*** September 2018 Mums ***

I know but we have a few more weeks before then i fear! Xx
I think feeling nauseous when you eat is fairly common. Are you able to eat ok?.if struggling with food, ice lollies are supposed to help or eating little and often. I suppose having symptoms sometimes can be reassuring that things are progressing, whereas no symptoms can make you feel like youre a bit in limbo! X
I can struggle through the meal, just need to take is slowly which is fine. I know what you mean, this is the first new symptom that has come up since the others started 3 weeks ago. Not really feeling much is strange, like you say, you're in a bit of a limbo wondering what's going on. xx
Youre a couple of weeks ahead of me so my symptoms likely to creep up on me very soon haha! X
Hi girls, the only symptoms in getting are extremely sore boobs...my friend (who doesn't know) hugged me tight today and I jerked away cos the pain in ymy boobs is ridiculous. Another one is bloating at night, jeez I don't half bloat, and I get stomach ache if I eat too big of portions at meal times! Im Drinking hot peppermint cordial in between meals and at nightime that seems to be helping. Hope everyone else is well x
Hi mase, ive had a bit of bloating in evenings...only once or twice though. Boobs are a little fuller but not tender yet. Im drinking lots of lemon squash, which is really helping with my dry mouth overnight. Be interesting to see how we are all doing next week as i reckon the symptoms will rack up a notch! X
I suppose on a positive not CC its good the nausea isnt everyday. I hope it settles. Does anything help? Hows your appetite?.x
Hi Melly! Yes deffo a positive but when I happens it’s horrid! It seems to come on when I’ve not had any breakfast yet and gets much better once I’ve had something so I guess if I can eat when I get up it may be better!
My appetite is ok - I still feel hungry often but I can’t eat anywhere near as much as I could before! Plus I feel a bit sick once I’ve eaten too! Xx
Sounds like you need to eat little and often and maybe have a few snacks you can take to work to eat in between meals to stop you getting nauseous. Ginger is supposed to help as do ice lollies....im too cold to eat anything icy though! Ive got a bit of bloating tonight and my DH said my boobs felt fuller tonight (sorry tmi haha!) so hopefully things are progressing x
Thread jumping... I found toast helped a little with the nausea, milk and lemonade (I hate fizzy pop but a friend suggested it to me and it did ease it) I don't drink fizzy any more but it's only recently I've stopped with the nausea the midwife actually told me that if your nauseous or sick for most of your pregnancy your most likely to be carrying a girl as you carry double hormones it's right with me so not sure if that's a coincidence! I tried every thing ginger nothing helped, so I pretty much lived off toast and glasses of milk in the first trimester, my midwife also told me to keep away from spicy foods or let a cooked meal cook down before eating as anything hot or spicy can aggrevate the nausea xx
Speaking of vomiting, I was sick for the first time this morning. It's all coming back to me from last time, yuk. I promised myself I would take things easy this time as I continued to work 12 hour days last time whilst vomiting.
Its important rainbow you do take it easier. 12 hours days are do tough to do when youre pregnant. Are you able to speak to work about not doing so much? X
Thanks all for your comments. It's hard not to test, suppose we just want to hold onto anything that can help indicate this pregnancy will be ok. Took another test yesterday and yay: the test line was darker again than the second line. Pfew! And I took a CB digital which indicated 3+ as expected and hoped for the time I've calculated that I'm pregnant.

