*** September 2018 Mums ***

Yes jenni ove been having bloating which causes a bump in the evenings but then this dissappears by morning. Some nights im more bloated than others.not sure but think as this is not your 1st, then youll start to show earlier....i was definately noticing a more permanent bump around 9-10 weeks even though it wasnt probably noticeable to others. I was having ti wear baggier clothes and even got some mat leggings i started wearing (i'll have to dig those out!).

I can understand your OHs anxieities but im with you, id rather know earlier than get more attached as it was devasting finding out at 10 week scan xx

Well I pulled out the maternity leggings today! My normal jeans are getting so uncomfortable already, they’re that tight and cut into my stomach so looks like I’ve got two strange bumps/bulges, so figured I might aswell have one ‘bump’ on show rather than two haha.


Haha! I found that today with wearing leggings under a dress...look like i had two bulges! My jeans are feeling tight too so cant imagine it will be long before i dig my mat leggings out too! Xx
Another one who's completely bloated by the end of the day. Although thought it looked like the beginnings of a bump this morning, but I guess time will tell!

Hope everyone's alright today. xx
I’ve found my jeans are getting too tight too so I get an elastic band and put it thru the hole and over the button bit! More room yay!
Thats a good idea CC!

Is anyone else hungry all the time? If i dont eat regularly, like every hour or so, i feel a bit queasy! Xx
Im exactly the same Melly. Wasn't like this first time round at all. This time I need to be constantly eating. No wonder I'm so bloated. Today I tried not to eat so much and ended up feeling awful.

Not sure how I'm gona keep this under wraps until 12wks:-(
Hopefully things will.start to settle down around 12 weeks. Tri 2 i remember being the best tri for me! X
I was like that but then it turned into just feeling rotten regardless hahaha
I’m past the elastic band trick already! Was a lifesaver with my first when I had to fit in my work clothes as long as possible. My old maternity leggings are far too comfy to stay away from tbf, otherwise I could maybe make my jeans last a little longer if I had to.
I keep forgetting how soon the nausea creeps up on me if I don’t eat regularly. It’s annoying because I was trying to be better with eating and not having so many snacks. Oh well, diet can start next year. Again. I seem to say the same every year. Xxx
nervously saying hello :wave:

Is there any room for a newbie?
Thats a good idea CC!

Is anyone else hungry all the time? If i dont eat regularly, like every hour or so, i feel a bit queasy! Xx
Definitely, I find myself snacking throughout the day, which is not like me at all. Starting to wonder if it's too early to purchase maternity clothes haha!
Thank you!

I'm 9wks 4days and due around the 8th Sept I think lol

I'm ok, had been having nausea and sickness but that seems to have subsided the last week or so. So I don't actually have any symptoms, which has left me feeling slightly nervous :(
Congrats Melly! And Elven! Fantastic scans. Bet it feels so much more real now. God I'm constantly feeling sick and knackered, hope it wears off as lack of sleep isn't helping either. Does second trimester get better lol? Xx
Lovely scan photos from Melly and Elven. I love early scans when baby is so tiny. So cute.

Funnily for me my bloating has calmed down since getting pregnant. Before I used to have loads of cramping. I have no symptoms at all other than sore boobs but I'm telling myself it's still early or maybe I'm having a boy as with my daughter i felt horrible.
Thank you!

I'm 9wks 4days and due around the 8th Sept I think lol

I'm ok, had been having nausea and sickness but that seems to have subsided the last week or so. So I don't actually have any symptoms, which has left me feeling slightly nervous :(

Hello and welcome baby3! Nice to have you with us x
Congrats Melly! And Elven! Fantastic scans. Bet it feels so much more real now. God I'm constantly feeling sick and knackered, hope it wears off as lack of sleep isn't helping either. Does second trimester get better lol? Xx

Thanks EM. tri 2 was the best tri for me. I had more energy and felt great.didnt feel sick or tired. Just went the loo a bit more! Xx
Lovely scan photos from Melly and Elven. I love early scans when baby is so tiny. So cute.

Funnily for me my bloating has calmed down since getting pregnant. Before I used to have loads of cramping. I have no symptoms at all other than sore boobs but I'm telling myself it's still early or maybe I'm having a boy as with my daughter i felt horrible.

Thanks MT. Every pregnancy is different. I didnt have any symptoms with first 2 but this one i have felt sightly queasy, im more tired and been having night sweats. I have one of each so cant even say its because i might be having a girl or a boy! In the firat couple of weeks this time around i only had slightly sore boobs and nothing else so enjoy it whilat you can x
Welcome baby.3, I think it's normal for the symptoms to start to ease slightly around 9 weeks as the placenta takes over, it's different for everyone so try not to worry.

On topic of clothes not fitting, I got the sewing machine out yesterday and turned some old jeans into a denim maternity skirt ... ooo how I love an elastic waistband.
Welcome baby.3 :)

Oh wow rainbow, wish I was that clever! Would certain save a small fortune in I’ll-fitting maternity clothes.

I just had a lovely accidental two hour nap while my daughter slept! I sat on the sofa to have 5 mins before cracking on with the housework, next thing I know, it’s gone half 12 :O
While I was asleep, I had a really vivid dream that I was having twins.....not the first time I’ve dreamt or thought about it either, eeeek!!
Loving all the scan photo's ladies :)
I’m not feeling great this week, I’m so emotional and my anxiety is through the roof. Constantly worrying that the baby isn’t growing. I have my first appointment next Thursday with the midwife so hopefully it won’t be too long before I get my can date. Everything is putting me on edge today too, my DD is testing my patience and I’m finding that I’m getting snappy at her which makes her cry and then I start crying. I have absolutely no energy so my house is a mess, I just want to lay in bed all day. I’m so bloated that I’ve had to start wearing my old maternity jeans already :oooo: my cravings are all over the place too, one minute I want fruit, lots of juicy grapes or strawberries and the next minute I want anything cheesy/creamy, especially cheese toasties! My nausea only seems to stop when I’m eating :eh:
Hope everyone else is feeling good. My DD is napping in my bed right now and I’m so tempted to join her :lol:

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