Loving all the scan photo's ladies
Im not feeling great this week, Im so emotional and my anxiety is through the roof. Constantly worrying that the baby isnt growing. I have my first appointment next Thursday with the midwife so hopefully it wont be too long before I get my can date. Everything is putting me on edge today too, my DD is testing my patience and Im finding that Im getting snappy at her which makes her cry and then I start crying. I have absolutely no energy so my house is a mess, I just want to lay in bed all day. Im so bloated that Ive had to start wearing my old maternity jeans already my cravings are all over the place too, one minute I want fruit, lots of juicy grapes or strawberries and the next minute I want anything cheesy/creamy, especially cheese toasties! My nausea only seems to stop when Im eating
Hope everyone else is feeling good. My DD is napping in my bed right now and Im so tempted to join her
Your symptoms sound reassuringly like baby is growing but totally get your anxiety hopefully midwufe can reassure you next week and wont be that long to wait for you scan then...should be around 12 weeks x