*** September 2018 Mums ***

I’ve not been sleeping well either! And I’m shattered in the daytime. Luckily I’ve it been at work this week so can nap wuite well! I’m dreading going to work in the new year!

I’m also quite crampy and get scared I’m going to loose it!
I know, going back to work will be awful with this tiredness. I haven't even mentally prepared for that one yet! :shakehead:
Some times I have really sore boobs then sometimes they feel normal all in the same day and it makes me super anxious! xx

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What do you both do as yiur job xx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
Some times I have really sore boobs then sometimes they feel normal all in the same day and it makes me super anxious! xx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
I get that, I was convinced it was all in my head. Makes me feel a little less crazy to know it's not just me. :p
I’ve not been sleeping well either! And I’m shattered in the daytime. Luckily I’ve it been at work this week so can nap wuite well! I’m dreading going to work in the new year!

I’m also quite crampy and get scared I’m going to loose it!

Hi, hope you don’t mind me posting here I am technically a August but the 30th so really close to September too!

I’m about 5 weeks (I think) and I have been so tired but luckily sleeping really well except the having to get up at about 3am to pee! I am not at work for another week and I am not sure how I am going to cope when I’m back. I have an hour commute each way....that is going to be so hard.

I am also cramping loads and this is really scary. It feels just the same as when AF is due, I am the same so worried it’s not going to stick. I am trying to relax but as a first timer everything is just so overwhelming.

Some times I have really sore boobs then sometimes they feel normal all in the same day and it makes me super anxious! xx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

Yep, me too! I think it’s normal though so don’t worry too much!!

I’m an IT consultant! Not something I ever thought I’d do! How about you?
I was a health care assistant but I'm a stay at home mum atm :)

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
The exhaustion stage hasn’t quite hit me yet, I’ve had 7am starts all week at work but not really noticed.
Could not sleep on my front at all last night boobs are getting sore now!

How is everyone feeling?
I’ve not been sleeping well either! And I’m shattered in the daytime. Luckily I’ve it been at work this week so can nap wuite well! I’m dreading going to work in the new year!

I’m also quite crampy and get scared I’m going to loose it!

Hi, hope you don’t mind me posting here I am technically a August but the 30th so really close to September too!

I’m about 5 weeks (I think) and I have been so tired but luckily sleeping really well except the having to get up at about 3am to pee! I am not at work for another week and I am not sure how I am going to cope when I’m back. I have an hour commute each way....that is going to be so hard.

I am also cramping loads and this is really scary. It feels just the same as when AF is due, I am the same so worried it’s not going to stick. I am trying to relax but as a first timer everything is just so overwhelming.


I have an hours commute too so not looking forward to that when I’m feeling sick!!
What number baby is this for everyone ? :) xx

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What number baby is this for everyone ? :) xx

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First one for me, which just means any little thing makes me anxious. Hopefully it will get easier. xx
Hopefully you will feel better after your scan :).
We had several miscarriages before my daughter and she was born 3 years after we first started ttc so I'm pretty anxious too! I was anxious all the way through last time but the relief when she was here was just amazing xxxx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
It is awful! What tablets do you have xxx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
Cyclizine :( I can't cope without them and even on their highest dosage I'm still being sick several times a day and feeling nauseous all day! :( xx

Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk
I've been feeling hot quite a lot. My daughter is almost 1 and has gone back to feeding overnight every few hours this week lol I'm so tired I just want to sleep all the time! Not complaining as we are so lucky to have her ..just makes me feel like a zombie in the day with early pregnancy tiredness on top!
I feel crampy a lot which is making me really anxious :( I'm so scared I'm going to be bleeding xx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
I had weeks of pure period cramps. They were so bad. Hehe don't worry I've been told it's normal xx

Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk
It is awful! What tablets do you have xxx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
Cyclizine :( I can't cope without them and even on their highest dosage I'm still being sick several times a day and feeling nauseous all day! :( xx

Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk
Maybe go back and ask for a different type? Sounds like you need something stronger. Ondansetron are so much better xxxx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
I just got so so crampy and stood up and felt all wet and was convinced it was blood! Was just a lot of white CM luckily. Feel so anxious xxx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
2nd for us after a 4 year ttc journey for no 1 that ended up with IVF.

I’m feeling so shit! Cramping really bad and am so tired and bloated.
Mustn’t complain though as this really is our miracle xx

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