*** September 2018 Mums ***

How’s everyone today? I’m stuck in because of the snow. I’m meant to be in work tomorrow but unless the roads clear and my partner can get his car out, there’s no way I am walking 45 minutes, down steep hills to get to work. I really hope it clears before Monday night as I’ve got a private scan booked for Tuesday morning.
My nausea has faded but my stomach is still really bloated making me look about 5 months pregnant when I stand up.
We have a wedding reception to attend next Sunday so hopefully if we’ve had the scan by then, we can actually tell people so I can wear something comfortable and not worry about people seeing my belly!!
Hopefully by Monday it should have all cleared up, and you can have your scan. x Will be so lovely to tell people at the wedding.

I'm at home as well, my boss is luckily pretty thoughtful in these circumstances. I live at the top of some pretty steep hills so getting about is a bit difficult. Considering walking 1+ hour to the shop to see what food I can find, as we have nothing apart from biscuits and frozen potato based products.
All these scans really are lovely to see :)

We’re pretty snowed in too. Luckily I haven’t got to worry about getting to work but we’re all desperate to get out. Can’t even take the kids in the back garden as we’re in the middle of doing it up so it’s not safe for them at all.
Pregnancy wise, my stomach still looks far bigger than normal, even in a morning when there’s no bloating, it just gets worse throughout the day as the bloating reappears! Nausea is on and off, seems better if I keep eating but I’ll be the size of a house if I’m not careful!
We’ve also got a wedding in a couple of weeks. Finding an outfit is hard enough, but when I’m trying to hide my tummy (won’t have had a scan by then so won’t be telling people just yet), and bearing in mind it’s an Indian wedding so want to be respectful, it’s proving impossible to find anything. Xxx
14 weeks today! Woohoo!!

Elven I was wondering if you could change me from the 6th to join you on the 1st? Can’t believe we made it to 14 weeks!!

Hope everyone is ok x
congrats, on reaching 14 weeks! you better head over to second trimester!! x x
I'm 12 weeks today!! Does tri 2 start at 13 or 14 weeks? I keep thinking today is the day I start to feel better but nope! Nausea and exhaustion still going strong!

I also have another question if anyone could help me. I've been eating pretty much nonstop for 2 months now and I don't puke but I haven't put on any weight at all. I was in the middle or normal BMI to start with so I'm a bit worried. Is this okay for bubs?
14 weeks today! Woohoo!!

Elven I was wondering if you could change me from the 6th to join you on the 1st? Can’t believe we made it to 14 weeks!!

Hope everyone is ok x
Welcome to the second trimester! Will amend your date now. x

Will leave you, or whoever else wants to, to create the second trimester thread as I'm not even in September anymore. Will still be part of it though, need to keep up with how everyone's doing.
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I'm 12 weeks today!! Does tri 2 start at 13 or 14 weeks? I keep thinking today is the day I start to feel better but nope! Nausea and exhaustion still going strong!

I also have another question if anyone could help me. I've been eating pretty much nonstop for 2 months now and I don't puke but I haven't put on any weight at all. I was in the middle or normal BMI to start with so I'm a bit worried. Is this okay for bubs?
Some say 13, some say 14, but NHS seems to go with the latter so that's what I went for anyway.

Have you been doing any exercise that might be burning off the extra food?
Hi ladies. Sorry it’s abit of a TMI post this evening but have any of you had more discharge than usual? I’ve just felt something come out so went to the toilet and TMI - There was a lot of thick egg white discharge just hanging out and I had a very weird pulling sort of sensation when I wiped it away. This happened to anyone else? Last time I had anything like this was when I was losing my MP slowly before labour. Should I be worried?

I have the same. It's horrible. I change my clothes so many times a day. I wouldn't worry about it esp as its white. X
Aww anaphil cute little scan:)))

Congratulations to mumoftwoboys on your twins!!! So exciting. Do you have a bump yet?

I'm definitely emotional as a lot of you have mentioned. Yesterday my husband came in to me sobbing and thought someone had died when my toddler accidentally headbutted bottom of my chin and I bit my tongue after harassing me and jumping on me for two hours I just broke down lol. I'm also crying watching home renovations so I need help tbh lol.
I'm definitely emotional as a lot of you have mentioned. Yesterday my husband came in to me sobbing and thought someone had died when my toddler accidentally headbutted bottom of my chin and I bit my tongue after harassing me and jumping on me for two hours I just broke down lol. I'm also crying watching home renovations so I need help tbh lol.
The emotional side of it is quite awful really, makes you feel like you are losing your mind a bit! Hopefully it will start to ease off a bit soon. x
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Hi ladies, just been catching up on all the posts. I'm now 11+1 woohoo, got my scan date for 17th March when i'll be 12+5 :) Can't wait to see how much baba has grown since I had a private scan last Monday! I had a total breakdown on Saturday, my dad and younger sister were meant to be coming up to my house from Manchester for the weekend but had to cancel due to weather. It was my sister's 15th birthday on Saturday and I had a surprise for her to tell them about my pregnancy then. When they cancelled I had to tell them over facetime and it just wasn't the same as being face to face and able to give them a hug! I cried my eyes out so much that my eyes were swollen and puffy! They are both over the moon obviously and I can't wait to see them next month when I will for sure have a bump :) xxx
Hope it's cleared up enough for the scans due this week <3

