*** September 2018 Mums ***

Hi everyone!!

New to here and only just found out we're expecting, we've been trying for 6 years and are due 6th September :D
Hello and welcome! I have added you to the list too. xx
Hi all! can I join this thread?

I haven't read all pages yet, will do so at a later time as I am in the office now, being all sneaky on this forum while everyone is on their lunch break haha

I'm 33, live in the Netherlands and found out that I am pregnant on new year's day! I stopped the pill in oktober, had an early miscarriage in November. The tests just didn't seem to go up that time, and I knew something was wrong.

without even having a period inbetween I am now pregnant again, and this time the tests are going up really well and this morning the second line was even thicker than the other line!

Still anxious and nervous; what if it goes wrong again? Really hoping all will be well. I have more symptoms now compared to last time, which is a bit of a reassurance at least :-)
Congratulations and welcome! I have added you to the list. xx

It is such an anxious time, I can't see how people can be calm for these first weeks!

I know what you mean elven. Hopefully our thread will help is het through the next few nervous weeks. X
I know what you mean elven. Hopefully our thread will help is het through the next few nervous weeks. X
Exactly, I think it's great just having a place where we all feel the same so can relate to each other. Makes you feel less mad, I guess! x
Ohh Becky I’m totally gutted for you. So so sorry and sending a massive hug your way xxx
How are we all today?
I’ve got a little back pain and my tummy is quite crampy today too - booooo! Feels like when I have af so it’s scaring me again!
CC its very normal to still have af type symptoms at the moment so hope your not in too much discomfort? I dont really have any symptoms yet. I hope its still to early at 4+4. I would like to feel something though....even sore boobs....just cant believe im pregant still! X
I’m not too uncomfortable it’s just every little thing scares me! Thanks for the reassurance hun! Ahh you’ll get something soon I’m sure! Hehehe! Just don’t prey too hard or you may get hit with it all hehe
I know...! I think before mmc in sept it was 6 weeks before i felt anything. Should be scanned at 6 weeks due to previous mmc. They said they would so i guess not long to wait to find out if everything so far appears ok.

So no nausea? Fingers crossed you avoid that. I did with my DS and DD! Might not be so lucky this time haha! X
Hey ladies I'm thread jumping so don't mind me... coveyclover i had really bad af cramps and back ache when I first found I was pregnant they was that bad they had me bent over in pain crying I went to see my gp who said it was very normal as your body was preparing for af but you caught and the baby nestling in there is all combined- she saw I was still worried so she sent me to hospital for a scan just to put my mind at ease we didn't see baby but saw the start of it so I had about 3 early scans just till they saw heartbeat to try and ease my mind, I'm now 24 weeks pregnant with a little lady who literally kicks the crap out of me constantly lol so as much as it is worrying it's all normal xx
I know...! I think before mmc in sept it was 6 weeks before i felt anything. Should be scanned at 6 weeks due to previous mmc. They said they would so i guess not long to wait to find out if everything so far appears ok.

So no nausea? Fingers crossed you avoid that. I did with my DS and DD! Might not be so lucky this time haha! X
Ahh not long then! I’m staring to feel a bit sicky but haven’t been sick just yet! Hoping I won’t be either as I have a phobia of being sick haha!
Hey ladies I'm thread jumping so don't mind me... coveyclover i had really bad af cramps and back ache when I first found I was pregnant they was that bad they had me bent over in pain crying I went to see my gp who said it was very normal as your body was preparing for af but you caught and the baby nestling in there is all combined- she saw I was still worried so she sent me to hospital for a scan just to put my mind at ease we didn't see baby but saw the start of it so I had about 3 early scans just till they saw heartbeat to try and ease my mind, I'm now 24 weeks pregnant with a little lady who literally kicks the crap out of me constantly lol so as much as it is worrying it's all normal xx
Aww thank you hun, it’s always reassuring to hear other people’s experiences!

Something else that is a bit odd is I’m needing to wee more but not as much comes out anymore! Is that ok?
Hey ladies I'm thread jumping so don't mind me... coveyclover i had really bad af cramps and back ache when I first found I was pregnant they was that bad they had me bent over in pain crying I went to see my gp who said it was very normal as your body was preparing for af but you caught and the baby nestling in there is all combined- she saw I was still worried so she sent me to hospital for a scan just to put my mind at ease we didn't see baby but saw the start of it so I had about 3 early scans just till they saw heartbeat to try and ease my mind, I'm now 24 weeks pregnant with a little lady who literally kicks the crap out of me constantly lol so as much as it is worrying it's all normal xx
Aww thank you hun, it’s always reassuring to hear other people’s experiences!

Something else that is a bit odd is I’m needing to wee more but not as much comes out anymore! Is that ok?

Yes I had that too always felt I needed a wee but only trickled when i went, wait till your 24 weeks your constantly on loo and each time is like elephant wees lol no idea where it all comes from! Just watch out for water infections, my midwife told me not to try and push a wee out and only go if I really needed to xx
I had this a little bit today....its good to know not to try and make yourself wee. I swear ive been around 10 times since lunchtime :lol:
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Yeah she said staining one out of you if don't really need to go can cause water infections as your messing with your bladder! now I try and hold it till I know I will pee myself if I don't go xx
I have had a cold for the last few days, which has now just stuck to my chest and throat. The latter being just raw and painful from all the coughing at this point. Any suggestions for things I can take or use to help it a bit? Midwife said no standard flu remedies, but hoping someone might have some other ideas.
I had hot water sliced lemon and honey and paracetamol I found that helped loads your allowed paracetamol when pregnant remember to keep warm and drink loads of fluids xx
Sorry to hear this evlen but like holli said paracetomol is safe. Honey and lemon in hot water and make sure you drink plenty of fluids and keep hydrated. Hope you feel better soon :hug: x
Thanks guys. Had not thought about the honey and lemon in hot water, normally just have tea with honey. Will give this a go though! x
Hi, what about trying to gargle cider vinegar. It's supposed to be very good (though I haven't tried it).

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