*** September 2018 Mums ***

Hello ladies...I'm going to be a September mummy too! Does anyone else feel like this time frame between doing a hpt (and finally believing the test result after the 8 millionth test) and getting it confirmed at docs is agonising??! I'm terrified, I got to sleep at night and wake up frantic in case I've read the test wrong! Every single pain and twinge I get in my stomach is the end of the world! I just know I'm gonna be a nightmare for my husband (and you guys...so apologies in advance!) X
Congratulations and welcome! What date do you want me to put you down for? xx

Honestly I have been like this too, I keep taking a test every other day or so just to check it's still true. My own fault for buying 30 tests online the day before I found out! Gone a bit OTT with it now, can't wait until the 12 week scan.
In so glad it's not only me..can you put me down for 14th please x
Thanks elven.

CC...glad spotting has settled

Mase...ive had the stretchy feelings too. Boobs feel a little fuller, but not much!

Hope everyone else ok x
Hey girls sorry for the late update , I didn’t get out of the hospital til recently ,
I had my internal scan, she couldn’t find any sign of pregnancy in the womb , said there was a small shadow near my ovary which could be a cyst & Baby is too small to see yet, or the other explanation could be ectopic.
Had bloods & my HCg is low , 121 ? I’m not sure how low that is but I may not be as far gone as I thought.
Going back on weds for 2nd bloods , if levels have doubled that’s the best news , if they have o my gone up slightly it’s likely it’s ectopic pregnancy but they seemed quite hopeful as I have had no pain or discomfort just slight brown spotting.
But I’m so glad I did contact the drs & got an early scan just in case it is the worst , will wait it out and see ..

Millie So sorry to hear sending lots of hugs to you xx
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I'm so sorry Millielaura, I don't know what else to say other than I know there isn't anything harder than this. I hope you have some good people with you right now. x
Hey girls sorry for the late update , I didn’t get out of the hospital til recently ,
I had my internal scan, she couldn’t find any sign of pregnancy in the womb , said there was a small shadow near my ovary which could be a cyst & Baby is too small to see yet, or the other explanation could be ectopic.
Had bloods & my HCg is low , 121 ? I’m not sure how low that is but I may not be as far gone as I thought.
Going back on weds for 2nd bloods , if levels have doubled that’s the best news , if they have o my gone up slightly it’s likely it’s ectopic pregnancy but they seemed quite hopeful as I have had no pain or discomfort just slight brown spotting.
But I’m so glad I did contact the drs & got an early scan just in case it is the worst , will wait it out and see ..

Millie So sorry to hear sending lots of hugs to you xx

Fingers crossed for weds. Im pretty sure they cant really see anything before 6 weeks as its just too early. Hope youre ok? X
Hi all! can I join this thread?

I haven't read all pages yet, will do so at a later time as I am in the office now, being all sneaky on this forum while everyone is on their lunch break haha

I'm 33, live in the Netherlands and found out that I am pregnant on new year's day! I stopped the pill in oktober, had an early miscarriage in November. The tests just didn't seem to go up that time, and I knew something was wrong.

without even having a period inbetween I am now pregnant again, and this time the tests are going up really well and this morning the second line was even thicker than the other line!

Still anxious and nervous; what if it goes wrong again? Really hoping all will be well. I have more symptoms now compared to last time, which is a bit of a reassurance at least :-)
Welcome Daisy. Hope you have a stick bean this time! What symptoms are you having. Apart from a bit of stretching and boobs a tiny bit bigger ive not had any symptoms. Bit anxious but got a dark line on frer yesterday lunchtime so maybe 4 + 3 is just too early to feel anything! Like you i had mmc in sept so will be a little on edge in these first few weeks! Will get get an early scan due to you having mc? Not sure what the system is in netherlands but it varies hugely in the UK depending where you live but usually 3 mc's before early scan. Ive been told i can have one, even though only one mc so far.o think if they end up saying no i will pay for a private one. Hopefully over the next few weeks we will start to feel a little more reassured x
Just a quick question ladies....have any of you done cb digi and when did you get 2-3 or 3+ weeks? I did one at 3+6 weeks and got 1-2 as expected. Just wondering how long ti wait yi take next one to get 2-3 wks. Im not having any symptoms so just wanted to do another soon for reassurance....arggghh! Hurry up 12 week mark! It feels like i found out a month ago...not 3 days ago!
Welcome Daisy. Hope you have a stick bean this time! What symptoms are you having. Apart from a bit of stretching and boobs a tiny bit bigger ive not had any symptoms. Bit anxious but got a dark line on frer yesterday lunchtime so maybe 4 + 3 is just too early to feel anything! Like you i had mmc in sept so will be a little on edge in these first few weeks! Will get get an early scan due to you having mc? Not sure what the system is in netherlands but it varies hugely in the UK depending where you live but usually 3 mc's before early scan. Ive been told i can have one, even though only one mc so far.o think if they end up saying no i will pay for a private one. Hopefully over the next few weeks we will start to feel a little more reassured x

