*** September 2018 Mums ***

Hi all! I'm new here. 9w5d with my second one and super stressed about nearly everything!
Morning sickness and exhaustion and all this anxiety might be getting me depressed, which is another thing I'm stressed about. I'm looking for some encouragement and hoping that by week 13 or so I'll start feeling like myself cos I'm definitely not myself these days! Looking forward to chatting with everyone :).
Hi , congratulations, and welcome. How old is your older child?

I know what you mean about not feeling myself, I just keep crying and telling my husband that he could do better than me. I don't really believe it but I feel so useless and pathetic right now because I can't seem to function like a normal human.
I hope we start to feel better by week 13 like you say. I'm hoping to join a pregnancy yoga class which I hope will help the anxiety and stuff.
Welcome anaphil. Congratulations. I think symptoms start to settle from as early as 10 wks for some. So hopefully youll feel better very soon. Xx
Had my first midwife appointment today. I have the same midwife as I had with my first and I forgot how she’s always behind schedule, my appointment was at 1:45 and I finally saw her at 2:50. She estimated my due date on the 28th but I’m sticking with the 29th until my scan. She said that hopefully I’ll get a scan in mid March but not to bank on it as there’s lots of pregnant women in my area right now. We have a holiday booked for the week of March 19th and I know with my luck, I’ll get an scan for that week. Nausea hasn’t seemed too bad today but I’ve been occupied with stuff all day so maybe I just haven’t noticed it as much? So tired now, can’t wait to get my DD to bed and cuddle up on the sofa with some food and watch tv!
Lalaroo....waiting that long is not good! Hope they dont make you wait that long for scan as youll be bursting for a wee as you need to drink a pint of water before you go in! Hope you get some rest when you DD is tucked up in bed x
I've finally started to feel normal and then I'm struck down with a cold!

The co2 test, was like a breathalyser I guess, but one that measures co2. Even though I don't smoke and have never smoked, she tested me anyway and came up 0 - I'm assuming it's to catch women out who're still smoking or measure if they're cutting down. I was so shocked I forgot I could decline, but tbh the appointment was so awful I was in a daze for most of it.

Got my consultant letter through the post yesterday, I was hoping it was for a scan - no news at the when I'll be getting in, I just have to wait for an appointment to be sent to me. I more than likely won't be able to go anyway, as the OH has the car for a new job he started and I'm left busing it around with the kiddos until we get another one, I know from previous that I can't take the girls with me.

Sorry I haven't been on, I felt so knocked by the booking in that I've just been out of sorts really.

I hope everyone is starting to feel a bit better, spring looks like it's just around the corner too Xx
Hi! Thank you for the replies :)

My daughter is 8. I havent told her about the pregnancy yet because the doctor saw that my placenta has started to detach from the uterine wall, and even though he reassured me that it will be ok I still dont want her to go through any confusion or disappointment.
Rainbow.23 I know what you mean, I have the exact same feeling even though my OH seems to adore me I cant shake the feeling that I am gross and he could do better.. Hopefully by 10-13 weeks it'll get better! I didnt feel nausea with my first, just exhausted for a few weeks. Then again I am almost 10 years older!
Pregnancy yoga sounds great! I was thinking about aqua aerobics, but I still need to regain the ability to climb a flight of stairs without almost dying! xx
Can't wait to see some of you ladies' scan pics! Please share :) I didn't feel half as bloated and uncomfortable yesterday as I have been, which concerns me as that was literally one of my only symptoms...I don't feel pregnant at all and I don't like it!

Melly that is the one biggest fear I have at the minute, as I don't really feel any different to normal I'm petrified i'll go to my 12 week scan and we told there's no heartbeat? I can't get it out my mind! I'm usually such a laid back person but I'm driving myself crazy! I'm 8+5 today and just hoping I'm one of the lucky ones who isn't suffering with symptoms...but at the same time I want reassurance!! xxx
Can't wait to see some of you ladies' scan pics! Please share :) I didn't feel half as bloated and uncomfortable yesterday as I have been, which concerns me as that was literally one of my only symptoms...I don't feel pregnant at all and I don't like it!

Melly that is the one biggest fear I have at the minute, as I don't really feel any different to normal I'm petrified i'll go to my 12 week scan and we told there's no heartbeat? I can't get it out my mind! I'm usually such a laid back person but I'm driving myself crazy! I'm 8+5 today and just hoping I'm one of the lucky ones who isn't suffering with symptoms...but at the same time I want reassurance!! xxx

