OP I'm so glad that your OH is willing to give up

I'm sure you can't wait for the 12 week scan x
Can I also point out that if you are co-sleeping that it's not advised if a parent has been taking drugs or alcohol. Also I agree that it does affect the childs life "sorry baby daddy can't hold you because he stinks of weed" "sorry baby daddy can't play he's been smoking weed" "sorry baby I can't give you a hug/kiss - I've been smoking weed"! Even if you keep a baby away from the smoke and fumes of it, yes the child will still be affected. After a smoke (out the back) I come in, wash my hands, take my jacket off and use mouthwash and or chew chewing gum, when you get used to the smell of weed, it's hard to detect, you need to be very, very careful.
This is really off topic, but I remember holding this brand new, pink, delicate bundle in my arms at the hospital, I wouldn't even use spray deodorant because I thought it would be too strong for LO, I used roll on and no perfume for months, and the smokers in my family were warned if they had been smoking they wouldn't be holding him. It's a natural instinct to want to protect your kids, wether it be from strong smells or harmful fumes. I personally wouldn't get into a car with someone who had been smoking, nor would I leave my child in their care. Many moons ago I smoked it, and it's not "nothing" there is a difference, you are slower, have less concentration and can be very easily distracted. It's also common for people to be sick/feel sick after using it.
Apologies about the size of that lol I respect everyones opinions, but I feel like I have to point out that this isn't just a lifestyle choice, it's something that is proven to be harmful and addictive.
C used to smoke, and he kicked it when I was pregnant, if you want to PM me you can anytime hun x