*** September 2018 Mums ***

I have mine the 9th of march too.. hopefully we will have great scan pics to show x
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I have mine the 9th of march too.. hopefully we will have great scan pics to show x

Aah hopefully! I hadn’t really thought of it like that, I was just panicking that it might be too late for all the screenings by the time I eventually get a scan lol.
It’s made me even more excited for Thursday’s scan now, it could be a long wait until the next one!

How many weeks will you be? Xx
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Good morning everyone. Glad to see a lot of you are getting some respite from the symptoms. My biggest thing now is that I'm just constantly tired even when I have just woken up! We went to see our OB yesterday and she did a scan to check that all was ok. I'm happy to say that we saw the heartbeat for BOTH babies - yep it's twins!:shock: It's very exciting but daunting at the same time what with my unicornuate uterus and history of mcs. The doctor put me on weekly progesterone shots so I had the first one yesterday. It wasn't really that painful but i felt it when i tried to lie on that side to sleep. We told DH's parents and brothers yesterday because they're currently staying with us and will be here for another month so it's just easier than trying to hide it. They're all over the moon. I haven't told DS yet though because I know as soon as we do, everyone will know. I feel quite bad for him as I was already worried how he will react with 1 new baby never mind 2.


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Good morning everyone. Glad to see a lot of you are getting some respite from the symptoms. My biggest thing now is that I'm just constantly tired even when I have just woken up! We went to see our OB yesterday and she did a scan to check that all was ok. I'm happy to say that we saw the heartbeat for BOTH babies - yep it's twins!:shock: It's very exciting but daunting at the same time what with my unicornuate uterus and history of mcs. The doctor put me on weekly progesterone shots so I had the first one yesterday. It wasn't really that painful but i felt it when i tried to lie on that side to sleep. We told DH's parents and brothers yesterday because they're currently staying with us and will be here for another month so it's just easier than trying to hide it. They're all over the moon. I haven't told DS yet though because I know as soon as we do, everyone will know. I feel quite bad for him as I was already worried how he will react with 1 new baby never mind 2.

Oh wow Kim!!! Congratulations :) how exciting! No wonder you’re feeling so tired when you’re growing two little babies. Xxx
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Thanks for the reassurance ladies.

Congratulations Kim, very exciting and lovely scan photo :-) xxxxxx
Congratulations, Kim!!!! Soooo exciting. I pray for twins every day lol. I really wish you a healthy and easy pregnancy hun xxx
I got those progesterone injections and they were so sore for ages afterwards. Not much advice lol sorry x
Good morning everyone. Glad to see a lot of you are getting some respite from the symptoms. My biggest thing now is that I'm just constantly tired even when I have just woken up! We went to see our OB yesterday and she did a scan to check that all was ok. I'm happy to say that we saw the heartbeat for BOTH babies - yep it's twins!:shock: It's very exciting but daunting at the same time what with my unicornuate uterus and history of mcs. The doctor put me on weekly progesterone shots so I had the first one yesterday. It wasn't really that painful but i felt it when i tried to lie on that side to sleep. We told DH's parents and brothers yesterday because they're currently staying with us and will be here for another month so it's just easier than trying to hide it. They're all over the moon. I haven't told DS yet though because I know as soon as we do, everyone will know. I feel quite bad for him as I was already worried how he will react with 1 new baby never mind 2.
Oh wow congratulations! xx
Hi could you put me for 17th please I’m completely new to this ! (5th child as well) 😁
Is anyone else nesting already? I wasn't expecting this until much later, but I have cleared out half my home this weekend. Put lots of clothes in boxes because the baby will be in our bedroom and I was trying to make space for its clothes. Not that I have any clothes yet, or furniture or anything. It just couldn't wait. :lol: :eh:
Oh I wish, Elven. We moved house when I was 4 weeks pregnant (I didn't know at the time), and ever since we've been in this house I'm so frigging lazy have to convince myself to clean every now and then and try and cook dinner then clear up. I hope I start nesting soon I'm sick of being a lazy dog lol but I just can't seem to shake this laziness away.
Oh I wish, Elven. We moved house when I was 4 weeks pregnant (I didn't know at the time), and ever since we've been in this house I'm so frigging lazy have to convince myself to clean every now and then and try and cook dinner then clear up. I hope I start nesting soon I'm sick of being a lazy dog lol but I just can't seem to shake this laziness away.
It's understandable though, that's a lot to sort out. Hopefully you will have more energy to do it in the next few weeks. x

Standing up was a tiring chore for the past few weeks, until this weekend where I just had a burst of energy and needed to get everything done.
Hope everyone is feeling ok. Still not many symptoms my end but we are sway atm so perhaps not noticing them ad im a little distracted! Xx
Hope you’re enjoying your time away, Melly. Glad the symptoms seem to be staying away for you, fingers crossed it stays that way!!

I seem to be the other way round to a lot of you, felt pretty fab apart from the odd tugging and stretching feeling early on. Until the last few days, oh my days I feel so sick and so tired all the time. I’ve always found that eating stops the nausea, but it really doesn’t seem to be making a blind bit of difference this time round. I feel sick, so I eat, then I feel sick because I’ve eaten, then within half an hour, I feel sick because I need to eat again. I’ve no idea what’s growing in there, it can’t be a boy or a girl, because I didn’t feel this bad with either my son or daughter haha. Xxx
Oh jenni i hope it settles soon! Im glad symptoms arent bad as we are skiing (well not me atm as dont trust myself not to fall!) Its too cold to have symptoms haha! The wind chill here is minus 27!! Thankfully im drinking hot choc in mountain restaurant! Xx
Are you secretly competing in the winter Olympics Melly? I'll look out for you on TV!
Haha! I wish i was that good. My DH prefers me not to ski these days after soooo many broken bones! Im happy drinking hot choc in the watm mountain restaurant!! Xx
Hey ladies! Been away for a while as I have just got back on Saturday from a skiing holiday in the French Alps! Had a great week and I feel fine...I skied 4 out of 6 days as was quite tired so treated myself to a spa and a shopping day while the hubby went off with everyone else hehe. Just had my booking in appointment this morning and she said I was the perfect candidate for a healthy pregnancy and the only thing she wants to keep an eye on is that my hubby has type 1 diabetes so there's a chance baby could develop it too, which would cause me to have gestational diabetes. Other than that I'm nice and healthy! She said I should get my dating scan letter through in the next 2 weeks....yay! Hope everyone is feeling good! xxx

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