Kelly doesn't hurt to ring and check their advice Hun, worst they can say is wait and see how you feel in the morning - and that's what your alternative us anyway - but if they do want to check you out than it was worth the call.
Bunny, not annoying at all! If it's unusual for you then get it checked - I don't get a lot of discharge at all so I'd definitely be getting checked with the amount you describe - you know your body best Hun.
Gosh what's happened today?! - all these babies suddenly eager to make an appearance (except mine - he's definitely just chilling out in there

I've had a busy day today - woke up feeling good and lots of energy so decided to go and help hubby on a film shoot (advert to do with cricket) it was a gorgeous sunny day and they were filming at a local cricket ground so I went along with my brother (who was the cameraman) on the way through the park there was a crowd of people standing on the bridge looking worried and we realised a baby duckling had got separated from its mum and got washed down a small dam

it was fine but stuck on one side whilst the mummy duck was going mad on the other side trying to call it.
My brother and another man climbed over the barriers to try and reach the duckling but it was scared and just kept swimming to the centre of the river and getting washed further downstream. A lady called the RSPCA but as neither animal was actually injured they wouldn't come out. By this time my husband was ringing my brother asking him where he was because crew/actor waiting ... i was close to tears it was so distressing hearing the poor mummy duck panicking and flapping at the top of the dam and the little baby one panicking on the other side. I headed back to the high street and managed to find a kids fishing net on a bamboo stick at one of those poundsaver shops. Obviously I couldn't climb over myself so I made my poor brother keep trying - someone else brought us some bread to try and coax the duckling - long story short we managed to re-unite duckling and mummy duck ...... And I'm no longer allowed to attend film shoots
we had a good laugh about it in the end but hubby said 'can't believe you delayed my entire shoot over a bloody duck!'

I did stay and help edit in the office until 8pm though so I feel it was worth it! I'm knackered now though and feet are like balloons so feet up in front of the TV.
Anyway that was my little adventure for today! Ha - hope everyone has some nice things planned for the weekend?