*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Ohhhhhhh I don't know Kelly! Part of me thinks it'd be lovely to surprise you all but then I'm planning on surprising everyone else so it'd be nice to tell someone! X
Omg I'm sorry to just but in without reading the rest of the posts but I'm sat here sobbing! I told you the stress about my pram and how not arsed the woman was on the phone? Well I wrote on their Facebook page hoping to get a response and a lady has direct messaged me asking if I've sorted it as she's read the reviews , look at this


Anxiety is at its most !! xxx
Oh bless you bunny, I would never think to read the reviews on a shop either. Go in tomorrow and don't leave without a refund, make noise if you have to. Then head to mothercare and re order, telling them the problem. Main thing you need is a car seat, am sure once you explain situation they will be able to help you. Sending hugs xxx
Oh no Bunny! What are your options? Can you cancel and get refunded and order from elsewhere? Did you speak to the management? x
I called last week when it was due to be in so a week ago tomorrow, and like the reviews say the woman wasn't arsed no apology or anything. It was paid off months ago. I'm 36+3 now I really don't need this. So upset!! Feel like I can't settle now.

I might go tomorrow with OH's brother and demand to speak to management xxx
Definitely ask for a refund. They haven't delivered on their part! Plenty other places will be able to sell u what u need x
Agree with everyone. I'd be going in and refusing to move until I had my money. You will get it sorted though hun, don't worry. Good idea taking someone as well. *hugs* xxx
Totally agree with everyone else, demand a refund and go and buy it elsewhere. Can't believe how bad some of those reviews are! Get arsey with them if you have to hun, just tell them you have seen their reviews and will not be leaving without your money x
I will do, I'll have to grow some balls for tomorrow and make sure I stand my ground. So upset xxx
I agree! Go in there with your baby in mind and try to get as angry as possible before going in :-)

I have just remembered that I still have not had my whooping cough jab! :(
Midwife asked if I was eating and drinking okay as said there was Ketone in my urine?

Anybody know what this means. All she said was drink more x
You can get raised levels if you don't eat or drink for long periods of time e.g. 12 hours. Was your appointment first thing in morning and had you had breakfast before you went? It may be something as simple as not eating since dinner time night before and having an early midwife appointment.

I am sure if it was a substantial level she would of let you know, I wouldn't worry too much xx
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Bunny thats absolutely terrible! How is that place still open! Really hope you get somewhere with them tomorrow. Get the angry head on but just be careful not to stress yourself out too much! I cant believe how bad those reviews are and how theyre still getting away with it!!! Xx
I had a late app and had eaten plenty before hand.
Thank you, she didn't seem too worried but didn't explain what it meant x
I've just looked in the mirror side on and realised my bump has gone really low today. It's almost hanging down lol!
Oh bunny I've only just seen this really hope u get it sorted today, defo take someone with u n demand ur money back n go somewhere else. I'm so angry for you hun wish I cud go with u I'd give them a piece of my mind messing u around this late.

Have another Harry free day today as he is doing two days at nursery atm feel guilty but I know he loves it there n means I get jobs done n time to rest. Will defo have to make tomoz a fun mummy n Harry day!!!

Oh bunny hope you get sorted. How can a shop like that still be trading.

Gilly I love the names!

I was having braxton hicks yesterday and felt like her head was going to pop out! Think she's dropped too, Kelly my bump has dropped too doesn't feel like its under my chin now lol xx
Michelle, enjoy your day! :-)
Good luck today Gilly.
Another night of pain but slept quite well so not too bad x
Thanks I'm trying to just rest but I feel guilty if I don't do something n back hurts if I sit to long. Meeting my friend at 1.30 for a quick catch up so that will b lovely, can't believe how quick time is going but I'm so ready to have him/her now!!!

I know that feeling too well.
Enjoy your catch up with your friend :)
I'm ready aswell now. The pain I'm getting is not easing up and I feel at a bit of a loss like I can't do much.
Think I'll buy some raspberry tea today and bounce on my ball.a bit x

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