*** September 2018 Mums ***

Hi everyone, just abit of a silly question. Not sure if any of you have had this but my belly is really hard some days and 3 times Iv felt it it seems to be at the top and it’s felt like somethings moved. This is my second child so maybe I am just imagining it. Cause 12 weeks is surely to early to feel anything isn’t it? Roll on my scan on Friday whoo hoo nervous and excited x
Hi everyone, just abit of a silly question. Not sure if any of you have had this but my belly is really hard some days and 3 times Iv felt it it seems to be at the top and it’s felt like somethings moved. This is my second child so maybe I am just imagining it. Cause 12 weeks is surely to early to feel anything isn’t it? Roll on my scan on Friday whoo hoo nervous and excited x

I swear some days I felt something too but sure it's too early lol but who knows? Or maybe youre a little further ahead than you thought?
Had my scan today. So happy to say that everything is fine! Baba is growing nicely and measured 10+5 which is what I predicted :) such a relief, my DD loved seeing the baby on the screen (although we had to bribe her with sweets just to get her to sit still:oooo:) Even my partner said that it all seems so real now that we’ve actually seen the baby! I can relax a bit more now and only have to wait 3 weeks until our nhs scan. We’re telling family on Friday as an early mother’s day present to our mums.
Here’s a photo of the scan. The lady was lovely and gave us 7 different photos, baby kept kicking their legs out haha.
I don’t think I’m further on but you never know.. glad your the same mystic teen it would be nice if it was little movements x
Hope everyone is having a good week so far, at least it's a less disruptive week this time! x
Had my scan today. So happy to say that everything is fine! Baba is growing nicely and measured 10+5 which is what I predicted :) such a relief, my DD loved seeing the baby on the screen (although we had to bribe her with sweets just to get her to sit still:oooo:) Even my partner said that it all seems so real now that we’ve actually seen the baby! I can relax a bit more now and only have to wait 3 weeks until our nhs scan. We’re telling family on Friday as an early mother’s day present to our mums.
Here’s a photo of the scan. The lady was lovely and gave us 7 different photos, baby kept kicking their legs out haha.
View attachment 77831

Great scan hun!! Congratulations you must be so relieved x
Thanks Covey! Huge relief, expensive but worth it to have that reassurance and lucky that I get to see my little one before the nhs scan. How’s everyone feeling this week?
Hi ladies, just been catching up on all the recent posts. I'm 11+4 today and feeling amazing! I start off with a flat belly in the mornings but by lunch time I have a cute little bump and I'm loving it! Got my NHS 12 week scan next Saturday when I'll be 12+6 and can't wait to see how much baba has grown :) Still no nausea, no sickness, nothing! I think I've just been one of the lucky ones up to now hehe...fingers crossed it stays that way! xxx
Ohhhh can’t believe me scans tomorrow.... it’s not going in quick enough now.. was feeling awful at the start now feeling more like myself.. not sure if that’s something to worry about. Just can’t wait to tell people now. Think this is the worst part keeping the secret xx
Scan went great yesterday.. so happy.. I’m even due 5 days early than I thought. Xx
Glad to hear all the scans are going well :)

I finally had my booking in apt yesterday. I should hear from the hospital with a scan date by next Friday, otherwise I need to start chasing them! They’re going by my lmp still so I’m 11+5 today (10 weeks by my private scan).
We discussed the possibility of a homebirth and she got so excited. I don’t want to get my heart set on it as I know it can all change in an instant, but a honebirth would be so lovely. It would make childcare so much easier too with being so far away from all our family. Fingers crossed all goes to plan!!

How are you all feeling? Some of you must be over on tri two now, or very close. I can’t believe how quickly it’s going all of a sudden. There’s even November mummies on the forum now!!
So happy for all who've had lovely scans!

