*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I had a cooling spray last time that I took to hospital and this time im taking in a mist spray. £2 from the works and is really refreshing if u get a bit hot x
Aww I forgot I've got my cooling spray in my hospital bag! Thanks for reminding me Kelly.

So ladies I had a chat with my MW about waters breaking etc, she said it's rare for them to break before labour starts but if I think they do between 8am-8pm to call her, I'm wearing a pad just started bouncing on my ball got up to get a drink & there was water on my ball and in my knickers. Not a lot but didn't smell of urine. Changed pad & knickers now - I don't know why I have a fear of waters breaking / leaking and me not knowing I just do. What do you think? xxxx
I would get checked Hun, I did when I had a leak, better safe than sorry esp if it doesn't smell like wee x
Think I should call my midwife or triage?

It's probably nothing I just think it's my subconscious - my mum lost lots of water with me which is why I was poorly when I was born so that's probably in my head. How do they check? xxxx
I would call up n seek their advice hun. Will prob just tell u to pop a pad on n lay down for a while but they may want u to go in at least they can then make that decision, hope it's nothing hun but always best to b safe than sorry.

Baby feels like it's really pushing down tonight hurts a lot.

Call triage Hun that is what I did and they just did a quick swab and tested it for trace of waters, literally takes 5 mins to get result :) x
Called my MW and she was lovely - was all excited on the phone. She said it could be a sign labour will be soon or it could be baby pushing down & making me leak a little. She said to relax tonight & she will come check tomorrow if nothing's happened before then. Just said to call if it's red, brown or green etc ! Feel a lot calmer - sometimes just need someone who deals with it everyday to tell you it's all okay don't you :)

Back to happy relaxed Danielle x x x
I found that my waters smelt like semen! A few other ladies at the time agreed that theirs was the same. But I did have a lot of waters when they went :-D

I keep thinking about how much I'm waiting for baby then I remember that I'm only 38 weeks :(
Really?? See mine was a small leak I just worry it will affect little miss but I'm sure it won't unless I loose a lot and then I'd go to hospital anyway.

38 weeks tomorrow - I'm hoping she comes soon too! Can't accept it being another month haha xxx
Yeh defo better to be safe. Don't want no infections xx

I feel awful tonight. My head has been killing all day. I'm starting to think that maybe my headaches need checking out as they are getting worse. I feel like I could fall into sleep for days x
Sorry ladies I'm probably so annoying going on!

Thanks for the support I do really appreciate it.

Aww I would get checked Kelly ! Bless you I hate headaches they stop me doing anything just make me want to lie down and sleep xxxx
Yup, defo smells like man juice lol. Totally agree x
Lol your not annoying! It's exciting and also have to be safe with babies :)

I haven't had high blood pressure but my midwife always tells me that if I get really bad headaches I need to be checked due to pre eclampsia. I've managed without tablets all week but today have had to had 3 doses x
Wud defo check yourself out Kelly as u do seem to keep getting them pretty bad.

More plug I think when I went to the toilet again, and baby is very wiggly and pushing down tonight little monkey.

Feel your pain Michelle, baby headbutted my cervix so hard earlier it made me shout lol x
My mum and OH think I should call up the maternity unit now but I'm not sure. I'm quite anxious about talking on the phone in general so don't want to sound silly and thought I'd be better off waiting until morning.

Michelle, sounds like your losing a good show :) eek! Wonder if this means anything will happen soon xx
I would call if you are worried Kelly, no question is a daft question when a baby is involved hun x
Kelly doesn't hurt to ring and check their advice Hun, worst they can say is wait and see how you feel in the morning - and that's what your alternative us anyway - but if they do want to check you out than it was worth the call.

Bunny, not annoying at all! If it's unusual for you then get it checked - I don't get a lot of discharge at all so I'd definitely be getting checked with the amount you describe - you know your body best Hun.

Gosh what's happened today?! - all these babies suddenly eager to make an appearance (except mine - he's definitely just chilling out in there :lol:)

I've had a busy day today - woke up feeling good and lots of energy so decided to go and help hubby on a film shoot (advert to do with cricket) it was a gorgeous sunny day and they were filming at a local cricket ground so I went along with my brother (who was the cameraman) on the way through the park there was a crowd of people standing on the bridge looking worried and we realised a baby duckling had got separated from its mum and got washed down a small dam :shock: it was fine but stuck on one side whilst the mummy duck was going mad on the other side trying to call it.
My brother and another man climbed over the barriers to try and reach the duckling but it was scared and just kept swimming to the centre of the river and getting washed further downstream. A lady called the RSPCA but as neither animal was actually injured they wouldn't come out. By this time my husband was ringing my brother asking him where he was because crew/actor waiting ... i was close to tears it was so distressing hearing the poor mummy duck panicking and flapping at the top of the dam and the little baby one panicking on the other side. I headed back to the high street and managed to find a kids fishing net on a bamboo stick at one of those poundsaver shops. Obviously I couldn't climb over myself so I made my poor brother keep trying - someone else brought us some bread to try and coax the duckling - long story short we managed to re-unite duckling and mummy duck ...... And I'm no longer allowed to attend film shoots :oooo:
we had a good laugh about it in the end but hubby said 'can't believe you delayed my entire shoot over a bloody duck!' :lol: I did stay and help edit in the office until 8pm though so I feel it was worth it! I'm knackered now though and feet are like balloons so feet up in front of the TV.

Anyway that was my little adventure for today! Ha - hope everyone has some nice things planned for the weekend?

Aw Summer, good work reuniting the little duckling, I would have been exactly the same! x

Well I lost it with the BF last night, it's been building up for a couple of days and I was determined to stay calm but I just snapped. He's working nights and not getting much sleep so has started being snappy with me but it's little things like not tidying up after himself, putting plates in the dishwasher, making the bed, putting washing in the machine rather than on the worktop that's been driving me mad. Told him he's speaking to me and treating me like an idiot. I'm still working full time, albeit from home but I'm keeping the house tidy, doing his pack lunch, etc, all whilst feeling not so great and huge! Anyway, he went to work and I had a good cry. I know it's hormones but I really feel like he's not ready for this baby, I've sorted everything apart from decorating and he seems to think I'm superwoman or something and has no appreciation for how I'm feeling and what my body is doing. He just thinks I sit around all day. Anyway, rant over, will see what happens today x
Bless you Purple, men just don't get it do they?! I had to remind my OH this week that I am heavily pregnant and should be resting and I am his gf not his mother so he is capable of cleaning up after himself etc. You are not alone! x

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