*** September 2018 Mums ***

Hi all, I’d like to join the group please! I’ve taken 3 HPT this week, all positive however I’m feeling so anxious that it’s not real or it is but something will happen, that I’m just freaking out right now! Not long been TTC and first time pregnant so I’m not sure how to feel/what to expect in these early weeks. Estimated due date is 8th September, as I’m 5 weeks today. Had a lot of cramping which has now gone. Just feel really tired and have a cold now too. Not sure if pregnancy symptoms or just coincidence.

Congratulations stellbert. Welcome aboard. I had a dreadful cold and sore thought but that was around ovulation. Im a little anxious as have no symptoms (had mmc in sep) but going to try and stay relaxed and positive and hope this little bean sticks! Happy and healthy 9 months x
Morning ladies, how is everyone? Has any of you been having a horrendously dry mouth overnight? Had it with previous pg. Drank over a pint of water which didnt seem to help that much! Wondering if anyone has any ideas? Keeping myself hydrated during the day....maybe i need to be drinking even more fluids during day? X
Morning ladies, how is everyone? Has any of you been having a horrendously dry mouth overnight? Had it with previous pg. Drank over a pint of water which didnt seem to help that much! Wondering if anyone has any ideas? Keeping myself hydrated during the day....maybe i need to be drinking even more fluids during day? X
Morning Melly, I do! I just thought I’ve been fly catching more haha! No idea how to stop it but drinking more can’t be a bad thing!
I’ve also got so much wind it’s crazy! And feeling a bit sick the last couple of days too - booo!!
Sorry to hear that. Ive just done a bit of reading....apparentlt we need to drink more during the day as there is increased blood volume/flow and oue body temp is higher. Drinking water with a touch of something citrus in ut can help to stimulate saliver glands....worth a shot! Going out for a walk today so will be armed with plenty of fluids! Apparently sucking on ice chips helps too (and for if you feel nauseous). Hope sicknesd dorsnt get any worse x
Morning lovelies ... I’m feeling so tired. Zero energy here!

I’m still scared it’s all in my head and I’m not really pregnant.
13 days until my early scan!! xx
Those 13 days will go quickly. Early scans are very reassuring and can break up this long period between getting bfp and your 12 week nhs scan.i dont think it feels real until you see heart beat on the ultrasound, which you will be very soon x
Will any of you be getting the flu jab? The husband mentioned this, and I had not really thought about it given we are already in January. Not sure if it might be worth going for though.
Its supposed to protect you for a year. I had mine through work in october. I think we will have to have whooping cough vaccine too around 12 weeks i think. Midwife told me but didnt make it to 12 weeks to have it last time. If youre not bothered by needles then you might as well have flu vaccine. I always forget to tell them to give it to me in right arm as i usually sleep on left. By default they give it to you in your non writing atm.
My bloods didn't go up like they should be and had bleedimg over the weekend so I think I'm going to be out of here :( the hospital are ringing me tomorrow to go in xx
Oh millielaura im so sorry to hear that. What were your bloods? Are they increasing at all? Hope youre ok. Will you get a scan tomorrow to clarify things? :hug:
congratulations to the new members! Happy and healthy 9 months to you x
Congrats to all new members it’s going to be such an exciting year ! :)
I thought it was just me with the dry mouth thing ha ha I feel hungover almost every morning!

Got my scan tomorrow praying everything will be fine x
Good luck becky. Let is know how you get on. Its great seeing heartbeat for first time! Ive bought some lemon squash to drink to see if that helps overnight and drank 2 extra pints today too! I remember having the flannel mouth for several weeks last time so keen to try anything to reduce it this time! Will let you know if it helps! :lol:
My bloods didn't go up like they should be and had bleedimg over the weekend so I think I'm going to be out of here :( the hospital are ringing me tomorrow to go in xx
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. How do you know your bloods not going up? Let us know how you get on tomorrow please. xx
Will keep you all updated hopefully it’s nothing to worry about :)

Oh Millie hope you are okay. Fingers crossed everything is okay for you x
Hope everything goes ok at the hospital for Becky and MilieLaura tomorrow, will be thinking of you both x
My bloods didn't go up like they should be and had bleedimg over the weekend so I think I'm going to be out of here :( the hospital are ringing me tomorrow to go in xx

Really sorry to hear this hun. Let us know how you get on.
Thinking of you xx
Anyone else else can’t stop eating ... or is it just me!
I’m so bloated but still can’t stop!
Need to curb the unhealthy eating as my IBS is playing up :( xx
Im not anymore hungry yet but notice i get bloated after eating. Also having lots of stretchy feelings, which are all reassuringly familiar at the moment.

Coveyclover....didnt get flannel mouth overnight. I drank two extra pints of lemon squash yesterday afternoon and had half pint of it an hour before bed. Not sure if it helped or coincidence but doing same today....will keep you posted if it works or not!

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