*** September 2018 Mums ***

Thanks Melly! I didn’t either strangely... I had Sicilian lemonade before bed so maybe that helped too! I’m addicted to that stuff atm!
Fingers crossed citrus is the answer!

Any news Becky and Millielaura. Thinking of you X
Just been to the toilet and have some light brown cm :( I really hope this is nothing!
I have a drs app this afternoon to talk about my medication so will see when they say then!

Please send me sticky baby dust ladies x
defo all over for me :'(. been bleeding heavy, no sac on scan and blood hcg has dropped :'( not sure I can face another year ttc then this again. Got no one else to look after my daughter today and OH couldnt have any time off so had to kind of just get on with it :'(
Wish you all the best girls xxx
Really sorry to hear this millielaura. Its sounds like its been really tough for you. Give you DD a big hug and look after yourself my lovely xx

Coverclover....its probably old blood left from implantation...its quite common but sending you lots of :dust: x

Becky....hope youre ok? How did scan go?
I’m so so sorry to hear that millielaura absolutely gutted for you honey! Sending you lots of love and hugs xxx

I hope so Melly, I really do! Will let you know what the dr says later today!
defo all over for me :'(. been bleeding heavy, no sac on scan and blood hcg has dropped :'( not sure I can face another year ttc then this again. Got no one else to look after my daughter today and OH couldnt have any time off so had to kind of just get on with it :'(
Wish you all the best girls xxx

Oh no Millielaura , im so sorry for you .
And must be very hard to have go through it on ur own without support .
Im sorry that its over for u but i wish you lots of luck in ttc and bean sticking next time xx
Just want to say congrats to the ladies that have recently joined this thread.
I went to docs last fri and no bloods or wee sample even taken to confirm but my first midwife appointment is 17th jan. Im not quite sure what the 1st appt will consist of but im excited.
Hi babycakes. 1st appt (booking apt) is info gathering mainly. They take wee sample, weigh you and take blood pressure. Ask about domestic violence or if you are considered a high risk pregnancy. Cant remember if they take blood....i think they do. The aplt kasts around an hour or so. It gets tge ball rolling and it starts to feel it is really happening! Ive booked mine today for 20th feb (hopefully i will be 10 weeks then) and have 12 wk scan on wednesday 14th march. X
How did you get on CC? Any news Becky?

Also just wanted to check what pregnancy apps youre all using. Im using ovia but wondered if there might be other good apps any of you ladies would recommend? X
Hi Melly, dr was pretty confident it’s nothing but said to rest up and keep an eye on things. Nature has to do what it needs to so only time will tell. He was lovely and checked me over - blood pressure all ok! Managed to change some of my allergy meds to better ones that are safer during pregnancy and he’s happy my inhalers are ok and will cause no harm! Phew!
So fingers and toes crossed that this is just my little pomegranate seed nesting in for good! Thanks for thinking of me xxx
What a relief. If you are still worried and the spotting continues you can contact early pregnanxt assessment unit at you local hospital for a scan (from 6 weeks). Put your feet up Mrs! X
Hello ladies...I'm going to be a September mummy too! Does anyone else feel like this time frame between doing a hpt (and finally believing the test result after the 8 millionth test) and getting it confirmed at docs is agonising??! I'm terrified, I got to sleep at night and wake up frantic in case I've read the test wrong! Every single pain and twinge I get in my stomach is the end of the world! I just know I'm gonna be a nightmare for my husband (and you guys...so apologies in advance!) X
Hekli and welcome Mase! Been the same Mase! I cant get it confirmed at doctors. I have to wait for early scan (6 weeks) and thats only because i had a mmc in sept so they agreed to scan early if i conceived again...otherwise it wouldnt be confirmed till 12 week scan! Ive been so vigilant with any signs but tbh they are far and few between! Hoping to experience some soon so it feels real! You have doctors this week?X
Yeah I'm going on Thursday...I had to tell a little fib and pretend wasn't sure how far I was so that they'd see me..it's wrong I know but I need to see someone! My docs said they won't see someone until at least 8weeks and the midwives have a strict 11week rule! I'm deffo feeling signs the bottom. Of my stomach feels like it's pulling and I'm getting the odd stabbing pain! My boobs feel like they're on fire too!
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Welcome mase! Yes 100% agree! More than welcome to ask and share everything hehe!

The brown spotting seems to have gone back to the creamy yellow I have had the last couple of days so fingers crossed! I do have some cramps and backache tho which is annoying! Back feels like sciatica booo!

Hope everyone’s ok xx
defo all over for me :'(. been bleeding heavy, no sac on scan and blood hcg has dropped :'( not sure I can face another year ttc then this again. Got no one else to look after my daughter today and OH couldnt have any time off so had to kind of just get on with it :'(
Wish you all the best girls xxx
I'm so sorry, my heart breaks for you. :( Life can be so cruel sometimes. xx
How did you get on CC? Any news Becky?

Also just wanted to check what pregnancy apps youre all using. Im using ovia but wondered if there might be other good apps any of you ladies would recommend? X
I've been using Ovia, Nurture, BabyBump Pro and I'm Expected, but honestly finding the Ovia to be the best so far.

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