Thank you for the welcome :-) sorry to hear you had a mc too, but congrats on the pregnancy! The symptoms I have are some cramps (nothing too bad), stretching, painful lower back, bloating in the evening and I'm so c-c-cold! With my last pregnancy (I'm the mother of a 2 year old), my boobs were painful and huge. I don't have that (yet). I read most symptoms start around week 6, so shouldn't be too impatient I guess ;-)

They offer an early scan when you're unsure of your menstrual cycle and they want a clear idea of how far along you are. I haven't had a proper period since I gave birth 2 years ago due to the cerazette pill, so they will offer it like they did last month before I had the mc. Most likely at my own expenses and not covered by insurance. The 12 and 20 week scan is covered though.

Ive registered at the midwives practice online yesterday and am awaiting their call to start scheduling appointments. Exciting!
Your symptoms sound similar. With my mmc i had fuller and tender boobs and bloating. This time bit of stretchin, altho only in evenings and a dry mouth sometimes overnight. Felt warmer this time around. Its good you can get early scan...even if you have to pay as it will give you some reassurance. I just feel like time is dragging a bit. I remember this from last time too! I do have two other children a boy (12) and a girl (10). My pregnancy before mmc was unplanned but a lovely surprise and having had a mmc just thought im not done with this yet! And here i am! Ive only been on this thread a few days, but keen to hear everyones stories and getting to know you all x
Hi everyone!!

New to here and only just found out we're expecting, we've been trying for 6 years and are due 6th September :D
Thats lovely news...such a long journey for you. Congratulations and welcome. Looking forwards to sharing this journey with you x
Sorry to tell you guys I had what I’m 99% sure was a miscarriage this morning.
I was taken straight to hospital by OH , have to have it confirmed by bloods tomorrow but I was in agony cramping and pSsing clots & blood.
We are both devastated as expected , but everything happens for a reason it’s not our time yet . I hope you all have a happy & healthy 9 months hopefully I’ll be re joining another thread at some point this year
So sorry to hear this becky. I had a mmc in sept and it is devasting. There is lots of information suggesting youre more fertile after a mc so i think youre right. We will see you in tri 1 again very soon. Take care, relax and maybe have a glass of wine :hug:
So sorry to hear this becky. I had a mmc in sept and it is devasting. There is lots of information suggesting youre more fertile after a mc so i think youre right. We will see you in tri 1 again very soon. Take care, relax and maybe have a glass of wine :hug:

Thank you hun. Aww sorry to hear. Yes you’re right I have heard that too, will let my body get back to normal again before we start trying but I am hopeful.
Its important to only start trying when you feel ready. If you have any questions about it come and join me and rach on the mmc thread as we both went through it recently and we had a ton of questions. Take care sweetie x
Sorry to tell you guys I had what I’m 99% sure was a miscarriage this morning.
I was taken straight to hospital by OH , have to have it confirmed by bloods tomorrow but I was in agony cramping and pSsing clots & blood.
We are both devastated as expected , but everything happens for a reason it’s not our time yet . I hope you all have a happy & healthy 9 months hopefully I’ll be re joining another thread at some point this year
I'm so sorry Becky, how awful. I hope you get your sticky bean soon! xx
Hi all! can I join this thread?

I haven't read all pages yet, will do so at a later time as I am in the office now, being all sneaky on this forum while everyone is on their lunch break haha

I'm 33, live in the Netherlands and found out that I am pregnant on new year's day! I stopped the pill in oktober, had an early miscarriage in November. The tests just didn't seem to go up that time, and I knew something was wrong.

without even having a period inbetween I am now pregnant again, and this time the tests are going up really well and this morning the second line was even thicker than the other line!

Still anxious and nervous; what if it goes wrong again? Really hoping all will be well. I have more symptoms now compared to last time, which is a bit of a reassurance at least :-)
Congratulations and welcome! I have added you to the list. xx

It is such an anxious time, I can't see how people can be calm for these first weeks!

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