I have mine on Thursday and I can't wait. No bump from me but I feel full and I think a bump might start appearing soon. I've been feeling better on the whole exhaustion font and nausea also so it's the light at the end of tri 1. I feel like it's gone by Sooo quick.
Glad to hear all the scans are going well :)

I finally had my booking in apt yesterday. I should hear from the hospital with a scan date by next Friday, otherwise I need to start chasing them! They’re going by my lmp still so I’m 11+5 today (10 weeks by my private scan).
We discussed the possibility of a homebirth and she got so excited. I don’t want to get my heart set on it as I know it can all change in an instant, but a honebirth would be so lovely. It would make childcare so much easier too with being so far away from all our family. Fingers crossed all goes to plan!!

How are you all feeling? Some of you must be over on tri two now, or very close. I can’t believe how quickly it’s going all of a sudden. There’s even November mummies on the forum now!!
I would definitely start chasing them, you would think you at least had a date from them by now. A homebirth would be nice, hopefully you will be lucky and get to have that. x

It's so weird to be in the second trimester, it seems like that was ages away not that long ago. Also, like you said, the fact that we now have November mum's is mad.
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So happy for all who've had lovely scans!

I have mine on Thursday and I can't wait. No bump from me but I feel full and I think a bump might start appearing soon. I've been feeling better on the whole exhaustion font and nausea also so it's the light at the end of tri 1. I feel like it's gone by Sooo quick.
Exciting! Glad you're feeling better now, at least you will get a bit of deserved break throughout trimester 2. x Can't wait to see more scans next.
Thanks, Elven. We are moving country next week so I'm so grateful for the energy boost.
I'm really nervous though that something could be wrong I'm so nervous. With my daughter I felt awful so this time I'm feeling so paranoid. Hopefully all is well though, I don't want to stress.
This thread has gone a bit quiet so I thought I’d just see how everyone was. I’m 12 weeks today but I haven’t had a very good week so far. I’m still getting sickness and nausea through the whole day and now I’m starting to get a horrible pressure feeling in my stomach whenever I sit down. I had a really bad back last week and spent an entire day in bed as anytime I moved, I had a sharp pain in my uterus. Since that day, I’ve had terrible anxiety again and I can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right.

My in-laws just turned up at my house to take my DD for the afternoon, I had literally no idea they were coming (they’ve stopped having her throughout the week due to an argument we had a few weeks ago) and apparently they had arranged with my partner but he hadn’t told me. My DD was barely waking up from her nap when they arrived, they quickly grabbed her coat and shoes then left. I didn’t even get a second to give her a kiss or say “see you later”. So now I’m sat in my house which is a total mess but I just can’t seem to find the energy to clean it, on the verge of tears. It’s safe to say that my emotions are all over the place right now.

I hope everyone else is having a better week. We are going away on Monday for a few days so I can’t wait to just relax. :oooo:
Aww, hun. That's shitty about your in laws. I'm sorry. I hope you guys can work on your relationshipto avoid things happening like this in the future. I would've been fuming. Did you talk to your OH about it?

Really hope you feel better this week, back pains are the worst. :(
This thread has gone a bit quiet so I thought I’d just see how everyone was. I’m 12 weeks today but I haven’t had a very good week so far. I’m still getting sickness and nausea through the whole day and now I’m starting to get a horrible pressure feeling in my stomach whenever I sit down. I had a really bad back last week and spent an entire day in bed as anytime I moved, I had a sharp pain in my uterus. Since that day, I’ve had terrible anxiety again and I can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right.

My in-laws just turned up at my house to take my DD for the afternoon, I had literally no idea they were coming (they’ve stopped having her throughout the week due to an argument we had a few weeks ago) and apparently they had arranged with my partner but he hadn’t told me. My DD was barely waking up from her nap when they arrived, they quickly grabbed her coat and shoes then left. I didn’t even get a second to give her a kiss or say “see you later”. So now I’m sat in my house which is a total mess but I just can’t seem to find the energy to clean it, on the verge of tears. It’s safe to say that my emotions are all over the place right now.

I hope everyone else is having a better week. We are going away on Monday for a few days so I can’t wait to just relax. :oooo:
I'm sorry you're having a rough time and the in-laws are being like that. Hopefully the back pains will calm down a bit over the next few days at least. x

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