*** September 2018 Mums ***

We told them and actually it went really well so we are super happy!!

Food is such a chore right now!
Thats great CC! Its hard when youre not sure which way it will go. In sure me being 42 will raise a few eyebrows amongst certain frienda and family! Xx
Glad it went well telling the in-laws CC :)
I’m almost dreading telling our families, I don’t think it will go down as well as the first two did. Our parents all keep saying ‘don’t have a third’ blah blah blah. And especially since we’ve moved 90 mile away from them all, I know they’ll be worrying/thinking we’re stupid. But I almost see it as a challenge, a chance to prove that we can make this work, and we can do it on our own. We’ve never really had much help of family anyway, so can’t be too much harder with three...can it?!

I’m feeling super nauseous today, can’t bring myself to eat anything decent so have just been snacking which isn’t really helping either. I take it all as a good sign that baby is getting nice and comfy in there :) xxx
Good on you jenni! You prove them wrong! This will be my number 3 so im.sure, given my age, theyll be a few judgemental comments. I think my mum will be happy...not sure about older sibling....or some friends....but like you....i dont really care.i dont have a problem being a mum again at 42.in fact i cant think of anything better so they can put that in their pipe and smoke it haha! :lol: x
Ah CC, I'm thrilled for you! Great news.

Still feeling crappy here, this pregnancy is kicking my butt.

We've only have one family member to tell so hasn't been too bad, I guess.

Run out of ice lollies so I'm a sad pup today, I should be eating more but fret because of the whole weight thing, you know?

Anyway, weekend soon! Hope it's a good one ladies Xx
Its strange as today i dont feel pregnant. i dont feel queasy, not tired and sore boobs have settled down...im probably overthinking things and should enjoy being symptom free, esp some of you are really suffering, but i suppose im a little worried having had mmc that there is something wrong and i was 8+3 when heartbeat stopped but didnt find out till 10+4....im 8+2 today. I keep telling myself, im not bleeding or having cramps and chances of another mmc is extremely low but cant help feeling a bit concerned. Does anyone elses symptoms just come and go (like literally dissappering?) Xx
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Its strange as today i dont feel pregnant. i dont feel queasy, not tired and sore boobs have settled down...im probably overthinking things and should enjoy being symptom free, esp some of you are really suffering, but i suppose im a little worried having had mmc that there is something wrong and i was 8+3 when heartbeat stopped but didnt find out till 10+4....im 8+2 today. I keep telling myself, im not bleeding or having cramps and chances of another mmc is extremely low but cant help feeling a bit concerned. Does anyone elses symptoms just come and go (like literally dissappering?) Xx

Me! I have days like that too! Today is one of them! Feeling as fresh as a daisy, well almost! Don’t worry too much hun it will only stress you out more! I’m sure it’s completely normal!! Xx
Thanks CC...its just so weird isnt it! Hopefully all is well.have harmony test and scan booked for 2 weeks time so not too long too wait again x
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Sorry CC forgot to say im glad you feel fresh as a daisy today...long may it last xx
Thanks CC...its just so weird isnt it! Hopefully all is well.have harmony test and scan booked for 2 weeks time so not too long too wait again x

Im sure your fine and lots of people have symptoms that could disappear. I think at 8 weeks placenta starts taking over so you start feeling better.

Do the NHS offer harmony tests or are you doing it privately? Hope it all goes well for you xxx
A tmi question - have you ladies dtd since your bfp? I have and at first felt weird doing it with a baby in me which is ridiculous. After I got over that (I never had the big O since getting pregnant as I was hormonal I guess) anyway when I got over the newly pregnant sex and I felt ok aboit it we dtd and I had an O bUT felt cramping and pain afterwards for like 30 seconds. This has been over a week ago but I'm scared to do it after that. What do you ladies think?
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well.

