OH is a weed smoker... advice please.

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Ok... I smoked weed for 2 years before meeting my OH who was also a weed smoker. I gave up smoking weed and cigarettes when I was about 7 weeks pregnant (about 3 weeks after finding out). At the time I said to OH that I understand how difficult it is to give up but I would like him to try, and I certainly didn't want him smoking in the same room as me. Since then he has managed to quit cigarettes entirely and now only smokes weed. Ok, so doing things the other way round probably would have been better right? Give up smoking weed then work on the fags at a later date? But... Now he has managed to quite fags he's going to start trying to stop smoking weed. By cooking it up in flapjacks or brownies. Not only does he then not have to worry about exhaling toxic fumes around me and the baby (cause he's eating it instead) but any weed he does have will last longer, since the high off of edibles lasts much longer than a joint or a bong. Anyway... Once the smoking aspect has well and truly stopped bothering him cause he's still getting his high, just in a different way, he's going to give up that as well. He had been smoking for 6 years before I met him. So yehh... It doesn't happen overnight, so far it's been 7-ish months and I don't expect him to have quit completely until at least christmas. Coming from personal experience I know how hard it is.

I guess what I'm trying to say is no, I don't think you are over reacting, but that (especially after 20 years) he will need time. I don't believe it is acceptable to have drugs around children, but at the end of the day if I were to leave my child with somebody under the influence of anything I would much prefer it to be weed than speed, coke, ket even alcohol. I have looked after children whilst stoned in the past and honestly, it just makes it more fun! So long as you haven't smoked to excess you're reactions are fine, you still know what you are doing and what is going on. But that's my personal opinion.

Unless you have smoked weed you can't really judge those who do, as you don't know what it is like... It seriously isn't as bad as people make it out to be...
Unless you've been addicted you can't say how hard/easy it is to quit... I found it much harder than cigarettes... Indeed, there is only a minor physical ediction. But the mental addiction is unbelievable.

Yes. Weed is illegal. It is a "drug" BUT it is also a natural plant. It's not something made of hundreds of harsh chemicals.

Do what you think is right hun. (I hope I don't get jumped on for what I have said, this does seem to be quite an irate thread) xx

Thank you for your advice. It has given me a bit more of an insight in to what my oh is going through in order to quit.
I have been losing patience with him lately for not doing it "quick" enough. But your post has helped me understand a little bit more.
We had a conversation last night and he has said he is going to stop completely when I have 12 week scan! So fingers crossed! xx
I have looked after children whilst stoned in the past and honestly, it just makes it more fun!

I really dont want to be nasty but I actually find the above quote quite worrying :( sorry x

Me too, I'm actually lost for words :(

Have you ever been stoned? Cause if not then you don't know what it's like. Seriously... It isn't that bad... You don't lose your mind and go crazy or anything like that! And the children I looked after were 7 and 9 so it's not like they were babies.........
I have looked after children whilst stoned in the past and honestly, it just makes it more fun!

I really dont want to be nasty but I actually find the above quote quite worrying :( sorry x

Me too, I'm actually lost for words :(

I say WELL DONE HeppiBean :dance::dance:
Thank you for being brave enough to come on to what turned in to quite a heated conversation, with honesty and tell of your experience. It has enlightened me a little bit as to what someone goes through.
And CONGRATULATIONS on kicking the habit yourself, and all the best to your OH in doing the same xxxx
I have looked after children whilst stoned in the past and honestly, it just makes it more fun!

I really dont want to be nasty but I actually find the above quote quite worrying :( sorry x

Me too, I'm actually lost for words :(

I say WELL DONE HeppiBean :dance::dance:
Thank you for being brave enough to come on to what turned in to quite a heated conversation, with honesty and tell of your experience. It has enlightened me a little bit as to what someone goes through.
And CONGRATULATIONS on kicking the habit yourself, and all the best to your OH in doing the same xxxx

Thank you :blush: xx
I'm not going to respond to this purely because I know katie is due to go into labour and getting into an argument is not going to be helping her stress levels right now, and I do care about this x

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I'm not going to respond to this purely because I know katie is due to go into labour and getting into an argument is not going to be helping her stress levels right now, and I do care about this x

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk

Thats fair enough...

Good luck with your labour Katie xx

When I first posted this I never expected to get much of a response tbh. So thank you all for your words of advice.


We spoke last night and I asked him straight ... So when are you quitting then? I'm sick of this cutting down crap cause it's not working.

His response... When we go for the 12 week scan I won't touch it again. I'll go cold turkey and be done with it forever.

So now we wait and see. I'm away for the week before my scan, and I know he will smoke it whilst I'm away, so this way is probably better as I won't be worried he's lying to me. At the moment he has in his favour, I love him, He's perfect in every way apart from the weed (and a few niggly man habits lol), he's not lying about anything to do with the weed, he wants to quit, and he has set a date to do it!

