Good news! Im measuring 7+5 so bang on for 19/9. Saw heart beat so very relieved. Only have a disk so will post pic later once ive worked out how to do it xx
Hopping back a couple of trimesters! Congratulations Melly!

Good news! Im measuring 7+5 so bang on for 19/9. Saw heart beat so very relieved. Only have a disk so will post pic later once ive worked out how to do it xx
Good news! Im measuring 7+5 so bang on for 19/9. Saw heart beat so very relieved. Only have a disk so will post pic later once ive worked out how to do it xx
Hopping back a couple of trimesters! Congratulations Melly!I have been following your journey and just waiting for that good news of confirmation! I can't wish you enough luck with this pregnancy lovely!
Congrats melly, so pleased for you! I've been lying low for a while, my anxiety is getting the better of me at the moment! Haven't updated for a while but I had a scan last Thursday and baby and heartbeat was detected, however can't feel excited or satisfied as I've been here before and things went wrong at 11 weeks but for now there is a bean with a heartbeat. I'm being monitored closely and will be having weekly scans, but I'm still such a mess about it all, dreading the next scan, what will be, will be I suppose! Hope everyone is doing ok. X x
Having a bit of creamy brown cm today �� Ive had a tiny bit of cramping/aches but nothing to worry me! Hopefully its just normal and goes away!!
Lovely to hear your scans went well ladiesIm hoping to finally book mine tonight. OH is so worried about me having an early scan in case something is wrong and I start worrying, but like I keep saying to him, Id rather know that now than wait another 5/6+ weeks. Plus, if Ive had a scan and know everything is ok, I might feel happier to tell my family and close friends when we visit in a few weeks when Ill be around 10 weeks.
Sorry to hear about your anxieties keeponhoping, completely understandable with your history. I did hypo birthing towards the end of my previous pregnancies which helped so much with relaxation. Im sure theres lots of videos on YouTube that may help in a similar way.
Is anyone else suffering from ridiculous bloating??? Im glad I dont live anywhere near my friends and family or theyd all be guessing by now, Im sure!!
Yes jenni ove been having bloating which causes a bump in the evenings but then this dissappears by morning. Some nights im more bloated than others.not sure but think as this is not your 1st, then youll start to show earlier....i was definately noticing a more permanent bump around 9-10 weeks even though it wasnt probably noticeable to others. I was having ti wear baggier clothes and even got some mat leggings i started wearing (i'll have to dig those out!).
I can understand your OHs anxieities but im with you, id rather know earlier than get more attached as it was devasting finding out at 10 week scan xx
Well I pulled out the maternity leggings today! My normal jeans are getting so uncomfortable already, they’re that tight and cut into my stomach so looks like I’ve got two strange bumps/bulges, so figured I might aswell have one ‘bump’ on show rather than two haha.