With regards to symptoms coming and going I feel like that too, plus I don't really have any, my boobs are fuller and nipples slightly sensitive and bloated from afternoon/evening but thats it. So if one day I feel less bloated it worries me too. Saying that though the last 2 days by tummy feels like its bulging out all the time, I know its way too early to be showing as I am only 7 weeks today but does anyone else feel like this? Its like a big bloated tummy, I am usually size 10 so its quite noticeable, if it goes down I expect I will start worrying about that too :-/

Also is anyone else experiencing the odd bit of light brown discharge now and then? I know people say usually its nothing to worry about, but its hard not to worry isn't it.

Are all you lovely ladies up to anything nice the weekend?
Thanks CC...its just so weird isnt it! Hopefully all is well.have harmony test and scan booked for 2 weeks time so not too long too wait again x

Im sure your fine and lots of people have symptoms that could disappear. I think at 8 weeks placenta starts taking over so you start feeling better.

Do the NHS offer harmony tests or are you doing it privately? Hope it all goes well for you xxx

Nhs do jot currently provide it where i am. Im payimg privately and it costs £400 so pretty expensive. However, im only having it as im 42 so risks are higher otherwise would just wait for nhs screening. Makes sense about placenta and its good to hear others say their symptoms come and go too....just a nervous wait!! Xx
A tmi question - have you ladies dtd since your bfp? I have and at first felt weird doing it with a baby in me which is ridiculous. After I got over that (I never had the big O since getting pregnant as I was hormonal I guess) anyway when I got over the newly pregnant sex and I felt ok aboit it we dtd and I had an O bUT felt cramping and pain afterwards for like 30 seconds. This has been over a week ago but I'm scared to do it after that. What do you ladies think?

Ive r3ad on other posts something similar and it all seems very normal. Things ar3 more sensitive down there and are growu g so it will feel different. The research suggests having sex is absolutely fine during pregnancy unless there are certsin health problems that mean you shouldnt but doctor wouod advise on this and not very commonm if youre unsure perhaps speak to.doctor or midwife but think its gine hun x
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well.

With regards to symptoms coming and going I feel like that too, plus I don't really have any, my boobs are fuller and nipples slightly sensitive and bloated from afternoon/evening but thats it. So if one day I feel less bloated it worries me too. Saying that though the last 2 days by tummy feels like its bulging out all the time, I know its way too early to be showing as I am only 7 weeks today but does anyone else feel like this? Its like a big bloated tummy, I am usually size 10 so its quite noticeable, if it goes down I expect I will start worrying about that too :-/

Also is anyone else experiencing the odd bit of light brown discharge now and then? I know people say usually its nothing to worry about, but its hard not to worry isn't it.

Are all you lovely ladies up to anything nice the weekend?

It could be still implantation or old blood. Things are stretching all the time too so brown discharge is perfectly normal and i know a couple of ladies on this thread have also had it! I think the time to check it out if it os bright red, clotting or you have cramps that are painful ...yours sound ok hun x
A little brown discharge is usually ok, but as melly said, get checked if it turns red, you see clots, or get painful cramps. It’s hard not to worry though, I’m on constant knicker watch just in case.

I’m always completely put off dtd when I’m pregnant, poor oh! We just about eat back into the swing of things, then I end up pregnant again haha.
It always seems so different in early pregnancy, almost uncomfortable because of all the swelling and changes going on down there.

I finally got my booking apt through with the mw, not until 9th March when I’ll be 11+4!! So glad I insisted on booking an early scan for next week. Xxx
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I think brown discharge is perfectly normal. I've had really creamy (gag) dark yellowish discharge past few days but I was out walking for 6 hours so I'm not sure if that caused it.

I had bleeding loads with my first daughter and I was told she was low and I was on progesterone supplements then progesterone injections. I then went into premature labor at 29 weeks but it stopped by itself. But that's with red blood when I'd be worried and get myself checked.

I'm so exhausted today. I slept in until past 10 and I can barely keep my eyes open today. Feeling ridiculous lol x
I have an appointment on Monday at the social security office to get my husband and daughter added onto my insurance then I'm taking that paper to the drs as they won register me without it. Hopefully will get my medical card then later this week and finally get a booking appointment. Apparently in spain you get monthly or so scans so I'm excited.

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