I'm back to feeling crap almost 24\7, I don't know why. I've accidentally cut myself off from all my friends, not in a bad way, just haven't got the energy to talk to anyone really - this pregnancy has really knocked me for six, I have a terrible feeling something is wrong, but could be down to how awful I feel on a daily basis.
Hope it's cleared up enough for the scans due this week <3

I'm back to feeling crap almost 24\7, I don't know why. I've accidentally cut myself off from all my friends, not in a bad way, just haven't got the energy to talk to anyone really - this pregnancy has really knocked me for six, I have a terrible feeling something is wrong, but could be down to how awful I feel on a daily basis.

I feel the same way. I just don’t get a good vibe from this pregnancy so that’s why I paid for a private scan as I couldn’t bare waiting any longer. Thankfully the snow has cleared up on the roads here so I will be able to get to my scan tomorrow. I’m so nervous, I have a sinking feeling that they’re going to say that something is wrong. We couldn’t get anyone to watch my DD so we are having to take her with us. We haven’t told her that I’m pregnant but even though she’s only 2 (3 in June) she knows what’s going on.
My nausea has faded and I’m just feeling hungry all the time now. My belly is still very bloated and it makes me look like I’m at least 4 months along :shock:
Hi all sorry not been on here for a while. So sorry to hear the sad news about some members, hopefully be seeing them in other groups very soon.

I had my scan today! Went on a full bladder then got told to empty it as was pushing baby too far down, then had to do internal as was too gassy! In the end going back next week for the measurements but was told baby all healthy and 11 weeks not 12 so my due date has gone to the 23rd now.

Anyone else had something similar? I've got to have extra scans too with me being underweight but I'm bloated and eating all the time so not worried, I've always been like this.

The scan pics are ace, starts to feel more real once there is proof of a baby inside you doesn't it lol. Xx
Hi ladies, just been catching up on all the posts. I'm now 11+1 woohoo, got my scan date for 17th March when i'll be 12+5 :) Can't wait to see how much baba has grown since I had a private scan last Monday! I had a total breakdown on Saturday, my dad and younger sister were meant to be coming up to my house from Manchester for the weekend but had to cancel due to weather. It was my sister's 15th birthday on Saturday and I had a surprise for her to tell them about my pregnancy then. When they cancelled I had to tell them over facetime and it just wasn't the same as being face to face and able to give them a hug! I cried my eyes out so much that my eyes were swollen and puffy! They are both over the moon obviously and I can't wait to see them next month when I will for sure have a bump :) xxx
Exciting about the scan date, won't be long! Shame about your family not being able to be there in person but, like you said, at least you will have a lovely little bump when you see them next. x
I feel the same way. I just don’t get a good vibe from this pregnancy so that’s why I paid for a private scan as I couldn’t bare waiting any longer. Thankfully the snow has cleared up on the roads here so I will be able to get to my scan tomorrow. I’m so nervous, I have a sinking feeling that they’re going to say that something is wrong. We couldn’t get anyone to watch my DD so we are having to take her with us. We haven’t told her that I’m pregnant but even though she’s only 2 (3 in June) she knows what’s going on.
My nausea has faded and I’m just feeling hungry all the time now. My belly is still very bloated and it makes me look like I’m at least 4 months along :shock:

Hope it's cleared up enough for the scans due this week <3

I'm back to feeling crap almost 24\7, I don't know why. I've accidentally cut myself off from all my friends, not in a bad way, just haven't got the energy to talk to anyone really - this pregnancy has really knocked me for six, I have a terrible feeling something is wrong, but could be down to how awful I feel on a daily basis.
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. The anxiety part of it is the worst bit by far, I always expect the worst before a scan, it's so hard not to. Both times I have been convinced it will all be over, I don't think that gets any easier unfortunately, until you can at least feel the little one.

I hope your scan goes well tomorrow, lalaroo, and I hope you feel better soon Diamond. x
Hi all sorry not been on here for a while. So sorry to hear the sad news about some members, hopefully be seeing them in other groups very soon.

I had my scan today! Went on a full bladder then got told to empty it as was pushing baby too far down, then had to do internal as was too gassy! In the end going back next week for the measurements but was told baby all healthy and 11 weeks not 12 so my due date has gone to the 23rd now.

Anyone else had something similar? I've got to have extra scans too with me being underweight but I'm bloated and eating all the time so not worried, I've always been like this.

The scan pics are ace, starts to feel more real once there is proof of a baby inside you doesn't it lol. Xx
Shame about the not so ideal scan, but at least they were able to reschedule fairly quickly. Will amend your date now. x
Hope you start feeling better soon Diamond and your scan date comes by quickly for you xxxx

Glad your scan was ok, Ethanmummy! How do you feel about being put back a week? I was put back 3 weeks during my first pregnancy and I had a hard time accepting it as it was a horrible pregnancy so i hated as if I had an extra three weeks added lol x

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