*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Had a dream about labour & holding my little girl - can't get back to sleep now because I'm too excited!!

H that's so good ! My OH seems to think I'll go in to labour this weekend but I've said next Friday for a long time now. Don't know why so strange. The period pains haven't stopped for 2 days now but are more intense where at times they stop me in my tracks and seem continuous.

Going to have a good bounce on the birthing ball today, need to nip out and get some oil so can do that perineal massage. Mum and her fiancé are coming round tonight as OH is at football again & all these signs my mum doesn't want me to be in my own a lot. Anyone else up to much xxxxx
Not doing a lot today, going to be drink lots of rlt on the birthing ball lol. Parents are having Ruby for day again on Saturday so I can get some decent sleep in case things kick off. Every time I stand up now it is actually painful he is that low! Had sex last night and been pretty crampy since ;) x
That's how I am H, every time I stand up or roll over in bed it actually hurts down there. She is fully engaged now so I suppose that's expected?

That's good your parents are having Ruby again to give you some rest! I am so excited for you xxxxx
You might end up before me Hun at this rate, you have some really good signs yourself! :D
So excited to hear about all these signs girls I'm just getting the dreaded fanny daggers and odd period pain.

My new community Midwife and midwide team leader at my gps is my husbands bosses wife, and hubbys new trainee operatives mum. Such a small world and very much a family affair lol but she's lovely and chatted for ages about my silly questions and asking how her son's doing at work.

It looks like a sunny one here, going to get my last bits of baby washing done and do a grocery shop online and just chill out! Don't think I'll even get dressed my pyjamas are too comfy xx
Doll eyes that sounds like a perfect day! We've got our new cooker coming this morning between 8-10am so I've had to get up and out of PJ's although I doubt I would have till later if it wasn't for that.

Oh I don't know H I still think you'll go 1st - who knows. I just hope all this pressure is something happening. Xxxx
I'm not up to much either, I expect when Harry's gone I will tidy up n then relax. Will prob set up the crib at sum point.

H I feel u will b next followed by bunny n then Kelly!!

Doll eyes that sounds like a perfect day! We've got our new cooker coming this morning between 8-10am so I've had to get up and out of PJ's although I doubt I would have till later if it wasn't for that.

Oh I don't know H I still think you'll go 1st - who knows. I just hope all this pressure is something happening. Xxxx

Ooh lovely I love new appliances, I'm very sad! Xx
I agree with Hayes: H, Bunny and Kelly to go any day now then hopefully the full moon next weekend will set a few more of us off, it's so exciting now, I can barely think of anything else. I'm working today and all weekend and don't finish until next Sunday, can't wait! x
It's not sad to be excited over new things doll eyes. I ordered nursing bras and sleep bras which are hopefully gonna be here today! So I'm excited as my boobs hurt like hell. I've also got my 36 week check up this afternoon let's hope bubs is following his line still and getting ready. I've had the period pain cramps for 2/3 weeks now and I've just resorted to paracetamol when it's horribly bad and a warm bath, also feeling much better since getting my prescription for the dreaded thrush used it last night and it seems to of cleared right up :) huzzah. Xxx
Purple that gets me so excited - for the past 2-3 months I've said 28th August for me tho, OH said 27th, and the my best friend , Mum and MIL all said that weekend too. Strange! I'm the same its all I can think about! How many weeks will you be when you go on mat leave?

Aww Violet made up its clearing up. Mine started like period pains & now feels like intense pressure & pain xxxx
Oooh bunny times getting closer! I'm full term on Sunday and my mum and dad both said they think Baby will show next Wednesday and then my friend did a tarot card read and it said Wednesday too! I'm excited but also a bit terrified haha it's part and parcel of having baby and it's getting close now. What due date where you given? Xxx
Is your pressure like something is going to give at any moment? I feel like something is bending/pushing down real low and the period pains are nasty as hell sometimes they come and go but I had them at 5am this morning so who knows? Haha xxx
OH's brother said next Wednesday for me but I'm set on a weekend. How exciting is that you could have your baby in less then a week! 5th September babe so I'm 38 weeks tomorrow. My MW said baby is full engaged and doesn't think I'll make it to our next app which is 1st September but we will see. Trying not to get my hopes up too much.

Yeah pretty much babe , it's hard to explain but yeah like that xxxx
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Oh wow!! So not long to go :D fx for you Hun are you eager to see baby now? I noticed today my bump had really dropped and felt more pressure than normal I'd laugh if we went on the same day I was 2 weeks early when my mum had me and I know everyone's different but she laboured quick too so I'm just waiting but keeping busy and doing more gonna walk a dog today go round the field and just bimble along. I'm so excited for you hehe xxx
Glad you're ok after your prang bunny! I love driving but that's what scares me - the carelessness of other people. Though she obviously felt really bad. I've thought about putting our 'baby on board sign' in the rear window when I'm in the car to see if it makes a difference (technically true ha).

Exciting reading all your symptoms ladies (sorry some of them are causing you pain/discomfort) but sounds like we may just have a couple more Babies early to the party yet!

Don't worry purple candy - I have no symptoms of labour whatsoever, I feel great! In fact I'm going to help out hubby on a little film shoot today. Had our last antenatal class last night - was actually the best one in my opinion as it was about the first days/weeks after birth/feeding etc. I've done so much research into pregnancy and labour I felt the other sessions were pleasant to discuss through with other couples but already knew most of it, whereas We learnt a lot last night!

Then got home and had a shower, walked into the bedroom and hubby had lit it all up with candles and massage music playing!! :love: I got a full on oily body massage (feet and everything haha) was amazing bless him - and he didn't even get sex because I was so relaxed I fell asleep during the massage :lol: I know what you mean about feeling really calm bunny - although I'm desperately excited to meet little man I haven't felt this 'well' and relaxed for 9 months!! I think because everything is ready now, house is how I want it, baby is cooked - just need to wait. I'm sure the edginess will return come my due date when I still have no signs of baby haha but for now I'm going to enjoy the calm before the storm ...
Thanks summer ! I feel fine, after my chilled night the crash is completely forgot about and I did feel sorry for the girl she was more shook up then me. Good idea about the baby on board sign - I may do the same.

Aww how good is your OH! Good lad love that! Glad you feel really relaxed and ready too babe - it's an amazing feeling isn't it. The anxiety has completely gone and I'm just so ready for everything labour involves and to hold out little lady.

Just really ready Violet feel really calm and excited now just a waiting game. My mum was 5 days early with me but wasn't the most straight forward labour - my mum was sick for weeks after but like you say everyone's different xxxx
Everything will be fine bunny :) it's nice your so calm and excited I think I got my dads side of worrying tbh but today I feel really upbeat and happy, my friends home with her baby and they are doing fab, got most of my house work done just need to hoover now....we haven't got a baby on board sign yet! Eep haha need to get one. Aww summer your hubby is awesome for that I get foot rubs a lot from oh he's working late today sadly so will be keeping myself busy if I can haha xxx
Summer so jealous that sounds like total bliss, my hubby has such rough hands from climbing haha so its more like an exfoliation party when he says he'll rub my back! Xx

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