*** September 2018 Mums ***

Is this your first Hun?
This is mine and I still panic about her if it wasn't for my growing bump and her kicking all time I'd be panicking but I think I will still panic over her when she's here lol xx
No i have a DS (12) and a DD (10). We caughte in july (a lovely surprise as not ttc) but then had a mmc at 10+3 (i was in april mummies thread for a while). The mmc made us realise we werent ready say no to being parents again. Im 42 so i know the risk of mc is high. I loved my first x2 pregnancies. I felt great the whole time apart from.some heartburn around 8 months! I just hope this one sticks as i know my beautiful kids will love to have a little bro or sis. The 1st pregnancy is so special as its all new and exciting...i bet you cant wait!
Your not old Hun, if you look at most women now they don't even start trying for a baby till late 30s early 40s these days where as years ago most would try early 20s it's certainly more common to have a family later on now, I'm 31 xx
Thanks holli! I was 30 when i had my DS. It's amazing! You are going to love it x
I really can't wait melly, I'm so excited to meet her, I keep imagining it and how amazing Christmas is going to be this year in our new house (in laws just bought us our own house so hopefully march we will be in it ) and then we will have a 7 month old little girl at Christmas :-) are you finding out the sex or you staying yellow? Xx
We will find out at the harmony test if we get that far...altho dreading harmony as this is when i found out last time there was no heartbeat. We didnt find out for DS or DD but really want to know this time. Youll be a lovely mum to your beautiful baby girl. Very generous of the in laws! Sounds like a really exciting year for you x
Aww thankyou I get worried some times that I will be rubbish as I don't know what I'm doing, it's a long story but my landlord tried it on with me last month despite me being pregnant with a massive bump and I threw up in front of him which did not stop him so if he can do that with me been like this what else can he do? We didn't have the spare cash for a deposit on another house or to buy one so the in laws surprised us as they worry about what else he could do,
I'm sure this baby will be your miracle baby although I can imagine it does make you worry about it try not to and enjoy every moment what does your other children think to another addition? Xx
Oh my word, I'm so glad it's not just me obsessively checking the lines getting darker!! Today my test line became as dark as the control line, so maybe I'll stop now haha

Hope you're all well. No symptoms for me apart from being tired all the time - probably cos I'm up all night panicking about the baby. Arrrrghghhhh
Oh my word, I'm so glad it's not just me obsessively checking the lines getting darker!! Today my test line became as dark as the control line, so maybe I'll stop now haha

Hope you're all well. No symptoms for me apart from being tired all the time - probably cos I'm up all night panicking about the baby. Arrrrghghhhh

Haha I bet yo don't stop! Have you done any digis?

Sorry I'm proper gatecrashing your thread I just like chatting to every one lol xx
I think we are all at in rainbow! Im really tired today! Going away all wkd to so having to tell people im doing a dry january!

Holli....that sounds horrendous. What a creep! Youll be a great mum...none of us know what we are doing haha! Dont think ever changes to! Not going to tell kids till after harmony incase i have another mc. We didnt tell them last time so theyve been spared the upset. I just hope this one sticks so i can see their faces. I think they will love it, esp my 10 yr old DD x
I got a '2-3' a week ago but I couldn't justify the money for another digi..... so instead I bought a baby gro with a rainbow on it, whoops. I know it's way too early but I already have a full nursery full of clothes and nappies so what's one more??
Youre right rainbow....and this will be youre wee rainbow! I sneakily bought the digis so probably wont confess to DH unless he asks haha! Soent a bloomin fortunate on tests in recent months!
Haha lane would of killed me if he knew how much I spent on tests that's why I love talking to TT on here she helps with the obsession!

I think both of you will go on to have beautiful babies and I can't wait to see them :-) your doin better than me rainbow all I have is a Moses basket, 3 in 1 pram some pink I love daddy socks and a bag of knitted cardigans off lanes Nannan we are holding off till in new house but I'm so tempted at everything I see xx
Whoops! Sent my DH the pic of 2-3 weeks cb test....busted haha!! He seemed fine about it...but will stop after the one next week (ooo and a frer i have lurking somewhere!) X
Lie and just said it was last one hanging around lol, your line will be really dark on the FR xx
Already busted....cant believe i forgot he bought the cb digi last weekend and saw me use them both! Will miss poas i think!
Got my scan date today, very end of February though. I will be about 13.5 weeks by then so a bit disappointed, but what can you do! Does make me extra tempted to go for a private one, it's just such a long time away.
Elven....my scan is 14th march and i will be 13 1/2 weeks too. We have decided to go for a harmony scan at 10 weeks as this inlude US but can also find out gender. The main purpose though is to screen for chromosonal disorders etc. Its £400 but for me being 42, its worth it! You can get good deals on early reassurance scans for around £50 and you get to see heartbeat and have photos x
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Elven....my scan is 14th march and i will be 13 1/2 weeks too. We have decided to go for a harmony scan at 10 weeks as this inlude US but can also find out gender. The main purpose though is to screen for chromosonal disorders etc. Its £400 but for me being 42, its worth it! You can get good deals on early reassurance scans for around £50 and you get to see heartbeat and have photos x
True, definitely sounds worth it for you. :) I think the husband thinks it's unnecessary but it's over 6 weeks away. When you have already known for 3 weeks, that seems like ages. Will need to properly look into some early scans, I was thinking one at 10 weeks would be great.

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