*** September 2018 Mums ***

Totally thread jumping here but congratulations Emily, so happy for you hun xx
Oh how exciting!! Was this a natural pregnancy then? x

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Me ... yes!!

Started trying in Sept, missed Oct due to illness and fell in Nov ... can’t quite believe it and I’m still in shock.

So scared that something will go wrong :(
Congratulations Millie. I remember you from last year! I had a baby in December 2016 and remember seeing you in the January thread! It’s halpened again I am the month before you again!!! Our babies are very close in age! I wish you all the very best in your pregnancy! Xx
Aww congratulations to you too Mexico!! :)
How many weeks are you now? How are you finding it? My daughter has so much energy and just started walking properly and in everything etc haha I'm kinda nervous especially if I get as poorly as I was with her xxx

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I will be 10 weeks on Tuesday! Finding it really rough! Been so sick! A lot worse with this one!! Yeah the same my LG is into everything and has started walking this month so is chucking everything everywhere! She also had her 1 year jabs! 4 needles which didn’t go well combined with her first cold and teething! So it hasn’t been an easy couple of weeks! It’s harder when you have a little one to contend with as you don’t get he extra time in bed you need!! I don’t know about you but I have zero energy and feel exhausted! But hey ho! We shouldn’t moan and she consider ourselves very lucky! Her is to a happy and healthy 9 months!! Are you going to find out what your having? If the truth be known I would like a little boy! But as long as they are happy and healthy that is the main thing! But one of each would be amazing!!
I hope your sickness improves soon!
Awwww poor thing :( I am dreading the jabs! We havent got our letter through for them yet but shes 1 on the 22nd Jan so think it will be soon..I am dreading it as they are so much more aware than first set of jabs arent they :(. I think I will cry lol!
Hooe you get a boy :). I would love either as would really like a boy but also would be amazing for her to have a sister :) xxx

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And yeah I'll find out at 15 weeks at private gender scan haha I am sooo impatient..Are you gonna find out xx

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Hopefully hers won’t be too bad! I make my husband take her!! Poor thing! No we won’t find out! Look forward to hearing what you are having xx
Oooh exciting I would love the suprise at birth but I'm too impatient lol!xx

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Now we have our :bfp: have you told anyone (apart from ur partner) and if not , when and how are u planning on telling ppl and when are u planning on telling ur employer if are emplyed?
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I'm going to tell family either if I get really sick again and need some help or otherwise around 10 weeks. Then friends and facebook announcement after 12 week scan :) xx

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For facebook announcement I want to get my daughter an outfit saying big sister etc . Not sure if she will stay still enough to get a nice pic though soo! xx

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For facebook announcement I want to get my daughter an outfit saying big sister etc . Not sure if she will stay still enough to get a nice pic though soo! xx

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Sounds like a great idea.
Im thinking tell parents first then leave telling other family members till 12 weeks and im thinking of getting some, we are expecting news cards off ebay and attaching copy of scan pic to it. Im not sure about my employer as this is a hard one as i know the sooner u tell them the sooner safe quards can be put in place if needed to protect and help me and baby but like any workplace , news / gossip seem to find a way of getting out and before u know it everyone knows before u want them to.
Where i used to work we had to say straight away as was a health care assistant and did hoisting etc so I guess it depends on how much you would need to adapt your current role? xxx

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I’m planning to tell my parents & OH s parents after drs appointment then everyone else including work at 12 weeks :)
It’s so hard to not say anything already but I know i need to x
Now we have our :bfp: have you told anyone (apart from ur partner) and if not , when and how are u planning on telling ppl and when are u planning on telling ur employer if are emplyed?
One of my friends knows, but apart from that I will tell family after the first scan, and then work and everyone else after 12 weeks. Unless somethings happens and it's difficult to keep it private until then.
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