*** September 2018 Mums ***

Welcome back Kate! Glad you had a good time! Spa day sounds like a lovely treat. We are skiing today and conditions are amazing. Im sat in mountsin restaurant having hot choc as not only am i clumsy on my skies....there is also a wind chill factor of minus 27 which i can cope with. Glad booking appt went well....hopefully you or baby wont develop diabetes. Glad you got away with sickness whilst away xx
Congratulation on the Twinsies Kim! That's wonderful news.

Welcome to more Newbies <3

I had my booking in appointment today - it was bloody awful. New co2 test was an interesting addition. Luckily haven't felt too bad today, just tired.

Hope everyone is feeling okay! No nesting here, avoiding most of the housework to be honest, can barely cook a meal, haha.
Awwww Congratulations Kim lovely news. Double the joy... ohh Iv not been on here much ladies I have been feeling awful I definitely don&#8217;t remember feeling like this with my first. The feeling sick all day and sore tummy with constipation is killing me... but hope you all are feeling good and resting when yous can xx
I have my booking appointment with the dr tomorrow and midwife on Wednesday. Didn't expect it to be this quick.

I'm so exhausted all the time, I can barely do anything and have zero energy. Really hate feeling this way hopefully it will pass soon. Also my boobs weigh 20 lbs. So heavy and sore!!

Why was your appointment awful, Diamond? X
Thank you everyone. I sent my husband a message this morning telling him that the babies don't like fruit and he replied "oh dear. I like the sound of babies though" :)

What's the co2 test, Diamond?
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Morning ladies, I had a horrid night sleep...woke up at 2am and was wide awake for at least 2.5 hours! Let the dog out for a wee, made a cuppa, went to the loo several times...and then I was re-awoken by a horrible dream I had that the baby was no longer there :( I've just got such an awful fear of going for my first scan and them telling me that baba stopped growing or something! It's driving me crazy! I feel today is gonna be a loonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng day xxx
Morning ladies, I had a horrid night sleep...woke up at 2am and was wide awake for at least 2.5 hours! Let the dog out for a wee, made a cuppa, went to the loo several times...and then I was re-awoken by a horrible dream I had that the baby was no longer there :( I've just got such an awful fear of going for my first scan and them telling me that baba stopped growing or something! It's driving me crazy! I feel today is gonna be a loonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng day xxx

I feel the exact same. I woke up at around 5am (DD woke up crying as she’s ill with swollen eyes from blocked tear ducts:-() and I couldn’t get back to sleep, I just couldn’t get comfortable and my mind just kept thinking of horrible scenarios that the baby wasn’t growing. By the time I started to drift off, my partners alarm went off and it was 7am!

I have my midwife appointment on Thursday but I won’t get my scan for another month, it’s making me so anxious. I asked my partner if we could go for a private scan but they are just so expensive in my area (£80) :mad:
I’ve got a headache now this morning and I’m trying not to take anything for it, I’ve been sick once this morning which didn’t help my head either
I'm seeing my midwife tomorrow and I'm nervous bc of language barriers and I've no idea how things are done here lol.
Sorry about your dream, Kate. Pregnancy is so scary. Im sure your scan will be absolutely fine though x

I'm considering talking to my midwife abut antenatal depression. I think I had something with my first. I have zero motivation to do anything. Going to toilet takes so much effort for me to convince myself to move. I'm so short tempered and keep shouting at my poor toddler. I feel like me and my husband aren't that close anymore due to hormones as we were so in love and happy before pregnancy. I'm so tired all the time too. No nausea for me though just feeling a bit meh about food. In my first pregnancy I also didn't bond with my baby and it all felt so strange even when she was born it took a couple of days. This time though I know I love my baby I think having my daughter I know what it feels like if that makes sense? Sorry for my ramblesm I just want to know if these feelings are hormonal or something more.
I think these dreams are normal as ive had a couple too in last 2 weeks. It must be hormones! Mystic teen...deffo worth talking to midwife.she might refer you for counselling which could be helpful if you think youve got depression again. Xx
Kate I feel the exact same as you. I can&#8217;t be excited for my scan because I have such a horrible feeling it&#8217;s not going to be good news. Roll on the 9th of March till I know what&#8217;s going on.
Thank you girls, I'm glad I'm not the only one having this anxious feeling and these horrible dreams...I slept great last night, apart from being awake for about an hour again at 2am but other than that I feel quite refreshed this morning. Although my booking in appointment was only on Monday I keep going home hoping to see a letter from the hospital with my scan date! I'm usually such a laid back and chilled person...this little raspberry has got me up a height already lol xxx
I had my booking appointment today. All went well. She booked me in for my scan on the 15th of march. A month away. Ill be exactly 12 weeks so I can't wait :)
I had my booking appointment today. All went well. She booked me in for my scan on the 15th of march. A month away. Ill be exactly 12 weeks so I can't wait :)
That will fly by, although it might not feel like it right now. Will be exciting though! x
Elvens right it will fly by mysticteen....youll have your scan before you know it!

