*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I'm going to leave it till Wednesday if we still haven't heard I will demand to speak to the manager, I'm all set to go too apart from the car seat so it's annoying!! xxxx
Glad you enjoyed the wedding Tessa, you are brave to travel that distance! I chickened out of a family event (3hrs drive away) last week - I'm certain I'm a long way off labour but it was just causing me to much anxiety to be that far from home/my hospital at 36 weeks pregnant.

Sorry you are feeling down Gilly. As everyone has said I expect it's just a discharge appointment or non urgent review that they need to carry out but it's annoying that they can't just tell you that over the phone to save you the worry.

Bunny that is so frustrating about your pram/car seat! What poor service. We had a similar thing - we purchased an Angel care monitor and medela electric pump and it still hadn't arrived the week after the expected delivery date on the order form. I rang the store and the woman that answered genuinely said to me 'Oh right ... Umm I'm not sure, what do you want me to do about it?' ... :shock: she didn't say it rudely just genuinely a bit dumb - I just had to laugh and say 'Erm ... Perhaps you could find me someone who does know what to do about it? ...' She got me a manager and it was all sorted instantly :lol: can you ask to speak to someone a little more 'competent'?

I have a health visitor appointment this Thursday - a letter came through the post with a list of appointments for me to choose from. It says allow 45mins for the appointment - not quite sure what it involves ...

I only had a hv visit on day 1 and 10 and a mw on day 3 after baby was born. Even that was annoying as I had to sit and wait although I may have had that chance to nap! Lol
The meeting tomorrow is just to tell me what's available to me, but I won't be using the centres around here again anyway and I'm reluctant to tell people that I'm considering breastfeeding as then ill be pestered like last time and I want to do it via a bottle. I don't even know what to say when they ask how I'll be feeding in the hospital!

I have midwife tomorrow at 4.15, get to find out if I am able to have baby at birthing centre or not x
Another august baby has been born :)

Yeah summer I'll do that I'll wait till Wednesday and if they haven't called us before then then I'll ask to speak to a manager

Gilly I'm planning to breastfeed in hospital(altho have the starter kit if it doesn't work)n then start bottle as well wen we get home so hubby n others can help out. I expressed as well last time for a bit n then in bottle fully by 3wks. Just guna totally go with the flow n see what happens I'm happy to totally bottle feed if need be.

I had a hv cone to my house first time round nice lady n was all fine gave me my red book n then saw her day 10 after being signed off from mws think I saw her three times n then nothing!! As I Saud thus tine just a letter with my book through the post saying take this to hospital n will see u after you have had baby n signed off by mws.

Raining loads here so had friends round to play this morn Harry has just gone fir a nap he is so shattered bless him.

Anyone having nightmares? Mine seem to be getting worse , always around the baby even tho the nightmare may be about OH or something xxxx
Gilly - sorry the letter has bought up bad memories for you hun, I am sure all will be fine. Big hugs. My mw came for 4 days running when I had Ruby and then signed me off as she was happy with how stitches were healing etc. I assume they only come as much as necessary but agree the having to stay in every day is a ball ache. I used to make mine tell me a rough time every day as didn't want to keep staying in lol.

Kelly - I didn't even know we were "allowed" to decline HV appointments! Good to know! Hope you get the outcome you want at your mw appointment tomorrow RE the birthing centre :)

Bunny - can't believe how crap the service has been trying to get your pram situation sorted, sounds like they are a bunch of wallies! Hope it arrives for you soon!

Me and OH went for an hour long walk earlier as I am trying to shift baby position, he making me uncomfortable lol. Not sure it worked haha. Tomorrow we are taking Ruby to soft play so she will be happy, she loves the place! OH had a few leads on jobs today and been put forward for few things so fingers crossed he gets some work soon :)
Fingers crossed for your OH!!
You never know what might happen at soft play eh! ;) x
Anyone having nightmares? Mine seem to be getting worse , always around the baby even tho the nightmare may be about OH or something xxxx

I have Bunny, some absolutely hurrendous ones where I've had to talk myself round after waking up x
Yep I have sum horrible nightmares too, not really about baby but other stuff. Think I had this with Harry too but can't really remember.

Fx for your oh h.

My poor friend has had her induction cancelled till Thursday such a shame as age is in so much pain but apparently age isn't purport enough.

Well my cousin had her c section today and she used Olivia as the middle name of her little girl, so we're going with Scarlett Iris now. Didn't dare tell her this one since she said every name we suggested was on her top five! Only 5 shifts left at work now! So excited x
Fx for OH's job search, H!

That's rubbish for your friend, Michelle. Must be so frustrating, bless her.

Only nightmare I've had is that my ex was the dad of the twins (I'd like to point out this is entirely impossible!), that was pretty horrific. :D

I'm shattered today. Mum is having Otto overnight tomorrow so hubby and I can go to the cinema or food, xx
That's a shame Michelle. That would be very agitating x

I really need to do my hospital bag!! And set the moses basket up! X
She's so gutted bless her I'm praying that it all kicks off fir her anyway as they dud give her another sweep n if nit that it happens fast thursday.

My bag is almost there but I can't pack clothes yet God knows what the weather will b like n obviously sum toiletries r a last min throw in but the rest is cuming along nicely.

A night off sounds gilly food n cinema sound fab.

I've had horrible ones, I had one the other day that someone came in and stole the baby and another one last night that OH died on the way to the hospital rushing to be there in time. Makes me not want to go to sleep haha.

I've not had any nightmares thank god!

Enjoy your night off tomorrow Gilly, my parents are having Ruby overnight on Saturday so we can have a rest too, really looking forward to it as much as I love her lol. Important to have grown up time isn't it? :)

Michelle - I feel bad for your friend, must be really annoying to think you will meet baby one day and then have to wait an extra few days :( I am the same with my hospital bag too - all done except for clothes as I have no idea what weather will be like by then! Thinking leggings, long t-shirts and a maxi dress but reluctant to pack anything yet lol.
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Grown up time is very important, haven't had date night for a while. Going for an Indian, never know, I might go spontaneously after some spice ha!
I've actually taken clothes from hospital bag! Bought new pjs and leggings and put them in. Decided the other day I wanted to wear the pjs and couldn't find any clean leggings this morning...so I've got less in my bag than I had before! :D x
Ah thanks bunny that's really lovely of you to say. I felt like a right frump! summer I had babies car seat and hospital bag in car along with the number of local maternity hospital. Prob wouldn't have been so comfortable doing it with my first but this time round I figured if I did go into labour at least we had friends there to look after girls and hubby with me! He is off to Scotland tomorrow so it would have been better over the weekend than this week while he is away!

H will keep everything crossed for your oh! We are off to soft play tomorrow too ~ I have a day off work so since its just belle I plan cups of tea but no breaking waters!

Bunny your nightmares sound horrible, hopefully they won't last too much longer.

August thread is so exciting! Love seeing all these babies arriving, makes it seem so near for us! Someone is likely to PPP within the next 2 weeks.... Who will it be?! Maybe gilly if that curry is spicy enough! Xx

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