Princess81 in early labour - updated from our amazing Princess81 on pg 22! xx

Hope all is ok Jayne, just caught up, I have no Internet at the moment so on my IPhone! X
:rofl: :rofl: shat appp

Jayne what hospital are you in? You know if you needed anything I would be there xx
I have been let out :cheer: o/h doing a food shop as we speak whilst I'm in the car. They said I can go back to work next week so long as I feel ok, going to self certify til next Wednesday so then I only have a couple days to work and see how I get on. Had a scan and all fine bar my placenta still being very low, baby's head is only just below it. Trace was fine and seems like the meds have kept contractions at bay for now. I guess I'll just remain mildly dilated from now on until baby is born, at least I know I won't take days to get to 2cm cos I'm there already lol.
Aye Jen can come be my bitch!!! Hahaha!
So all good in the hood im soooo happy that baby has stayed put. My attitude now is that every extra day they stay in there is a bonus! Still team yellow by the way I didn't cheat at the scan ;)
Wasn't due to see my consultant til the end of November but I've been given an earlier appointment on 7th so only 2 weeks away til I see baby again - so long as we don't meet in the flesh first : shock: xxx
So glad you have been let out. Make sure you get plenty of rest and let your OH spoil ya rotten!xx
Phew just finished reading this mammoth thread!! LOL.

I'm so pleased pea has stayed put hun, even if it is only for the time being, every little helps at this stage. Thats great news that they've now let you home too.

Can you get signed off sick for the rest of your pregnancy so you are still getting paid and not 'eating' into your maternity leave?
glad u have been let out hun !!! make sure u get plenty of rest and if work is too much next week get signed off !!!!! xxxx
Woohoooo for being let out :love: but take it easy ok, naughty pea getting all of it's aunties excited and then deciding to stay put, it must have checked our weather forecast and decided to stay where it's warm lol looks like the physic could be right :shock: xxxx
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Just seen allnof this. Soglad its calmed down and uv been let home. Every day is special now whilst ur hubs keep cooking. Good luck with everything Hun xxxxx
HOw did I miss all this? So scary! Worked my way through all 29 pages to not miss any of it, so glad its ok for now, will keep everything crossed for you and pea xxxx
Yay! So glad everythings ok and baby has decided to stay put xxxxxxx lots of rest for u now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
That's great news, just make sure you rest and take it easy x
So glad you've been let out babe!! Just watch.. You'll go overdue now ;)
Take it easy honey xx
Aww so relieved everything is okay and they're letting you home. And I agree with the girlies work is not your priority. Feet up and carry on baking that pea missus! :) xx
princess did you finish with babys room, clothes, hospital bags etc etc? i have a feeling that the prediction of a wee boy at 35 weeks may be just right lol :) so glad that little pea decided to cook a little more. i would say to forget about work and to spend the next weeks pampering yourself !!!
:pompom: For being let out!!! Baby needs to stay put the little rascle!
Glad to hear you've managed to get home. Take it easy. xxx
I'm really pleased they let you out! Get some rest and let your OH look after you! x

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