OH is a weed smoker... advice please.

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Fair do's, as long as there isn't weed around my child, I'm happy enough. I'm not going to comment anymore, feel a bit shit that the thread has went on like this. Maybe we should make a thread for a discussion, after all the OP's intention was to get help..

Apologies OP, and like I said if you have any questions PM me anytime x

I agree, I never for one minute thought there would be a pro drugs around children side to the thread :wall:
And as I mentioned in my other post, in some countries weed is legal and in some booze isn't. In certain countries it would be bad to have the illegal substance (booze) in one's home..

But it is illegal in this country and like it or not we have to respect the law and teach our children to abide by the law

Yes but it doesn't mean we should allow our children to see or be around us whilst drinking!

My children are not, never have been and never will be around me while I am drinking. My 13 year old has never ever seen me even tipsy. I don't agree with drinking whilst in care of children either!

:yay: :yay:

Someone actually agrees with what I was saying.

Thank the lord.
think about what youre teaching your child; that its okay not to respect the law, that its okay to fund an illegal trade which takes slaves, funds murderers.... that you dont have to take any responsibility for our society, you can behave any way you like, regardless of the rules, and still expect to be treated with respect. I made my childs life, and I take responsibility for him to be kept safe healthy, and also not to be a drain on society, to make a positive contribution.

Hit the nail on the head.
I might buy a bottle of wine from little old Doris at Asda every now and again, a bit different from buying a bag of drugs from a scum of the earth dealer

Not all weed comes from a dealer. Wether you drink alcohol around your children is your own personal opinion. Same as smoking weed is to others.

Where does it come from then? Grown in your own house? Where the child lives?
think about what youre teaching your child; that its okay not to respect the law, that its okay to fund an illegal trade which takes slaves, funds murderers.... that you dont have to take any responsibility for our society, you can behave any way you like, regardless of the rules, and still expect to be treated with respect. I made my childs life, and I take responsibility for him to be kept safe healthy, and also not to be a drain on society, to make a positive contribution.

Hit the nail on the head.
I might buy a bottle of wine from little old Doris at Asda every now and again, a bit different from buying a bag of drugs from a scum of the earth dealer

Not all weed comes from a dealer. Wether you drink alcohol around your children is your own personal opinion. Same as smoking weed is to others.

Where does it come from then? Grown in your own house? Where the child lives?

certainly not in my home!! looooll

But i suppose it can be home grown, i've heard of ppl growing it in all sorts of places.
I am sorry, i have to ask the question where does weed (an illegal drug) come from then?
think about what youre teaching your child; that its okay not to respect the law, that its okay to fund an illegal trade which takes slaves, funds murderers.... that you dont have to take any responsibility for our society, you can behave any way you like, regardless of the rules, and still expect to be treated with respect. I made my childs life, and I take responsibility for him to be kept safe healthy, and also not to be a drain on society, to make a positive contribution.

Hit the nail on the head.
I might buy a bottle of wine from little old Doris at Asda every now and again, a bit different from buying a bag of drugs from a scum of the earth dealer

Not all weed comes from a dealer. Wether you drink alcohol around your children is your own personal opinion. Same as smoking weed is to others.

Where does it come from then? Grown in your own house? Where the child lives?

certainly not in my home!! looooll

But i suppose it can be home grown, i've heard of ppl growing it in all sorts of places.

Lol Nooooo littlemiss I don't mean your home!!! :flower:
I mean the person smoking it!!!
They either have it growing in the house where the child lives or buy from a dealer (scum of the earth IMO)
think about what youre teaching your child; that its okay not to respect the law, that its okay to fund an illegal trade which takes slaves, funds murderers.... that you dont have to take any responsibility for our society, you can behave any way you like, regardless of the rules, and still expect to be treated with respect. I made my childs life, and I take responsibility for him to be kept safe healthy, and also not to be a drain on society, to make a positive contribution.

Hit the nail on the head.
I might buy a bottle of wine from little old Doris at Asda every now and again, a bit different from buying a bag of drugs from a scum of the earth dealer

Not all weed comes from a dealer. Wether you drink alcohol around your children is your own personal opinion. Same as smoking weed is to others.

Where does it come from then? Grown in your own house? Where the child lives?

certainly not in my home!! looooll

But i suppose it can be home grown, i've heard of ppl growing it in all sorts of places.

Lol Nooooo littlemiss I don't mean your home!!! :flower:
I mean the person smoking it!!!
They either have it growing in the house where the child lives or buy from a dealer (scum of the earth IMO)

Ah right loooool

I have no idea. I have heard of ppl who grow it and only give bits to friends. I used to work for HMRC and a guy rented a house and grew loads there, but didn't sell it, used it for himself and friends, and he didn't live in the house.

