Ok... I smoked weed for 2 years before meeting my OH who was also a weed smoker. I gave up smoking weed and cigarettes when I was about 7 weeks pregnant (about 3 weeks after finding out). At the time I said to OH that I understand how difficult it is to give up but I would like him to try, and I certainly didn't want him smoking in the same room as me. Since then he has managed to quit cigarettes entirely and now only smokes weed. Ok, so doing things the other way round probably would have been better right? Give up smoking weed then work on the fags at a later date? But... Now he has managed to quite fags he's going to start trying to stop smoking weed. By cooking it up in flapjacks or brownies. Not only does he then not have to worry about exhaling toxic fumes around me and the baby (cause he's eating it instead) but any weed he does have will last longer, since the high off of edibles lasts much longer than a joint or a bong. Anyway... Once the smoking aspect has well and truly stopped bothering him cause he's still getting his high, just in a different way, he's going to give up that as well. He had been smoking for 6 years before I met him. So yehh... It doesn't happen overnight, so far it's been 7-ish months and I don't expect him to have quit completely until at least christmas. Coming from personal experience I know how hard it is.
I guess what I'm trying to say is no, I don't think you are over reacting, but that (especially after 20 years) he will need time. I don't believe it is acceptable to have drugs around children, but at the end of the day if I were to leave my child with somebody under the influence of anything I would much prefer it to be weed than speed, coke, ket even alcohol. I have looked after children whilst stoned in the past and honestly, it just makes it more fun! So long as you haven't smoked to excess you're reactions are fine, you still know what you are doing and what is going on. But that's my personal opinion.
Unless you have smoked weed you can't really judge those who do, as you don't know what it is like... It seriously isn't as bad as people make it out to be...
Unless you've been addicted you can't say how hard/easy it is to quit... I found it much harder than cigarettes... Indeed, there is only a minor physical ediction. But the mental addiction is unbelievable.
Yes. Weed is illegal. It is a "drug" BUT it is also a natural plant. It's not something made of hundreds of harsh chemicals.
Do what you think is right hun. (I hope I don't get jumped on for what I have said, this does seem to be quite an irate thread) xx
Thank you for your advice. It has given me a bit more of an insight in to what my oh is going through in order to quit.
I have been losing patience with him lately for not doing it "quick" enough. But your post has helped me understand a little bit more.
We had a conversation last night and he has said he is going to stop completely when I have 12 week scan! So fingers crossed! xx