I think he will. Could just be wishful thinking on my part, but i think he knows that when I say its me and the baby or the weed that i'm serious.

I have looked after children whilst stoned in the past and honestly, it just makes it more fun!

I really dont want to be nasty but I actually find the above quote quite worrying :( sorry x

Me too, I'm actually lost for words :(

Have you ever been stoned? Cause if not then you don't know what it's like. Seriously... It isn't that bad... You don't lose your mind and go crazy or anything like that! And the children I looked after were 7 and 9 so it's not like they were babies.........

I have actually, I tried cannabis when I was 17 with friends. I also have seen the psychological damage it can do as part of my job in a hospital. I don't think anyone should look after children under the influence of any kind of drugs, it is so so wrong.

When I first posted this I never expected to get much of a response tbh. So thank you all for your words of advice.


We spoke last night and I asked him straight ... So when are you quitting then? I'm sick of this cutting down crap cause it's not working.

His response... When we go for the 12 week scan I won't touch it again. I'll go cold turkey and be done with it forever.

So now we wait and see. I'm away for the week before my scan, and I know he will smoke it whilst I'm away, so this way is probably better as I won't be worried he's lying to me. At the moment he has in his favour, I love him, He's perfect in every way apart from the weed (and a few niggly man habits lol), he's not lying about anything to do with the weed, he wants to quit, and he has set a date to do it!

I think he will. Could just be wishful thinking on my part, but i think he knows that when I say its me and the baby or the weed that i'm serious.


Great news hun, great that he wants to quit and good for you for sticking to your guns! Good luck with your scan and well done to your oh for agreeing to quit x
^^^ what she said ^^^ xx x

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great news fabwisp!

i also disagree with the smoking weed whilst caring for children, and i understand ur not totally gone in the head but your responses and reactions in an emergency situation would NOT be as quick if not under the influence,

BUT i also know that was ur past and u may have well been younger or naiver and well done you for kicking the habit but surely you, esp knowing what its like wouldnt condone it around a child??

oh and good luck for labour!! :D lol xx
I've only just seen this! I'll try and give as much advice as I can cos I've been thru it multiple times with fob!

1. He will only quit if ge really wants to, if he's doing it to make you happy and deep down he doesn't want to quit he won't last long unprtunately, but from your update it does seem like he wants to quit!
2. Does he smoke cigarettes too? Just wondering cos if he doesn't ad goes cold turkey it will be twice as hard cos he'll be giving up nicotine too and that plays havoc too!
3. Plan activities yo take his mind off it, but don't stress if he doesn't feel like doing them!
4. DONT keep asking him how he is and what's up if he's looking down! I made this mistake so Many times and they just don't want reminding of it!
5. Does he drink also? Just keep an eye on his drinking, Cos in my experience, fob does 6 months smoking ad then 6 months drinking!

I know how bloody hard it will be for you hun, but the best thing to do is just be there in the background if he needs you! He might be bloody vile to you whilst he's coming off it, the things that came out my ex's mouth were shocking! But it's just the withdrawal talking!

And on a final note, I don't agree with weed smoking at all, I tried it once, it fuxked me up in the head! People say it's not addictive ad is ok cos it's "natural" well so is opium, but would you be telling people using heroin's ok cos it comes from flowers?! Weed is highly, highly addictive ad the psychological effects are shocking! I know from fob how paranoid and delusional it can make you! Ok so it's "just" a plant, but you never know what has happened to that plant, especially whilst it's drying, anything could have been added to it! Even if you go to a "reputable" dealer, there's still a chance you could get a dodgy batch! So what happens, you go home, skin up, baby's asleep, have a smoke and it's been spiked with fertiliser or something...it's only a smoke and you don't usually get too affected by it, but what happens to baby when you're unconscious on the floor?!
My hubby smoked it for 10 years b4 quitting-and there is definitely side effects that are not noticeable until they stop smoking it!! My hubby used to have night sweats and low sex drive after a few months of stopping it that all stopped aswel-no excessive sweating,high sex drive :D
Fabwisp i'm not replying because i dont want to get into anymore arguements on this , i'm happy for you that he's going to quit and the 12 week scan seems a good time it will all seem so real to him then. I wish you all the luck for your future together, your pregnancy and to your OH with quitting .
The quote re looked after children whilst stoned in the past

I'm disgusted by this quote ( this is my opinion) i agree it's very worrying and frankly u shouldn't be around children if you are stoned!! How selfish . You are no way fit to look after children under the influence. I'm truly shocked. On another note I'm pleased to see you have stopped using cannabis but I'm totally worried by your view that I were happy to look after kids when u were stoned. Sorry if I sound harsh but anything which could put kids at risk is a big no no in my book and to think it's ok to do shocks me x
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