**** October Testing Thread****

That's great news GG and KHTW:) FX they are both sticky ones.

Well I'm 10dpo today and hubby said to me, can you do me a favour......ok?

Can you :poas: :shock: :)

Wasn't going to poas til sunday, but I have 6 in the cupboard:)
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That's great news GG and KHTW:) FX they are both sticky ones.

Well I'm 10dpo today and hubby said to me, can you do me a favour......ok?

Can you :poas: :shock: :)

Wasn't going to poas til sunday, but I have 6 in the cupboard:)

He is a KEEPER!!!! Go and poas away lol! Fingers crossed x
That's great news GG and KHTW:) FX they are both sticky ones.

Well I'm 10dpo today and hubby said to me, can you do me a favour......ok?

Can you :poas: :shock: :)

Wasn't going to poas til sunday, but I have 6 in the cupboard:)

ahhhh let us know what happens!!! GL x
Well I did hubbys favour, he only asked coz he thinks my boobs have got bigger perv!! :lol:

There is a faint line, not getting my hopes up yet as AF not due til Monday will :poas: again on sunday, really hope it goes well this time.

Am abit paranoid as still getting some brown stuff i'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

Summerwine, Shepherdess, treetrunks, _GG_, KHTW............. CONGRATULATIONS!!! :yay:

I don't get chance to log on very often, but when I come on, it's lovely to see the beginning of the thread flashing with BFPs!!!

I'm 8dpo and this month will mark 1 year of TTC......... I am trying so hard to not think every tiny twinge or hunger pang or weird taste in my mouth is a pregnancy symptom, cos it gets harder every month when AF eventually arrives.............

How many DPO did you ladies with BFPs test..........or should I just wait another week and see if AF comes!!!..........I hate this :nopoas:
I would say around 9dpo you're good to test wirh a sensitive test :)

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I got mine at 10DPO Beth1983! Fingers crossed your time is fast approaching :dust:
Congratulations GG, KTHW and MrsL-K. Hope you all have a happy & healthy 9 months.
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Is there a November testing thread?I'm due to ov tomorrow I think so won't get to test again this month x

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Congratulations GG and KTHW. Hope you have a wonderful healthy 9 months!

Let's have a few more BFPs before october is over
Wow just caught up on all yhese bfps yay! Congrats everyone! I hope tp be joining you. I'm 10dpo today. Hoping and wishing with everythinf I've got. I can't drink at xmas anyway as on call for 5 days...least this be a better reason tp be sober all xmas.
Wow khtw and first cycle lucky you! Congrats! Keeping my fingers crossed I will be joining you over at July mummies..I'm only 7dpo today. Did you bd on day of positive opk or before? Also what symptoms did you have in your tww? I've been getting quite a few right sided cramps and more discharge than normal (tmi) lol x
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Well, I didn't want to waste a frer today, so got home and tested with an ic again...and again on a 2.5 hour hold as I cannot stop going for a wee!

I really didn't even expect this kind of line progression by tomorrow morning, let alone the same day on diluted urine

I am shaking like a leaf...I genuinely can't believe I have an actual line on a frer. A strong one at that and I'm not due on until Saturday! I have previously hated frer's because they've always been stark white.

Someone pinch me...is this actually happening. All summer, I have wondered what it's like to get a proper strong positive!

Pics are of this afternoons ic literally just after dipping it as you can tell by the dye.

In the frer single pic...that was taken just as the urine finished covering the test window.

In the multi pic, the very bottom ic is this mornings for comparison.


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Lovely lines GG congratulations :-) bet dan is thrilled too xx
Amazing lines GG...massive congratulations.hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months! X
Thank you ladies. I thought I still had a few days left of faint lines yet :)
Hi all, quite new to this, set up an account here quite a few years back and forgot about it! Currently ttc #3, my husband doesnt have children yet, and i have 2 from previous ages 12 and 9. So been a while since ive had a baby! Currently 3 days late for af, planning on testing tomoz when the postie brings me some tests i ordered on ebay! Driving my self nuts holding off on testing!
Congrats to all who have got their bfps this month! ��
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