I'm not really wanting to get into an argument about this, but since everyone else has given their 2p's worth I thought i'd join in.
The thread is very much focused on weed and its bad effects, and I would like to add that alcohol is just as bad as weed, alcohol has the same issues, with becoming addicted, bad for children to be around, is distructive for children to grow up with, ect ect, infact, I actually think alcohol is alot worse than weed, with only the one difference - smoking weed produces fumes and alcohol doesn't.
For all those who dont agree with weed ect, fair do's. I totally understand, I only hope that you hold the same opinions on alcohol. It seems that alot of people (not on this forum btw, just in general) think its ok to have 2/3 glasses of wine every night, or go out once at the weekend and get totally wrecked. A CHILD SHOULD NOT BE BROUGHT UP IN THIS ENVIRONMENT.
I think booze should be illegal, due to the chaos and distruction it causes in families.
Dont get me wrong ladies....i'm not expecting you all to start liking weed, or for you to think its ok that ppl's OH's smoke it. All I wanted to point out is that we need to be open minded to all things that are bad for our children to be around, not just weed.
It would be very unfair for us to give such harsh opinions as expressed above about weed, to the ladies who have said their OH's smoke it, if we ourselves or our OH's drink, in the home.
I know of the dangers of weed, I think everyone does, but I also know of the dangers of booze. I think people are quick to forget the problems it causes just because its legal to drink it.
There was a time, along time ago where weed was legal, it is still legal in some places, even America/California where it is used for medical reasons. Alcohol is illegal in some places and used to be illegal along time ago, so going by whats legal/not legal is not really a good way to look at it.
I think we should all take a moment to think about what goes on in our own lives, for example booze, before slagging off other people for what they do.
Oh and btw I dont smoke or drink.