how long have you been trying? Is this your first? and by the way how do you reply to messages lol
We been trying for 3 cycles now hun and yes its my first. It's all i think about. I go to sleep thinking about it and wake up thinking about it. Its actually torture. I know i need to relax more and the stupid quote it will happen when it happens doesn't work or help me lol.
What about you? how long have you been trying and do you have anymore children?
To reply to a message - at the bottom on the right hand site it will say 'quote' click that and it puts the message in the box and you just right your reply underneath. (hope i explained that properly)
thanks for the tip! hopefully I will be replying properly. I have one child , she will 5 in October. We have been trying for a year now. I managed to get my BFP on the 11th cycle by miscarried

, I was devastated as 11 cycles do make you go mad, I actually gave up and said I don't care and got my BFP ,seriously, like you said above there must be some truth in it. Everyone I know got pregnant when they are most relaxed. Thats why I don't think I am pregnant again as I am obsessing. Anyway it's been 3 cycles since the miscarriage and nothing yet. I just turned 40 as well as it's not looking likely anymore. If I don't get my BFP this month I need to do something to relax otherwise it's never going to happen. I always get pregnant when I feel like I don't care and just go with the flow, of course try when you are fertile but have the attitude of it doesn't matter, I just don't know how to do that again
You replied properly
I understand why you must feel like your going mad after a year of TTC. So sorry about your miscarriage

I think i mentioned before but my SIL was TTC for around 10 months and decided she isn't going to stress over it anymore and started socializing and enjoying life and like magic 2 cycles later she fell pregnant. She swears it was the Seven Seas vitamins that also helped as she was on Pregnacare before. Are you taking any vitamins? I have been using the Seven Seas for this cycle so time will tell but have heard great stories.
Have you tried conceive plus?
Age doesnt matter, my Aunt gave birth to my cousin 4 days after her 40th birthday so there is hope.
I wish i had the attitude where i didn't really care but its so hard to erase it from your brain when you want it so bad. xx