew when I ov.. i had such a sharp pain in my left side. I also had a positive ov test before it happened.. it literally took my breath away. So tip those niggles could be very well u ov. Are u tracking?
No I’m trying not to track too much at the moment as last time I was trying I was going insane using opk temping etc the pressure was too much. Took me a few years to conceive so trying to be laid back.... trying to be lol but still looking for possible ovulation symptoms xx
Good luck ladies! I’m still hanging around here as I feel in limbo just now waiting to see if everything is going to work out. I’m cheering you all on! :dust:
Hey Char, can you put me down for the 30th please?

My cycle this time was 33 days so if I ovulate earlier I'll update you. Officially af will be due on 1st October but want to see if I can maybe join this thread :)

Baby dust to everyone xx
Does anyone ever get period type pain half way through their cycle. Today I’m get small cramps. I’m day 14. I’m assuming this could be ovulation pain? I never get this. Xx
I reckon this is definitely ovulation pain hun. Probably a strong ovulation. I hope you DTD :) xx
Hey Char, can you put me down for the 30th please?

My cycle this time was 33 days so if I ovulate earlier I'll update you. Officially af will be due on 1st October but want to see if I can maybe join this thread :)

Baby dust to everyone xx
All added to the front page hun. I am sure we won’t kick you out the thread if you are testing a day later haha xx

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