Kate...i feel even less pregnant atm. My sore boobs which were really my only symptom have gone too. I have a scan next week so hoping everything will be ok then its waiting for 12 wk scan a couple of week later. Hopefully like you say, we are one of the lucky few that dont suffer! Xx
Sorry I haven’t been on to update on my scan sooner. Everything went well, we saw a heartbeat which was so lovely and reassuring. They measure baby at 6+5 instead of the 8+3 that I thought I was. 12 days seems such a long way to be out back and doesn’t really add up with the dates. I’m hoping it’s naybe a slow starter and will catch up a little by the next scan :) OH said to me when we came out, that he thought he saw another one hiding :O whyyyy did he not mention it to the lady scanning and ask what it was that he was seeing?! She did say she thinks there’s only one in there, but there can sometimes be two later on!
Anyway, so happy we saw a heartbeat and that it all looks ok, even if I have got to do another two weeks lol.
I’ll try and pop back later and catch up on how the rest of you are doing, hope you’re all ok. Xxx


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Sorry I haven’t been on to update on my scan sooner. Everything went well, we saw a heartbeat which was so lovely and reassuring. They measure baby at 6+5 instead of the 8+3 that I thought I was. 12 days seems such a long way to be out back and doesn’t really add up with the dates. I’m hoping it’s naybe a slow starter and will catch up a little by the next scan :) OH said to me when we came out, that he thought he saw another one hiding :O whyyyy did he not mention it to the lady scanning and ask what it was that he was seeing?! She did say she thinks there’s only one in there, but there can sometimes be two later on!
Anyway, so happy we saw a heartbeat and that it all looks ok, even if I have got to do another two weeks lol.
I’ll try and pop back later and catch up on how the rest of you are doing, hope you’re all ok. Xxx

Lovely pic Jenni! Glad to hear the good news, that does seem like a big jump backwards though.

Just got my scan letter through - 14th March @ 10:35 :)
Lovely scan picture jenni....its so reassuring to hear heartbeat.

Great to here youve got your scan date through diamond...just over 3 weeks which will fly by xx
Welcome to our latest newbie:)

I'm feeling so rough today. Want to vomit and everything makes me gag but no actual vomiting yet. Not sure what's worse vomiting or just feeling sick all the time? Bleh. I'm so tired just spent my day doing nothing. My toddler is sick so we've just been having cuddles all day which is thankfully what we both need.

Anyone starting to feel their uterus? I can clearly feel it with my hand and when I lay flat on my back I can feel it like just this extra thing in me that hasn't always been there lol. I'm also starting to get uncomfortable sleeping on my belly so all signs baby is growing well. I'm really hoping it's twins or something tbh lol. I got pregnant the first month after going off the pill so higher chance I ovulated two eggs. I had so many ovulation pains and what not I joked to the husband and said if we get pregnant it will probably be twins so fingers crossed even tho you alll think I'm crazy haha.

Lovely scan picture, Jenni!! I'd stick to your current dates until your 12 week scan. Especially if it doesn't go at all with your dates. With my first I had my due date for august 1st. My OB (I wasn't in england) who scanned me regularly kept saying I was due august 21st and 3 weeks is a major difference. It made no sense with my symptoms and when I felt baby move etc. I had a second ob visit who said I was due august 10th. Which made more sense. When I went to England my baby was measuring massive according to august 21st (I went to England in third tri) and they didn't know what to do with me. I saw Dr after Dr all tests coming back normal just massive baby and they wouldn't just follow my date bc like what if they had to induce me and it would be early so they were fearful. Then in started having reduced fetal movements and the day they were gonna call me for induction I went into labor naturally on July 31st and she was born healthy at 7lbs 13oz so Def not early or premature so just stick to your instincts. Sorry for the major story x
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Hi all! I'm new here. 9w5d with my second one and super stressed about nearly everything!
Morning sickness and exhaustion and all this anxiety might be getting me depressed, which is another thing I'm stressed about. I'm looking for some encouragement and hoping that by week 13 or so I'll start feeling like myself cos I'm definitely not myself these days! Looking forward to chatting with everyone :).
Congratulations and welcome! xx
Sorry I haven’t been on to update on my scan sooner. Everything went well, we saw a heartbeat which was so lovely and reassuring. They measure baby at 6+5 instead of the 8+3 that I thought I was. 12 days seems such a long way to be out back and doesn’t really add up with the dates. I’m hoping it’s naybe a slow starter and will catch up a little by the next scan :) OH said to me when we came out, that he thought he saw another one hiding :O whyyyy did he not mention it to the lady scanning and ask what it was that he was seeing?! She did say she thinks there’s only one in there, but there can sometimes be two later on!
Anyway, so happy we saw a heartbeat and that it all looks ok, even if I have got to do another two weeks lol.
I’ll try and pop back later and catch up on how the rest of you are doing, hope you’re all ok. Xxx
That's a lovely scan photo. x
Wow Elven youre over the 12 week mark.thats fab! Just over a week for you and youll be entering tri 2! Xx
Wow Elven youre over the 12 week mark.thats fab! Just over a week for you and youll be entering tri 2! Xx
I know, didn't feel like it last month but it's actually flown by! We will all be in our second trimester before we know it
And youll be there quicker than the rest of us! Hopefully not too far behind though! Xx

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