So i just went to the loo and i had 1 single spot of blood when i wiped. Is this a sign of implantation?
I have never had this before? x
ah wow , it sounds promising. I never had implantation bleeding but lost of women get it. If it was implantation than you should get your BFP in 3-4 days. Good luck x
I have never had this before either when wiping myself. It is literally 1 single spot but was enough for me to double look. I don't want to get my hopes up at all and i'm not going to test until the 4th Sep (i say that now lol) x
you could start testing at 10dpo with frer. I would say thats the earliest, look who is talking tested at 7dpo![]()
So that would mean i can test on Friday... the thought of it is making me feel so nervous and i don't know why lol. x
yes you can with frer though. With my last BFP I tested with clearblue (not digital) and got BFN on 10dpo, I did some research and says that one is 25ml, but frer is a lot more sensitive so it could potentially pick it up.