*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I wouldn't worry too much Michelle, I measure something ridiculously different every week. Midwife told me it depends how baby is lying and that is why they don't pay massive amount of attention to it. My bump is measuring 3 weeks less than my last appointment now as he has moved again! If they were super concerned they would of mentioned it I am sure. What was the weight at your last scan do you know? X
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Thank you Summer! I am really excited and hope it means she's coming soon. Midwife seemed pretty sure labour is round the corner but said it could take a few days - knowing my luck little miss will be playing with me and I'll go past my due date haha !

Yeah Michelle I agree with H - my bump is so much smaller today then it was yesterday and MW said it's because baby is so low now xxxxx
Sorry God know's how I missed that post I read the other page lol, glad all is good tho. N sounds promising for you.

It was 4lb10 at 34 wks so 3wks ago, but obviously that's an estimate. Im not to worried just can't help it sometimes when I see how small it looks n everyone keeps saying how small I am!! Mayb it's less water this time I had loads with Harry.

I think they put more stock in the weight estimate than fundal height Hun and sounds like you are spot on going off that, especially if baby is engaged now as they lose their length and height of bump goes down so they measure smaller on fundal measurement. You look quite petite framed anyway from your pics so I would expect you have a nice size baby unlike me who is going to end up with an 11lb monster baby due to being 5'10 lol x
I'm pretty petite about 5'5 n always been 8-10. I'm sure u won't b having a monster hun it will b fine. U r prob right I shudnt worry Harry was only 6lb10. Think it's just coz it's getting near the end. Bags r packed n everything is kinda ready think it's just dawning on me that I will have to give birth soon lol.

Oh bunny that's so exciting!!! Keep us posted, and hope you feel better soon. Kelly hope you are doing ok too.

Michelle your bump is lovely. I asked my midwife about the weight estimates on growth scans as I told her I didn't have mix faith in them as belle had been predicted to be 7lb9 the week before birth and then was 6lb3. She said they are very hit and miss with weight, but are great at lengths and checking all looks healthy and cord blood flow etc. My baby only came out as being about 5lb last week but I am not too worried about it. All will be fine, it's natural to have something to worry about at the end.

We are just off to the cinema to see the minion film and then out for dinner for hubby's birthday with all the family. Feeling very crampy and like I would much rather be at home in peace, but am smiling on! Got my cushion with me! X
Im only measuring 33 weeks too.Michelle but baby is plotting fine on a new growth chart. Ive actually just started showing properly with a bump these last two weeks and customers at work can't believe I'm off on maternity as they've just realised I'm pregnant lol.

Oooh how exciting bunny! You sound so close! I really need to get a move on and pack my hospital bag properly, only one shift at work left! I've had some lovely knitting and gifts from customers that have found out I'm leaving next week. Xx
Thanks ladies i do feel better now baby will b what it is!! Probably a whopper no. Lol.

I can not stop eating today n I really mean that it is so unlike me to b this hungry or eat this much, also very difficult to try n stay healthy. Doesn't bode well for my meal tonight lol.

Michelle I remember being super hungry and eating loads the day before I went into labour :-p
On another note, I'm starving! But I didn't have lunch today so I have a reason lol x
I don't remember being this hungry ever with Harry!! I suppose it doesn't help that I can't fit a lot in so I'm eating little n often anyway. It's just very often today lol. More plug lost today n defo feel baby right down in my foof it hurts loads.

Ohhhh Michelle I predict you will go into labour at 2am tomorrow morning :P x
I'm finding it hard to eat! Me and hubby usually eat on couch using lap trays but bumps really getting in the way. Can't get to my mouth, ha. Going to have to start sitting at the table to eat.
Haha that's very specific h, altho I am happy with that as long as its nit before I go to Prezzos tonight lol.

Oh it's so exciting in here now - I love all our symptom spotting!

H imagine if your right!!! Fancy predicting mine?? Haha.

Have a lovely night tonight Michelle - I've never been to prezzo's what type of food is it?

So after this morning I went for a nice walk & the shops to get baby's last things I'd ordered in to next, came home to a lump of mucus plug in my knickers! Niiiiiiice haha xxxx
Thanks hun. It's Italian. Love it in there.

I'm still sure it will b u bunny or h first.

Bunny I reckon by Wednesday at the latest for you if I am honest. Would be surprised if you last longer than that! I will be ages yet all I am getting is the odd period type cramp now, everything seems to of tailed off for me. Spent today on my ball drinking RLT and nothing happened. All I feel today is too hot and sweaty lol x
Aww I love Italian ill have to go. It's my and OH's 8 year anniversary Tuesday so if I haven't had little miss by next weekend I'll see if he wants to go there.

My cramps seemed to have disappeared too - been on my ball and drinking RLT also since been back home. Don't feel as sick as I did this morning either xxxx
These babies like to mess with our heads don't they?! Lol x
Can I play the guessing game?

I think
Michelle will be Monday Evening
H will be wednesday Evening
Bunny will be the Wednesday after and a morning baby and I have no clue about anyone else! :-p

Haha love that Kelly, so the 2nd for me?

Oh I jinxed myself I now feel so sick. It's frustrating because I'm starving but looking at food makes me feel like vomiting , exactly how I was in tri 1 - except I vomited all the time back then! Apparently it's a good sign!!! I'm not off my food tho I want it I just feel sick when it's in front of me xxxx
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