*** September 2018 Mums ***

Thanks girls. No testing today. Will do one again in the morning.

I have a 2year old but having one doesn't make you worry any less. Possibly more in my case as I was oblivious first time round until I had some spotting at 5+ weeks. After that I didn't relax.
defo all over for me :'(. been bleeding heavy, no sac on scan and blood hcg has dropped :'( not sure I can face another year ttc then this again. Got no one else to look after my daughter today and OH couldnt have any time off so had to kind of just get on with it :'(
Wish you all the best girls xxx
:( Im so so sorry. Big hugs. I hope u are feeling okay (as well as u can considering). I was so excited for u as I've been following your journey :( I wish I could do or say anything to make this better :( xxx

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@millielaura ohw no, that's terrible news... all the best in the coming time. Hope you will recover soon.

I'm a little nervous here... had an early miscarriage before this pregnancy. And this week I had a high temp on tuesday (38.5), felt fine again the day after but since tuesday I havent felt any symptoms anymore!

The tests so far were good; the test line was a LOT more colored than the other line. but today, they was no difference in the two lines. Did 2 tests, same result. This could perhaps mean that the urine wasn't as concentrated, but in combination with the miscarriage last time and no symptoms since I had a fever, I am now nervous and down, so scared it will go wrong again... I will have a scan some time next week but there's this constant fear for bad news in the back of my head.

at the moment I don't know what to do with myself. Don't want to be so negative but not feeling pregnant is definitely not helping!
Hi Daisy, I'm so sorry about your miscarriage. I can completely empathise with you on that front, I lost my first at 35 weeks and now I am completely freaking out at every twinge. I haven't had any symptoms either but I'm not sure I did first time either until about 6 weeks.

I just keep telling myself that worrying won't change what's going to happen. If I let myself relax and enjoy this pregnancy it's not jinxing it.
I feel similar daisy and rainbow as not having any symptoms. I keep teeling mysrlf, as im only 5 weeks, its probably too early. I just wish i could listen to myself rather than doubt it! Hopefully we will all be complaining in a couple of weeks about our symptoms haha! X
P.s. Daisy.....my frer yesterday was same colour as the one i had done 4 days prior too. I got 2-3 weeks on digi so hoping thid is a good sign. Think positive girls x
Hi ladies, I’m thread hopping from the August mummies, hope you don’t mind! As Melly knows, after 2 early losses I was obsessed with taking tests everyday but it got to the stage where I couldn’t see any difference, I don’t think the line strength is too reliable. I had an early private scan at 6.5 weeks, which I would definitely recommend if you can. But my nausea didn’t start until 7 weeks, then the vomiting came the week after! I’m nearly 11 weeks now and still being sick daily but I don’t really have any other symptoms that some on my thread seem to have, like needing to pee more often etc. I think it’s really hard in the early weeks not to be nervous, in fact I think that’s true throughout the whole pregnancy! But I’ve found it helps not to read too much into test lines and symptoms as everyone on my thread seems to be having different experiences. Wishing a happy and healthy pregnancy to you all xx
I was thinking the same!

Had odd twinge here and there that's it and congestion!

Also, O think my roommate may have found out I'm pregnant. I was drinking 0.0% beer last nigjt and lied that was an accident but during tidy I noticed she'd moved box tissues and my wrapper was there! Must've slipped. Oops. she's not said anything and she won't but don't want her thinking I'm being sneaky. It's her house and I rent a room.
Think thats really helpful nivetha....ive certainly read posts from women that lines have never progressed but have had healthy pregnancies. Hope your nausea settles soon x
Still suffering from a cold and bad throat, but otherwise okay. I have been starting to feel sick when I eat though, fine the rest of the time, just happens when I eat. So random!

How are you today, Melly?
Sorry to hear you are still unwell elven. Hopefully it will pass. I wonder if thats the stary of morning sickness? Do you feel hungry so eat and then geel nauseous? I think its supposed to settle around 10 weeks. Some say eat little and often? Still no symptoms here but only 5 weeks so think they dont really start till after 6 weeks usually. Will do last digi tom or tues in hope it says 3+ then hopefully can relax for a bit! X
Hi ladies, hope you’re all ok! I’m getting the odd day where I’m feeling really nauseous but other days I’m absolutely fine!
I suppose on a positive not CC its good the nausea isnt everyday. I hope it settles. Does anything help? Hows your appetite?.x
Hi, I'm ok tho constantly trying to figure out what at symptoms I have and if any have disappeared. I have got myself so excited about this pregnancy &the future I will be devastated if it doesn't work out again. Tests still not as dark as the control line. Will test again Tues then getting bloods done Thurs. Any idea how long b4 il get results?
Hi babbyboo...my only vague symptoms have dissappeared too! I think symptoms start around 6 weeks but a lot of women do not experience them. I have two kids and didnt get any symptoms apart from heartburn late on with both. As for bloods it depends i guess on your GP practice, but usually fairly quick...next day or day after.its so hard this early on. Are you going for an early scan? Thinking of booking mine for a week tom or tues x
Sorry to hear you are still unwell elven. Hopefully it will pass. I wonder if thats the stary of morning sickness? Do you feel hungry so eat and then geel nauseous? I think its supposed to settle around 10 weeks. Some say eat little and often? Still no symptoms here but only 5 weeks so think they dont really start till after 6 weeks usually. Will do last digi tom or tues in hope it says 3+ then hopefully can relax for a bit! X
That will be exciting to see. xx It may be the start, strange it only ever happens when I eat, no sickness the rest of the time. Could be worse though, so can't complain!
Sorry to hear you are still unwell elven. Hopefully it will pass. I wonder if thats the stary of morning sickness? Do you feel hungry so eat and then geel nauseous? I think its supposed to settle around 10 weeks. Some say eat little and often? Still no symptoms here but only 5 weeks so think they dont really start till after 6 weeks usually. Will do last digi tom or tues in hope it says 3+ then hopefully can relax for a bit! X
That will be exciting to see. xx It may be the start, strange it only ever happens when I eat, no sickness the rest of the time. Could be worse though, so can't complain!

I think feeling nauseous when you eat is fairly common. Are you able to eat ok?.if struggling with food, ice lollies are supposed to help or eating little and often. I suppose having symptoms sometimes can be reassuring that things are progressing, whereas no symptoms can make you feel like youre a bit in limbo! X
I know it's so hard not to worry. With my LO I had pressure in lower abdomen to the extent that I couldn't sleep on my belly from 4wks when I found out. Also had to pee every night too. I shade the pressure on abdomen with chemical too. This time I have it during day but not at night.
Would be great if we could all just relax and enjoy it:-)

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