*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Haha exactly how it feels! wow what a lucky little lady you have bunny - she will look gorgeous in all those beautiful outfits :)
Today I'm in a weird mood!
Managed to cancel HV appointment but I've got midwife at 16.10! Wish it was earlier so I could get home and chill out. I've dropped my son off at his paps to spend a few hours there and OH has gone back to work. I'm on my own and just feel lonely :( x
I am child free. Just sat at the salon doing some admin, it's nice feeling useful rather than just a weeble. I'm starting to get excited about tomorrow now. Got a hair appointment next Wednesday when I'm 37weeks, I hope they don't want to book me in then! Does anyone know if there's room for negotiation?! Xx
The last two days I've felt like time has stood still, next week I'm working for my OH's business as his dad is away so will be doing admin there. I'll be 38-39 weeks so taking my hospital bag haha xxx
Just had my first random bump touch! A client at the salon just put her hand on it and said "how long left? 2 days??!!" - she was very friendly but still! So maybe I am bigger than I think! X
That pics soo true...and what a super lot of baby gifts!!
Ooh iv had a couple of those Gillyboos - I find them a bit creepy!

Went to triage today as I hadn't felt any movements all morning -all turned out to be fine and dandy! Phew! But I could barely walk there for shooting pains in my groin some other pain down there and BH's! Every body kept staring at me shuffling through the hospital corridors to maternity on the first floor! How glamorous lol!! X
Gilly, enjoy your date night tonight :D I also worry about the mothers apron thing myself but have heard of a few exercises that really help with it if any of us need them :)

Bunny, you got some lovely presents hun, she is going to be the best dressed baby around for miles! :)

I didn't bother with a waterproof mattress topper last time and my waters were broken for me in hospital anyway so thankfully didn't need one. Tempted to get one this time round though as we only got our new bed and mattress a couple of months ago and don't want to risk ruining it. Maybe I will just sleep on a layer of towels and bin bags hahaha.

Just got back from 3 hours at softplay with Ruby! I am knackered now! Was lovely to see how confident she is getting though as we hadn't been for a couple of months and last time we went she was quite clingy where as this time she was running up the stairs and sliding down all the slides on her own :) She still not convinced by the swings though! I swear she is the only kid in the world who is afraid of swings and cries on them!

Then I dropped into the shop to get some milk on way home and bumped into a lady I used to work with 10 years ago so had a good old natter, was nice :) x
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Oooooooh I'll probably want those exercises H!!

Would love to take Otto to soft play but don't think I could manage on my own now, plus he's a bit younger than Ruby so not as independent. Trying to think of somewhere good to take him this weekend in case it's our last as the 3 of us!!

Hubby is home so date night is all systems go. I more excited that it's only 1 more sleep until my last scan and appointment!! :D xx
Finally caught up!

I had a full on a4 sheet with my birthimg plan on it with my first. Didnt even stick to any of it lol. So this time il just be doing a few main points. Last time i had gas and air but it made me really sick so i gave up with it. Il obviously try it again but if its not enough il be going for the remi again (dont know if ypus get that over there?) It was amazing. I swear it made my labour feel about an hour long! I was able to be mobile but i could barely walk up to the labour ward anyway so it didnt bother me. The only way i could get comfy was sitting completely upright.

Me my partner and our mums only know the sex of our baby. My sister has really bad anxiety and her aim is to make it up to hospital to meet the new baby. Thats our reason for keeping the sex a secret. Iv told everyone i dont was anything written on facebook about the sex until my sister knows. Im now considering not telling anyone until family have met her. We arent 100% on a name although we are set on the two middle names (my two grannys) one has passed and the other we are very close to so i think itl be a nice surprise for her no one knows thats what weve planned tho.

I constantly feel like i need to poop! Once i get there it normally never happens!

I HATE my mattress at the moment its so uncomfortable. Im actually hoping my waters do pop over it so i have an excuse to get a new on hahaha!

I find it so uncomfortable when people ask to touch my bump. Personally i would never ask any one! Iv only ever felt my mums and my best friends. I only ever touched it when she told me to when she felt movement lol.

Iv another question about RTL. Holland and barrett didnt have any so will have to order online.. when i looked tho there was so many different types and mg's. How many mg's should i be going for? Xx
I've never had a stranger touch my bump ever n I don't know what I would do really it's just so odd!! Friends of course is fine but even they ask!!

Have fun Gilly bet u r so excited to get ur date.

I couldn't sit still had to get up n do something so I packed Harry's bag for where ever he ends up bless him, then walked up to mums n now I've just got tea in the oven but I know I will suffer for it later.

Oh! Still forgot about raspberry leaf tea. Sugar. I'm terrible at remembering! Maybe I will remember tomorrow?

Just got back from mw. All is good and booked into birthing unit :-) so as long as I don't give go into labour in the next 3 days, then all should be good :)
Good news about the birthing unit Kelly.

Just got back from our meal, I couldn't get in at the table properly so had to sit knees akimbo and now my hips hurt. Plus my feet are so swollen, I can't really bend them! Feeling very fat and pregnant. :( xx
Oh no what a pain!
And swollen feet are horrible :(
Even some of my socks struggle to fit my feet now xx
I give up, they can take me in when they want. Even it means staying in hospital. I'm being a wuss tonight.
Sorry to hear u r suffering hun. Did u at least get to enjoy the meal??

I've booked mil for Friday night so me n hubby r guna go out for a meal for our last date night in a while. Can't wait already.

Meal was lovely and was nice to sit and chat properly, get too much in to the routine of putting O to bed, eating tea then watching TV. Was lovely to actually chat! Hubby is getting more excited now, we've both guessed dates and he has given the final OK for the name choices! Defo Indie Francesca and Merrin Elizabeth :)
I'm feeling better now I've laid down for a bit.
Scan is at 9.20 and consultant at 10.30 so at least I'm not waiting around.

Hope you have a lovely date night on Friday, Michelle. Its definitely lovely to find the time before things get crazy again! Xxx
Glad it was a nice meal for a chat. I'd like to get a meal in before baby but might prove difficult now that scott is back at work and works a lot of late shifts.
My mum does have Joshua on Friday night though so I'll be home alone relaxing x

Question is Gilly, are you gonna tell us? ;-) I really want something to look forward to. Midwife today was surprised baby's head was so low down! X

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