Early scan on the 23rd. Should be 6w5d then. Waaah little nervous already! Could therrle be a heartbeat by that time?
Hi ladies,

I hope you don't mind me jumping in on this thread. I'm 28 and just found out me and hubby are expecting our first baba! My period would be due tomorrow but I did an early test on Saturday (well I ended up doing 4 tests) that all came back as positive! Eeeeek! Feeling very excited but also very nervous and anxious! Kind of want the next few days to be over so I know I have a missed period...do you think I should wait before I ring the doctors? According to several sites I am currently 4+2. Looking forward to hearing your advice and tips :) xxx
Hi kate and welcome. Congratulations also! Think there is no harm ringing GP. I did and they gave me number for midwife to book in 1st appt when im 10 weeks. Every area is different so ring them and maybe ask receptionist if you have to ring midwives directly or whether you have to be referred by GP. Are you having any symptoms yet? Probably bit too early....congratulations again x
Thanks all for your comments. It's hard not to test, suppose we just want to hold onto anything that can help indicate this pregnancy will be ok. Took another test yesterday and yay: the test line was darker again than the second line. Pfew! And I took a CB digital which indicated 3+ as expected and hoped for the time I've calculated that I'm pregnant.

Early scan on the 23rd. Should be 6w5d then. Waaah little nervous already! Could therrle be a heartbeat by that time?

Hi daisy, thats great getting 3+. Im going to do one tom in hope i get 3+. Im really nervous! Great youve got early scan sorted. They should be able to see heartbeat. You can hear it but youll be able to see the flicker on the monitor. Once they detect heartbeat, chances of mc reduces. X
Hi kate and welcome. Congratulations also! Think there is no harm ringing GP. I did and they gave me number for midwife to book in 1st appt when im 10 weeks. Every area is different so ring them and maybe ask receptionist if you have to ring midwives directly or whether you have to be referred by GP. Are you having any symptoms yet? Probably bit too early....congratulations again x

Thank you! No symptoms yet I don't think... I do feel a little tired today considering I slept like a baby last night so not sure if that's related, and I have been quite bloated and gassy over the weekend lol! I've rang my GP surgery and asked receptionist for advise, she said I need to call in and fill out a midwife appointment but don't need to see a doctor and she will ring me and make an appointment at about 8 weeks so hopefully only 4 weeks to go and I might feel a bit less anxious! I'm going shopping tonight and feel like getting another pregnancy test to do in the morning even though I had 4 strong positives already! Does anyone else get like that? xxx
Yes always. Ive dine 7 so far and doing another one tom! Tiredness is definately related. Glad you rang doctors x
thank goodness I'm not the only one then! I'm usually the most laid back person but this whole weekend I've been anxious and paranoid lol! Welcome to motherhood I suppose! Definitely gonna get another test on my way home then so I can add it to my collection :)

Anther thing that's playing on my mind is that I'm going skiing on 3rd Feb for a week, if I'm right then I will be about 7 weeks by then and wondering if I will be ok? I'm not a crazy skier like my hubby going off the side of mountains etc...I like to go quite leisurely and I'm very cautious. I suppose if I am feeling tired or sick by then, then I can just sit in a nice little café for the afternoon or something :) xxx
I would yhink youd be ok as you shouldnt have a bump and your wee bean will be tiny so it should be nice and snug inside you incase you fall. Maybe ring midwife to check but should be ok. How exciting! I love skiing....where are you going? X
Hi ladies,

I hope you don't mind me jumping in on this thread. I'm 28 and just found out me and hubby are expecting our first baba! My period would be due tomorrow but I did an early test on Saturday (well I ended up doing 4 tests) that all came back as positive! Eeeeek! Feeling very excited but also very nervous and anxious! Kind of want the next few days to be over so I know I have a missed period...do you think I should wait before I ring the doctors? According to several sites I am currently 4+2. Looking forward to hearing your advice and tips :) xxx
Congratulations and welcome! :) When you are ready, let me know what date you want me to put you down for. xx
That's what I was thinking. I'm sending my form off to the midwife today and then should expect a call from her in the next few days so I think i'll mention it to her and see what she says. I'm going to Les Menuires in the three valleys in the French Alpes...can't wait now :) Just hope I'm not hit too hard with the sickness/tiredness by then as I will be approx. 7-8 weeks.

Thanks Elven, I've done a few due date calculators online and the dates come back between 22nd and 25th September so I don't really know how you work it out? xxx

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