*** September 2018 Mums ***

I’m really sorry to hear this, Melly. My heart is broken for you :sad:
I'm so sorry Melly and Stellbert, my heart aches for you both, I'm absolutely gutted.
Melly - it won't be the same in the group without you, look after yourself, and hope you get your rainbow really soon.
Stellbert - I really hope your next scan gives some good news.
Will be thinking of you both x
Unfortunately, it was bad news again. Had another mmc. Baby's heart stopped around 8 weeks. Its quite rare to have two mmc. It just wasn't meant to be. I will be stalking the thread to see how youre all getting on x
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. :( What a horrible cruel we live in sometimes... Look after yourself. xx
Hi ladies. It’s such a lovely supportive forum, so just wanted to pop my head in again and wish you all happy healthy pregnancies. Hopefully I’ll be back in the ‘first tri’ forum again soon but for now it looks like I’m having to leave you all. Had a scan at EPAC on Friday due to small amount of bleeding on Thursday. Baby measures just 6wks when we thought we were 11wks. As no heartbeat detected I’m back there on Friday for another scan, but unless my maths is so bad that i got my dates this wrong, it looks like we’re closing this chapter for now.

Keep well and look after your growing little ones!! ⭐️
I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you're as okay as can be. xx
Oh Melly so sorry to hear this. Sending you big hugs. Take care x
Hi stellbert so sorry to hear this but hopefully fingers crossed all is ok at your next scan x
I'm so sorry to hear your news Stellbert and Melly. I know nothing can make it better but take care of yourselves. It really is awful news.
So, so sorry to hear your news Melly and Stellbert. Sending you both lots of love and hope you’re looking after yourselves. Xxx
Oh Melly and Stellbert I'm so sorry to hear your updates. I really hope you're back here soon. Please do lean on us if you need <3 Xx
Afternoon ladies, is anyone else a little bit of a tyrant at the moment? I'm usually very chill but having a few outbursts this week so far haha.

I tried to rearrange scan time due to kids and ideally liking the OH to be there, but they don't work weekends and the latest appointments they do are at 15:10 - we don't want to tell his work yet, and finding it hard to get someone to have the kids (we don't have any family around) bleugh.

How's the morning sickness, everyone? I hope you're feeling somewhat human! Xx
Afternoon ladies, is anyone else a little bit of a tyrant at the moment? I'm usually very chill but having a few outbursts this week so far haha.

I tried to rearrange scan time due to kids and ideally liking the OH to be there, but they don't work weekends and the latest appointments they do are at 15:10 - we don't want to tell his work yet, and finding it hard to get someone to have the kids (we don't have any family around) bleugh.

How's the morning sickness, everyone? I hope you're feeling somewhat human! Xx

I’m not feeling so great this week. Mood swings are in full force, I feel so bad for my DD as I’m snapping at her left, right and centre :(
My nausea has been on and off this week too. I’m getting so anxious waiting for my scan date to come through. I really don’t have a good feeling from this pregnancy, I keep thinking that the scan isn’t going to go well for some reason. Midwife is visiting my house tomorrow, I would tell her about how I’m feeling but I know it won’t get me a scan any quicker as she’s already said that there’s a long waiting list for scans in my area.
The only thing that is relaxing me is giving into my cravings, I just want anything bitter/sour. Sour sweets, sharp fruit and real lemonade.
I'm feeling great actually but if anything that's making me more anxious that something is wrong as I've barely had any symptoms at all! I'm 9+3 today and went back to the gym for an hour last night, it gave me such as buzz. I'm waiting for my scan date letter to come through any day this week but just keep having horrible thoughts that I'm going to go for my scan and they tell me the baby stopped growing weeks ago, it's really bothering me! xxx
My deepest sympathies to you both Melly & Stellbert.. thoughts are with you both. Hopefully you both have your rainbow babies soon :( x
Sorry i haven&#8217;t been on for a while ladies, been suffering with terrible tummy ache for a few days now, which at the minute I can only attribute to ligaments stretching or maybe not drinking enough water. Morning sickness and fatigue still in full force, still struggling to eat.. ect - I&#8217;m officially 12 weeks on Friday and have my 12 week scan next Tuesday. How are you ladies? X
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Such sad news Melly and Stellbert :(. I'm so sorry to hear that.
Hi quick question. I&#8217;m the same lots of symptoms. Feeling sick everyday.. ohh brushing teeth is dreadful. It&#8217;s great when you actually get a good day. Then you worry then too ha. Bet your excited about your scan. Hope you feel better soon x
1st- Elven :stork:

2nd -

3rd -

4th - Lor3 :stork:

5th -

6th - CoveyClover :stork:, Baby Cakes :stork: xtine_1985 :stork:

7th - Gemma95 :stork: QuickQuestion :stork:

8th - Stellbert :stork:

9th -

10th -

11th -

12th - brad7ollie1 :stork:, rainbow.23 :stork:

13th - Daisy84 :stork:

14th - Mase :stork:

15th -

16th -

17th - Toodles :stork: Louisekd81 :stork:

18th -

19th -

20th - beckie34 :stork:

21st - Kirsty30 :stork:

22nd -

23rd - KateTully90 :stork:

24th - Jenni16 :stork:

25th - Herewego :stork:

26th -

27th - Kim_41 :stork: MysticTeen :stork:

28th - Xtine82 :stork:

29th - lalaroo :stork:

30th -

Dates TBC - Jay_ ; Ethanmummy13 ; Diamond18; Keeponhoping; hopefulmum2014; anaphil

Can I have the 15th pls? :)
Hi quick question. I&#8217;m the same lots of symptoms. Feeling sick everyday.. ohh brushing teeth is dreadful. It&#8217;s great when you actually get a good day. Then you worry then too ha. Bet your excited about your scan. Hope you feel better soon x

Brushing my teeth is awful, I brush them and throw up straight after so I&#8217;ve been abit of a moaner about that lol - complaining to DH that it&#8217;s pointless because of how bad it is - still brush twice a day though, just very slowly when it comes to my top back teeth which seems to help a little (not much though, still end up hugging the toilet straight after). I wish I had a good day but unfortunately I think my sickness is here to stay, on the bright side plenty of morning sickness is supposed to mean a healthy baby lol. Yes, I&#8217;m looking forward to it. Can see how much baby&#8217;s grown from 8+4 - will put a picture on when I get home from the hospital lol.
I&#8217;ve got to see the consultant on the 6th of March, they said they&#8217;ve found antibodies in my booking bloods but they were too weak to know what antibody it is. I&#8217;m A+ so hoping it was just down to my body fighting off all the germs that are going around which with 3 children - 2 of which go to school- isn&#8217;t easy x
How far along are you? Hopefully morning sickness eases off for you soon and you start to feel a lot better x
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Just had my midwife home visit. She just went over all of my notes and gave me a date for my first scan which is another 5 weeks away, I’ll be 14 weeks by then. I’m so disappointed :(
I’ve been so anxious so far in this pregnancy and I really need the scan to just reassure myself that the baby is growing okay. I’m going away for a week in March and I feel like I’m not going to enjoy myself because I’ll be constantly worrying about everything.

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