*** September 2018 Mums ***

Oh wow Elven so exciting!! I think it has flown by for me too. I can't wait to get into tri 2 x
That must be tough anaphil. But very much needed in order to keep you and baby safe. Will you be on bed rest for a while? Xx
I have a scan on Tuesday so hopefully things will be better and I'll be able to be more active! Thanks and congrats as well :)
Welcome ana.. hope everyone is keeping ok.. think it’s due to bloating but my belly is bigger now and someone asked me if I was pregnant at work. Since I hadn’t told anyone. I said no. And she said well youv put the weight on.. ha ha.. they say the customers always right.. is anyone else got a belly yet? Xx
Welcome ana.. hope everyone is keeping ok.. think it’s due to bloating but my belly is bigger now and someone asked me if I was pregnant at work. Since I hadn’t told anyone. I said no. And she said well youv put the weight on.. ha ha.. they say the customers always right.. is anyone else got a belly yet? Xx
How cheeky!

I do, so my original plan of keeping it a secret until my NHS scan on 27th Feb would never have worked, my colleagues would have figured it out by now!
I thought it was cheeky to. I don’t get my scan till the 9th March so I think I’m going to have to hide till then ha. Iv told 2 of my colleagues now. Which is easier so they know that i cant to certain things.. not long till ypur scan now. How exciting for you. I think we all will be so much hsppier when we get our scans and tell everyone. It wont feel like its dragging in so much xx
Could anyone help me get my baby time line thing up. I can’t find signature is that where I have to do it ?
That is so cheeky! Thankfully my bloat only happens in evening so work not clicked yet. My scan is also 9th march so will start to tell people then.

To get timeline. I went onto countdowntopregnancy (altho there are lots of others) then you creat a ticker by putting your dates in and then cutting and pasting the link. Once you have cut it you need to.go into.user cp and then edit signatures and then paste it in. Hope it works x
How is everyone today? Anyone's symptoms dissappeared? X

Hi Melly, hope you’re ok? I have been feeling much better the past week or so - smells still get me and I’ve not been able to eat the things I went off before but at least I’m managing to eat a bit more in general which is good! I’m hoping this is the end of the sickness and it doesn’t come back! X
Thats great CC! Theu say sickness starts to settle around 10/11 weeks. Cant believe youre almost at 12 week mark! Yayy! Wont be long before you enter tri 2! Im ok....still having a conplete lack of symptoms which sometimes makes me worried but other times makes me feel relieved. Bizzarrely i cant stand smell of mouthwash now so DH has to use it in downstairs bathroom! EPAU have agreed to scan me tomorrow at 1pm as GP suggested it given my previous mmc. Have harmony test on thurs so hopefully if all is well on US then we shall find out if baby is ok (screening tests) and what sex it is within the next 2 weeks max....just need to get this week out the way! I also have booking appt tues so a busy week in terms of appts/scans. x
Hope it all goes well for you, Melly. Are you excited to be finding out the gender? Are you hoping to be team blue or pink? X

I'm craving a chicken burger today and gonna make some for dinner I think lpl
I have one of each already so would be over the moon with either again. Im excited but it was at harmony test last time in sept that i found out baby's heart had stopped so also feel nervous....hopefully lightening doesnt strike twice eh?

Chicken burgers sound good...yum! Xx
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Hi ladies. It’s such a lovely supportive forum, so just wanted to pop my head in again and wish you all happy healthy pregnancies. Hopefully I’ll be back in the ‘first tri’ forum again soon but for now it looks like I’m having to leave you all. Had a scan at EPAC on Friday due to small amount of bleeding on Thursday. Baby measures just 6wks when we thought we were 11wks. As no heartbeat detected I’m back there on Friday for another scan, but unless my maths is so bad that i got my dates this wrong, it looks like we’re closing this chapter for now.

Keep well and look after your growing little ones!! ⭐️
Hi ladies. It’s such a lovely supportive forum, so just wanted to pop my head in again and wish you all happy healthy pregnancies. Hopefully I’ll be back in the ‘first tri’ forum again soon but for now it looks like I’m having to leave you all. Had a scan at EPAC on Friday due to small amount of bleeding on Thursday. Baby measures just 6wks when we thought we were 11wks. As no heartbeat detected I’m back there on Friday for another scan, but unless my maths is so bad that i got my dates this wrong, it looks like we’re closing this chapter for now.

Keep well and look after your growing little ones!! ⭐️
Really sorry to hear this sweetie but praying all is ok when you go back xxx
Sorry to hear this stellbert. Xx
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How did you get on Melly?

Unfortunately, it was bad news again. Had another mmc. Baby's heart stopped around 8 weeks. Its quite rare to have two mmc. It just wasn't meant to be. I will be stalking the thread to see how youre all getting on x
How did you get on Melly?

Unfortunately, it was bad news again. Had another mmc. Baby's heart stopped around 8 weeks. Its quite rare to have two mmc. It just wasn't meant to be. I will be stalking the thread to see how youre all getting on x

Oh jeez I’m so so sorry! Absolutely gutted for you!! Sending you lots of love and hugs and I really hope that you’ll be back here soon!! I’ll keep my eyes out xxx

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