Hope everyone else is doing ok and the horrible dreams have settled? Xx
I was never sure whether baby brain was a real thing, but I have been hopeless this past week and am now convinced it's 100% real. I can't seem to do anything right at the moment, nothing awful or anything, just random things that I look back at and think "how?!". Can't really do much else but laugh, but definitely hoping it does not get much worse!

Really hoping it's not just me and someone else is going through that as well. Might make me feel a bit more sane haha.
Baby brain is definitely real!! You’re thinking, worrying and planning for a life with m a new baby which takes up a huge amount of brain power and concentration, so everything else seems to take a back seat. At least for me it does anyway.

I’ve got my early scan today, I’m 8+3 so hoping I get a good view of baby without having to have an internal scan eek. I’ve woken up really panicky this morning incase it’s bad news again. I’d been feeling so positive until now, but now it’s here I’m a mess. I think I’ve made it worse for myself by booking the scan back home, so if it is bad news, I’ll be with all my family and friends, which is what I completely want to avoid, we preferred to deal with it ourselves last time.
I’m sure it will all be fine, but we can’t help but worry can we. Xxx
Good look with your scan Jenni...let us know how it goes! I'm 8+4 and feeling very anxious too but trying to avoid an early scan and just wait for the 12 week one so i'll be excited to see your picture :)

I haven't been having as nasty dreams, still very vivid and clear just not as horrible. Apart from major bloating on an afternoon/night time I feel totally normal, my boobs are a tiny bit tender if I really squish them but that's it!

My manager came in this morning stinking of cigarette smoke which I hate anyway but I feel like it's all I can smell! Yuk! xxx
Hi ladies. Sorry I haven&#8217;t been on for a while but hope you&#8217;re all well.
I&#8217;ll be catching up on all of your posts today to see how you&#8217;ve all been. I haven&#8217;t been on for a while due to not feeling very well at all - constant nausea, constantly tired and haven&#8217;t been able to eat without throwing it back up within 10 minutes. I think it may be the healthy start vitamins that the midwife gave me. I take the vitamin with water and gradually feel worse throughout the rest of the day with no relief whatsoever. Poor OH has had to take over cooking duties when he gets home from work as the smell of food cooking makes me sick - still can&#8217;t stanf the smell of any kind of meat and the small of mashed potato now makes me gag.
Hope all your babies are being kind to you all :) x
Good luck with your scan, Jenni! Hope all is well and you will share a picture with us :)

QuickQuestion, sorry to read you've been feeling rough. Hope this all passes really soon for you xxxx
Good luck jenni...i hope it goes well and you can post a picture later.what time is your scan?

QQ....sorry you are feeling this rough. Have you tried ice lollies? A lot of women say it helps.also might be worth buying a sea sickness band.tou can get them from chemist (they are fairly cheap). You just wear them on your wrist and it work similarlt to accupunture in so far as it places pressure on the bits on your wrists that help manage the nausea. Ive heard ladies swear by them. I hope the nausea passes soon for you.

Hope everyone else us ok?

I have my harmony test a week today. Feeling anxious about it as we found at harmony test last time that babies heart beat had stopped. Going to a different clinic thus time as couldnt face going back to same one. Just hoping lightening doesnt strike twice xx

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