***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Ah thank you I thought it was longer than that. Don't really like taking time off sick but will see how I get on over the next week as don't want to risk getting myself in a state and making things worse for the baby.

On a lighter note, millie has been really lovely this eve and has temporarily at least taken my mind off my day! Almost didn't want to put her to bed! Xxx
Aww that's what kids do :), I think if it doesn't get any easier you should give it some serious consideration as stress won't do you any good x
Yeh she can drive me mad sometimes but she can also be just the cutest little sweetheart. I think she could tell I was feeling a bit upset tonight and she was super cuddly.
And yeh will definitely give it some thought if things don't improve. I've had some nice texts from sympathetic colleagues this eve though to see how I am - it was all done in the middle of the office so everyone saw but most of them have had crap themselves recently from them xxx
Anyone up to anything nice this eve?
Simon is working nights so I am having a chilled night with Netflix :-) xxx
Just had a takeaway :), at least it's not everyone in your workplace that's mean then.
I'm probably going to sit in bed as that's where I am the comfiest and probably also watch Netflix lol x
Aww kids just melt your heart don't they :love:
Naomi that's rotten they done that to you at all never mind in the middle of the office in front of people, you probably would've handled it stronger if it was done in private....... fuckwits!
DH not long in from work and we've not long finished dinner so now I need to stay awake until 10.45 to do my blood sugar! Might need to set my alarm in case I nod off. We're in bed watching salvage hunters xx
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Haha thanks Karen. Going to put it behind me now and count down my days left haha.

And yes you'll have yours melting your heart very soon too Karen ;-)

Eesh good luck staying up that late! It's one of the good things about having to do it an hour after eating instead of two. Just done mine and they were 5.1 so not bad :-)

Not heard of salvage hunters. I'm watching crazy ex girlfriend - it's a little weird but quite funny! Xxx
Oh I saw that advertised, is it worth a watch? I have plenty of time on my hands for now lol x
Yeh I wasn't too sure at first but it's actually good - as long as you don't mind random singing in stuff. Xxx
The more random the better ... I need the entertainment lol x
Currently getting ready to throttle my husband ... His snoring is driving me insane ... Made worse by the fact that I have barely slept ... So wish we had a spare room right now x
Haha oh dear! Simon is like that some nights but luckily we have a spare room with a nice comfy bed! Trouble is, if he wakes up part the way through the night and finds I'm not there he comes into the spare bed with me because he says he misses me! Xxx
Chris would do the same to be honest lol, he always snores and as long as I'm already asleep it doesn't bother me, it's the nights that I can't sleep lol x
Was doing well on the sleep front until last night when I was awoken by the cat jumping up on me. Went down to the bathroom and found my Dad reading in the conservatory (he and my Step-mum were here to work on the bathroom tiling) so obviously the cat thought that was far too scary to carry on sleeping downstairs and hence he came up to us to hide :roll:
Haha poor cat! Not the nicest waking for you either! My dog keeps sneaking into bed at the moment little monkey Xx
I love my cats cosying into me at night, it just becomes a problem when I need the loo, I end up lying there awake for ages until I'm really bursting cos I don't want to disturb them lol
Our dogs sleep in the kitchen, but with all my lack of sleep I go and get them and bring them to bed, they are like little comfort blankets lol x
Cat nowhere to be found this morning, DH now thinks he might be outside under the shed (he'd not yet been let out of the new house!).

Had to go bed at 8.30pm last night, had a headache all day and totally exhausted. Think there was a hormone surge, baby is kicking like mad today!
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Aww I hope you find the cat soon

I just reached new stress levels ... Heading into my final year at uni and just been sent an email about having the proposal for my dissertation ready for October which consist of over 2000 words on a research project ... No idea when that's going to get done with the feeling crappy and you know the whole giving birth thing lol x
Growth scan today puts baby's estimated weight just now at 4lbs 4ozs so following 50th centile. Got my elective section date of Monday 29th August!

MrsB ...... good luck trying to get that done! Can you not defer?

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