*** September 2018 Mums ***

Thanks for that Holli!!
Sorry to hear you’re not well elven- I usually have hot Ribena with honey and lemon... works way better than anything else! Or you can swallow a spoon of honey straight from the jar to help soothe your throat! Keep warm especially your chest and keep dosed up x
Hi, I got my long awaited BFP on Monday (2days ago). I had a early loss at 4+weeks in May so have been afraid to jump into this thread. But really want to know if anyone is still getting faint positive tests? I'm 15dpo today I think. I thought line looked slightly darker this morning so should've left it at that but I did another test tonight and it's left me wondering because both the control line and test line are fainter than others I've done.
I'm using the cheapy firstvue tests (from poundland I think).
Babbybo, your urine was probably dilute for you evening test. Lots of women on the forum have had varying shades that often go lighter but still go on to have a healthy pregnancy. Im hoing to do a digi hpping to get 2-3 weeks on it yom. I will then do one next week to get 3+ and wont do anymore after this. Sorry to hear about your early loss. It never ceases to surprise me just how common mc's are for women. This is your rainbow. I hope its a nice, sticky one! Welcome to the thread x
Hi Kelly, for last night's rest I held for around 4+ hrs. I did another one his morning and it's no different from previous days. Think it's probably another chemical bit was holding onto hope that these tests just don't get darker quickly.
I hope they get darker to but tests vary so much. Sending you :dust:
Babbybo, your urine was probably dilute for you evening test. Lots of women on the forum have had varying shades that often go lighter but still go on to have a healthy pregnancy. Im hoing to do a digi hpping to get 2-3 weeks on it yom. I will then do one next week to get 3+ and wont do anymore after this. Sorry to hear about your early loss. It never ceases to surprise me just how common mc's are for women. This is your rainbow. I hope its a nice, sticky one! Welcome to the thread x

Have you done your digi yet? I got a 2-3 at just over 4 weeks and then I did another 2days later and got a 3+ I did two of the 3+ (2 in a pack) to check it still said same and it did then I stopped testing but my bloods where fairly high, when I got my 2-3 my bloods came back at 1862 (which was when I had just missed my period by 2 days) and after 48 hours they was 4306, not every one is the same so don't be worried if not
1-2 weeks is 25- 200
2-3 weeks is 200- 2000
3+ is 2000+
Im ok thanks CC . Bit bloated last night but not as thirsty overnight now im drinking 7000 litres of fluids a day haha!

Thanks Holli....i did digi when i was 3+6 which showed 1-2 weeks...im 4+6 tom so thinking of doing one then but worried in case it shows 1-2 still...do you think tomorrow is too soon?

Congratulations and welcome to the new ladies joining us x
Im ok thanks CC . Bit bloated last night but not as thirsty overnight now im drinking 7000 litres of fluids a day haha!

Thanks Holli....i did digi when i was 3+6 which showed 1-2 weeks...im 4+6 tom so thinking of doing one then but worried in case it shows 1-2 still...do you think tomorrow is too soon?

Congratulations and welcome to the new ladies joining us x

I personally think you would get a 2-3 now as it doubles every 48 hours so I would say you would be more than 200 if you was 25miu it would be around 250miu by now xx
Thanks holli will do a test later on tom. Fingers crossed it says 2-3 weeks x
Thanks holli will do a test later on tom. Fingers crossed it says 2-3 weeks x

I'm guna be stalking love seeing it in words.. I some times get tempted to do some but i won't as apparently the further you go the levels start to decrease xx
So this is my cb digi this pm. Happy its gone up to 2-3.
Have one for next week. Fingers crossed i get 3+. 1515675746812-358584837.jpg
Thanks Holli. The info about the hcg levels was helpful. Will test early next week and hope for a 3+ x
I never knew about them till I got my positive and then I was like a woman possessed haha you could get 3+ sooner I was only saying Monday if your levels where at the lowest end but I know you'd be panicking if it didn't change so I think Monday onwards you will get it :-) I'm excited for you I love coming back and seeing how every one is doing there's so many ladies on here I hope get their bfp soon I will keep checking on every one when I've had Willow too cos although we are all strangers I've become friendly with a fair few xx
I know what you mean holli....ive shared things on this forum that my best friend or family dont know. The ladies are always really supportive....i guess we all have something in common that connects us. Im going to wait till monday to be sure and thanks for your advice.it has been very reassuring to see 2-3 weeks today x

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