AF started today. Guess I'm out again. Oh well, onto cycle no 23....
Sorry Sunflower. We seem to have very similar cycles as I was out again this morning. I don't really know how to feel anymore. Just don't really feel anything right now. Guess that's better than spending the day in tears.
I know how you feel. I had a brief cry and then worked out when my new fertile window is. My cycle was only 24 days, but at least that means more chances. I turn 42 in 3 weeks. Gone a bit numb...don't think this is gonna happen for us. My DH is remaining positive. At least he is seeing the GP about a sperm test on Tuesday.
Guess we just gotta keep going. Difficult to find the motivation sometimes.
Glad you're not in tears. Hugs xx
I keep trying to tell myself that more chances is a good thing but I'm not so sure. Glad your OH has got an appointment booked. My OH just phoned up and asked to do a sample. They just left the pot with instructions to pick up. It was really easy. My OH is also staying positive. He's usually the positive one anyway. I like to think I'm just being prepared haha!!
OMG that's so easy. Was that a GP surgery? I'm a bit nervous about the results. But really glad he's finally getting it done. Hoping to get his testosterone levels checked too. Hope your OH test is ok.
I am feeling old now! I am 34 ! Oofft happy birthday girls! Cherish your 20's! X
Turning 35 without a child yet, was really hard for me. Do you think sone of your current state of mind is due to that birthday getting ever closer to you? It's traditionally seen as a bit of a milestone for fertility, although my mw disagrees vehemently with that. Xx
Yeah my age is making it hard to have hope as if I was younger I would have loads of time. I met my DH when I was 20....there has been nonexcuse not to babe tried for a baby ages ago other than waiting on DH to feel ready. He went back to uni and that put things on hold for 5 years so he now feels bad for that. I was ready from age 25 for a baby but what can you do. I am in 2 minds right now ...1 is too keep trying keep positive and keep hope in my heart. The other one is to start accepting Its not happening so I can deal with it emotionally and move on !
I genuinely think I am heart broken. I basically feel like I have achieved something if I get through the day not shedding a tear. Today hasn't been one of those days. I am off this week and haven't got work to keep me distracted. I took the dog a walk and got some fresh air. I just keep asking why this is happening. No one in my family ever struggled to have children...then I come along.
Just popping over. Sorry to hear youre feeling like this alexis. My sister fell pregnant 18 months after ttc. She is adamant it is because she took a more relaxed approach and that they had decided to not try anymore....easier said than done! Altho...i stopped ttc #3 early this year as im 42 and thought it wouldnt happen. Then I fell in july whilst on holiday....hadnt been ttc for several months and had been drinking wine and espressos! ....unfortunately i did mc at 10+3 so we are back to ttc again. I do wonder if i should stop actively trying and just enjoy it and go with the flow....its so damn hard! Feel very confused at the moment in terms of what to do for the best. Whatever you decide, stay positive if you can and keep talking to your DH as it helps being close and open with one another. Im sure youll get your little bean soon....he/she will be SO worth the wait x
Thanks Melly. I don't know how to be more relaxed as I stopped all charting for months and went on my own body signs and it didn't help so we did full circle with the charting. Now we are on the infertility tests road it's hard not to think aboit it every waking moment! I am sorry about your mc that must be so hard. I hope you get a sticky bean soon.
DH isn't the chatty type and he doesn't feel as low as me. He just says we got to keep on trying and just keep positive. He won't chat about the details and gets annoyed or I get upset. He says it's taking a while because we are older. I find that hard to believe when ppl older than me we know have fallen pregnant very easily.
We don't have any time off together other than wknds until we go to Thailand end of April so we can't exactly go away together.
I can't decide whether I see anything lol said I wouldn't test till missed AF but have no control lol! Had such a screwy cycle..pains cd14 but I never ovulate that early and then I never seemed to ovulate cd20 like usual ..the other day I had some red spotting and last night had one wipe of brown xx![]()
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I dont have it anymore lol was driving myself mad with it.Not sure why I am testing as OHs sperm sample wasn't good and my boobs don't hurt at all or anything lol xx
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Im out xx