*** September 2018 Mums ***

So strange that we are all feeling this way. Makes me feel better that you girls are the same. I had no tears yesterday and back to work today so don’t want any tears there ha.. it’s such a horrible feeling though crying and saying I don’t know why I’m crying. X
Ohh quick question me to it’s horrible even the thought of having to brush them gives you the fear ha. It is properly that as you have other kids as you say coming home from school ect. You must be exhausted haven 3 already and feeling as ill as you are. I only have one and I find it hard on days. She doesn’t know yet I wanted to wait till my scan to make sure everything’s ok first. I have my first scan 9th March. 2 weeks today. It’s dragging in. So fingers crossed all is well. I’d say I’m 8 weeks 2 days but to midwife I’m 10 weeks 2 days. So il see what the day at scan. Hope all goes well with your appointment. And you start feeling better soon. Can’t wait to see your scan pic x

Today I managed to brush my teeth without throwing up! Woo-hoo!! Still feel sick though so Don’t know if it will happen again, might be back to hugging the toilet bowl later on when i brush before bed. Is baby letting you brush in peace yet? Exhausted isn’t the word lol. My 8 yr old has High functioning Autism and my 3 yr old and 1 yr old take a lot of running around after, my 2yr old suffers from a heart murmur and possible asthma, my youngest also suffers from asthma, eczema and has allergies too so it’s all go in my home. How old is your little one? My kids know about the baby in my tummy, they told me before I even knew myself - mummy must have been abit of a sleepy, moody pants I think. Ohh 9th of March, not too far away now then? Hopefully midwifes dates are right - 2 weeks closer to meeting your beautiful little bundle of joy xx
Thank you. Hope all goes well for you too. I’ll be sure to upload one on Tuesday x

Whey hey! I had this yesterday, I hope today is the same (no sicking when brushing)

Haven't had too many symptoms really this weekend, I feel a bit dodge at night but nothing that's distinctly preggers - so that's worried me. Nips still sensitive mind haha.

Here's to another week ladies. I hope it goes good for us all! Xx
So I was told if my scan date hadn't come through by now to ring the midwife this morning to chase it up, she spoke with the hospital who advised they currently have a backlog and are booking in women who are further along that I am (I'm 10+1) and it could still be another 3-4 weeks. I'm driving myself crazy and having dreams about there not being a heartbeat at the scan, I've got so much anxiety so have given in and booked an early scan for Wednesday night! I'm excited/nervous/anxious! Hopefully see a healthy little baba in there! xxx
Hi ladies hope everyone is doing well! I have my 12 week scan at 3pm today so fingers crossed all is ok!
Goodluck CC. Start of the 12wk scans...exciting.
Goodluck for Wednesday aswell Kate.
I have another scan on Wed too-11wks then 12wk scan the following Tues all being well.
I have had the worst cough for nearly 2wks now. Also feeling rubbish most of the time. Can't be 100% that it's pregnancy related but must be as stomach almost always feels ugh!
Hoping it improves soon& that all of you who are suffering start feeling better soon too.
Looking forward to pics CC!

Kate, great that you've booked in for an early scan!

Looking forward to your news Xx
All done and have a lovely little wriggler who even waved at us!! It’s amazing to see how much it’s changed since our 8 week scan! She said we measure at 13w2d instead of 12w4d but we are going to stick with our one for now! So exciting!


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Hi ladies, haven't been on for ages, hope everyone is ok. I know it's freezing cold outside but for the past few weeks I literally am cold through to the bone and I can't get warm at all despite heating being on full, fires on and me layered up. Has anyone else been experiencing anything similar?
Hi ladies. Sorry it’s abit of a TMI post this evening but have any of you had more discharge than usual? I’ve just felt something come out so went to the toilet and TMI - There was a lot of thick egg white discharge just hanging out and I had a very weird pulling sort of sensation when I wiped it away. This happened to anyone else? Last time I had anything like this was when I was losing my MP slowly before labour. Should I be worried?
Hi ladies, haven't been on for ages, hope everyone is ok. I know it's freezing cold outside but for the past few weeks I literally am cold through to the bone and I can't get warm at all despite heating being on full, fires on and me layered up. Has anyone else been experiencing anything similar?

I either can’t get warm or I’m too hot. Must be these september babies playing us up xx
All done and have a lovely little wriggler who even waved at us!! It’s amazing to see how much it’s changed since our 8 week scan! She said we measure at 13w2d instead of 12w4d but we are going to stick with our one for now! So exciting!
Aww what a lovely one! xx

We have our 12 week scan tomorrow, can't wait!
Hi quick question that’s brilliant about brushing your teeth.hope it’s continuing. The last 3 times I’ve brushed mine I’ve been ok. Not even gagging.so that makes you worry too but still feeling sickly. My goodness you have got a lot going on at home with your 3. You must be so happy when it’s bedtime.are the all excited about baby? I’ve got a 7 year old daughter and right now all she’s talking about is her worst nightmare would be having a baby in the house. She’s the baby and she thinks her and our dog is all we need maybe apart from another dog she says ha ha and that’s her not even knowing anything. Can’t wait to see your scan and hope you are doing better. Just read about your discharge post I’ve had a lot lately and when I spoke to midwife about it she said it was ok. Take care and try relax when you can in between your busy life xx
Good luck on your scan Kate. So many emotions to go with it. Not long to go till Wednesday xx
Brilliant scan cc and good luck for yours elven. It’s great seeing us all get closer to our scan dates.. I can say next week now. That makes me feel happy x
Cc, wonderful picture - I'm so happy for you!

I've lost the toothbrushing battle and has a lil vom today, bleugh.

I'm also feeling freezing, mostly in the evenings though?

Good luck today Rainbow and Elven, can't wait for more pics <3

Please be careful in the snow today ladies Xx
I hate snow, but I'm hoping it's a sign. The day I had the scan which showed my little boy had died was 30 degrees sunshine. OK maybe I'm clutching at straws here but I'll take any positive sign I can get :)
I gave in a booked a private scan for next Tuesday, I&#8217;ll be 10+5 so hoping to get a good photo. They haven&#8217;t stated whether I need to have a full bladder though. I&#8217;m just getting so anxious at the thought of a miscarriage, I&#8217;ve not had one before but I was no where near this anxious with my first born and I had absolutely no symptoms with her through my pregnancy. I do feel nauseous throughout the day but it&#8217;s not giving me any peace of mind. Im praying that this week goes fast!!
I&#8217;ve had my scan. Everything is looking well, nice strong heartbeat and wriggling and kicking away. They&#8217;ve changed my due date from the 7th to the 4th as baby is measuring 13 weeks instead of 12+4 as originally thought. I have got a picture but don&#8217;t know how to upload onto here. Little one moved as soon as she took the picture so the chin and the face are abit of a blur. X
So we ended up changing out scan to last night instead of tomorrow night due to the weather. It was AMAZING!!! He/she measured spot on what I thought at 10+1, wriggling about and waving at us :) I had a full bladder which she said made it much easier and made the photos nice and clear. I got a copy of all 20 photos and even got a copy of the video of the full 15 minute scan sent to my phone so I can watch it whenever I want! It's lifted such a weight off my shoulders, I feel like a new person today....I'm excited and happy rather than anxious and worried. Best £59 I've ever spent. And to know I get to see my little peanut again for my proper scan in 3 weeks ish makes me so excited! xxx

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