I feel like I sound like i am sticking up for smoking weed now, loool thats not the case I was only wanting to point out that alcohol can be as bad (in certain aspects) as weed, and if ppl drink it would be a bit hypocritical slagging someone off for smoking weed. I suppose an example would be smoking a cigarette and slagging someone off for smoking a full pack. Dont know if im making any sense here. You must know what i'm on about if you dont drink yourself?
I would never subject my child let alone someones child I was looking after to the fumes and toxins.

I look at my little man now.fast asleep.so vonerable.fragile.someone needs to protect these children. And tbh I'd I knew where u lived etc I would not even hesitate to call social services! A kid deserves better!

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

Oh another one to judge before getting all the FACTS seems this is what i was guilty of and why everone jumped on me.

My house is smoke FREE there are no drugs smoked within my house or kepot in my house my OH smokes it that doesnt mean it is EVER around my diaughter A LOT OF YOU HAVE JUMPED TO THIS CONCLUSION!!!!!! i said I DIDNT MING MY OH SMOKING WEED! BIG DIFFERENCE THAN IT BEING SMOKED AROUND / IN FRONT OF MY DAUGHTER! GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THE ABOVE YOU STUPID WOMAN!!!!!!
I do know what you mean, I don't like alcohol around kids either but the legality does come into it. Buying weed has a massive impact on society, titch put it perfectly so I won't go on about it. As febmum said, I don't/won't allow anything like that around my kids so I'm happy with that x
Before you go calling people names maybe stop and read it properly?? Im pretty certain she was referring to the 'i actually looked after kids once when I was stoned, made it more fun' comment!!!!
I would never subject my child let alone someones child I was looking after to the fumes and toxins.

I look at my little man now.fast asleep.so vonerable.fragile.someone needs to protect these children. And tbh I'd I knew where u lived etc I would not even hesitate to call social services! A kid deserves better!

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

Oh another one to judge before getting all the FACTS seems this is what i was guilty of and why everone jumped on me.

My house is smoke FREE there are no drugs smoked within my house or kepot in my house my OH smokes it that doesnt mean it is EVER around my diaughter A LOT OF YOU HAVE JUMPED TO THIS CONCLUSION!!!!!! i said I DIDNT MING MY OH SMOKING WEED! BIG DIFFERENCE THAN IT BEING SMOKED AROUND / IN FRONT OF MY DAUGHTER! GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THE ABOVE YOU STUPID WOMAN!!!!!!
A) You are shouting
B) You are being rude

Do you think its acceptable?
I think this thread should be closed as some of the comments are bad and some opinions are frowned upon and it's just not good. I don't agree with some of the stuff being said and it's getting silly and people clearly are not thinking about what they are writing before the write it!!! X
i feel sorry for the poor girl that was only looking for our advice!

I think this thread should be closed as some of the comments are bad and some opinions are frowned upon and it's just not good. I don't agree with some of the stuff being said and it's getting silly and people clearly are not thinking about what they are writing before the write it!!! X

I agree x
Yes i can shout if i like and be rude if i like i have NEVER had the misfortune of EVER listening to women go on like this because someones OPINION doesnt match their own, its like the schoolyard bullies all over again!

People are quite welcome to call any social services to come look at how my daughter is raised and if she was aiming at someone specific then she should have said , weed is not acceptable around children but it is acceptable if my 30 something OH chooses to smoke it illegal or not!
it is acceptable if my 30 something OH chooses to smoke it illegal or not!

All the best to you, I hope your daughter does not grow up to think it is acceptable or even worse think it's acceptable to smoke it herself :flower:
it is acceptable if my 30 something OH chooses to smoke it illegal or not!

All the best to you, I hope your daughter does not grow up to think it is acceptable or even worse think it's acceptable to smoke it herself :flower:

she doesnt see it ever its not done around her cant you get that into your heads , she's never seen , smelt or heard of it , and if in the future she does via school etc i am glad i am street wise enough to be able to deal with it positively , i will not bring her up to think drugs are acceptable you are making assumptiojns because a man i met and fell in love with smokes it in his own space and time ,
it is acceptable if my 30 something OH chooses to smoke it illegal or not!

All the best to you, I hope your daughter does not grow up to think it is acceptable or even worse think it's acceptable to smoke it herself :flower:

she doesnt see it ever its not done around her cant you get that into your heads , she's never seen , smelt or heard of it , and if in the future she does via school etc i am glad i am street wise enough to be able to deal with it positively , i will not bring her up to think drugs are acceptable you are making assumptiojns because a man i met and fell in love with smokes it in his own space and time ,

I'm not making any assumptions, just stating that children live by our example and by thinking it is acceptable gives a certain message to her, that's all
and pushing on my feelings about my daughter is not nice either you are some bitchy women!
She doesnt know!!!! she will have the education off me that drugs are not acceptable ! you did make an assumption that i would tell her its acceptable and you used her to push at my feelings
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