Gilly, enjoy your date night tonight

I also worry about the mothers apron thing myself but have heard of a few exercises that really help with it if any of us need them
Bunny, you got some lovely presents hun, she is going to be the best dressed baby around for miles!
I didn't bother with a waterproof mattress topper last time and my waters were broken for me in hospital anyway so thankfully didn't need one. Tempted to get one this time round though as we only got our new bed and mattress a couple of months ago and don't want to risk ruining it. Maybe I will just sleep on a layer of towels and bin bags hahaha.
Just got back from 3 hours at softplay with Ruby! I am knackered now! Was lovely to see how confident she is getting though as we hadn't been for a couple of months and last time we went she was quite clingy where as this time she was running up the stairs and sliding down all the slides on her own

She still not convinced by the swings though! I swear she is the only kid in the world who is afraid of swings and cries on them!
Then I dropped into the shop to get some milk on way home and bumped into a lady I used to work with 10 years ago so had a good old natter, was nice
