***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

That is very exciting :), what changing bag did you get? I can't believe you have just over 5 weeks to go until term :) x

Very basic Grey messenger style one from Mothercare. I'm not one for a big fussy bag and we wanted in DH was happy to take out on his own as well (he's done this before an is more than happy dealing with babies!).

I don't think we'll last five weeks. DH is signed off sick for another fortnight with his sciatica right now and we both feel the need to sort things out this week :oooo:
Oh no hope the sore bump eases soon!

Where in wales are you staying Bobby? Weather is beautiful here today so heading somewhere for a family day I think. Had a much better night with millie last night - she had two tantrums during bedtime routine (#1 because she didn't want to get in the shower, #2 because she didn't want to get out of the shower) but then went down straight away after two books and went straight to sleep. Stirred once at about 3 but she just wanted a quick cuddle then went back to sleep until 7:30 this morning! Yippee! So hoping she's going to be in a better mood today.

She's in a toddler bed at the moment although we've got a full size single bed in her room too ready for when the toddler bed gets made back into a cot for the baby. Could try moving her to the single bed and seeing if that makes a difference. Don't think we could ditch the ten minutes peppa pig as she'd be upset if she wasn't allowed plus it allows me ten minutes to put any clean washing away in her room etc etc.

Have just ordered a gro clock though as a friend was raving about them the other day so hoping that might reinforce bedtime too xxx
SCL hopefully you'll be offered a scan so you know where you stand :-)

I've got my next scan on the 10th and hoping baby is still growing on the same trajectory.
That is very exciting :), what changing bag did you get? I can't believe you have just over 5 weeks to go until term :) x

Very basic Grey messenger style one from Mothercare. I'm not one for a big fussy bag and we wanted in DH was happy to take out on his own as well (he's done this before an is more than happy dealing with babies!).

I don't think we'll last five weeks. DH is signed off sick for another fortnight with his sciatica right now and we both feel the need to sort things out this week :oooo:

You will end up in early labour lol, Chris loves being a hands on dad too, this time everything will be more equal as there is 2 babies but with Liam it was a race to do things, he loved feeding and sterilising and getting a feeds ready, he loved nappy changes ... The lot!! At least we both get to do it this time, apart from when he returns to work and I need to do it twice lol x

What's a gro clock?
I have a scan on the 2nd and one on the 16th ... I think the one on the 2nd will be the decider of when I have them.

Liam has a single bed as we needed the toddler bed back for a cot but we were decorating his bedroom 1st after moving so just made the transition then :) he does love it though x

Oh ladies I'm in a predicament for bottles ... I have 2 sets and don't know which to use

I have my old faithful but faffy dr. Browns and mam ones, feel a bit guilty if I don't use the dr. Browns as a couple were given as a gift but I really like the teats on the mam ones, they also look less faffy, both are anti colic x

A gro clock is one of those things that you set night time and morning time on it and when it's night time the stars come out on the face of it and then when it's morning time the sun comes out - it's to give them a visual thing to work with and to teach them that they need to stay in bed or play quietly until the sun comes up on it. And when the stars and moon comes on you explain that it's night time so they need to go to sleep. Think it's one of those things that is great for some children and not so good for others. Thinking anything is worth a try with millie at the moment though, and it's got some really rave reviews on amazon!

I would go with the ones that look less faffy considering you've got two babies on the way! You never know, the boys may not like them in which case you will be back to the Dr Brown's anyway xxx
Ah one of the August mummies had her girl on Friday :) but that's the only one I've seen go early :oooo:
Ah I had never heard of that clock, it sounds good though :), and that's a good idea for the bottles, thankyou :)

How early was she lander? I know a few of us will be early but it's from a planned being early x

Babies have dropped and all I can feel is a lot of pressure down below, I wonder if the dropping was causing the sore bump x

Jumping in for a random comment but omg our gro clock is amazing! Honestly the best £20 ever spent. We got ours when we took the sides off the cot so at age 2 and set it every night to get him used to it. It comes with a little story that you read about these animals that need to get enough rest to play the next day. For the past year, it's worked a dream. Jack will go straight to sleep after saying goodbye to the sun and watching the stars come out and knows not to come out of his room until the sun comes up. Just recently, we've had to reinforce it with a sticker chart for every time he stays in bed until the sun but he's almost 4 and starting to push boundaries! Hopefully it'll work just as well for you!! Xxx
Ah awesome kitty good to hear it can work really well!! I'm really praying it works for us too! It arrived this afternoon and have read the book a couple of times and going to read it again after her bath. Have set it up in her room this afternoon so it's all good to go haha.

Caroline how exciting about the babies dropping! Mine hasn't yet xxx
You are only a few days behind me so maybe in a few days it will x

I think I've dropped a bit too, finding it harder to lean forward and bend cos he feels really low down.
It's all good signs :) I now have more space between boobs and bump x

You are only a few days behind me so maybe in a few days it will x

Oo still can't believe we will be in august tomorrow. Lots of you will officially be able to say you're having your baby this month (or next month for the rest of us) :-) exciting! Xxx
This one dropped about a week ago. Thankfully we've today collected the stuff from my in laws so we now have base and cat seat in car and buggy and crib and travel cot in house. Did a big shop in Superdrug this morning and now have travel size toiletries as well as pads and disposable pants!

My baby shower is on Saturday coming so as long as he waits until after that (I'll be 35+3 but he'll measure nearer 37wks!) I'll be happy lol
My new neighbour is a week ahead of me due 31st August withwith a girl and they were arriving home as we were fitting the car she and she was saying to her DH that they hadn't done that with theirs yet lol

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