**** October Testing Thread****

Yes Alexis, very best of luck. Hope you can get at least a solid plan of action in place to give you some security in what you can do going forwards. Xx
Hope your appt gets you some answers and reassurance Alexis. Don't give up hope just yet. Things usually turn out how they are meant to in the end and maybe a long wait for your baby is just to make you stronger in the end. Though it won't feel like that now x
I'm hanging in on 2ww my app has AF due anytime from Thurs but cycles been so up and down in length the window for AF is super long. So just going to keep gritting my teeth as long as possible without testing. Helps that's I'm totally skint until pay day on the 7th so can't buy a test without spending on the joint account and admitting to hubby that I've caved and bought one lol. Keep thinking how lovely a birthday present it would be for him and that it would mean could tell my parents in person when we go down for Xmas (they live 300 miles away) would just all be so perfect if I had caught this cycle. But that pretty much guarantees that I won't have lol x
That would be perfect Nikki! Fingers crossed AF stays away! Must be hard when you cycles are irregular x
Alexxxiiisss!! Today is the day!! Good luck xxxx

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Good luck Alexis, can't wait to hear how you get on x
Girls I am feeling so tired. I am wiped out. Got our 1st appt tmrw really nervous about it now. Af due in 6 days... had some pinching pain on right side today for few moments. I am considering saying to DH we should take a break from ttc in Jan as marks 1 year trying and then start a fresh in February? But I am sure he will encourage me to keep going. I can't believe its almost cycle 11 for us..feeling really sad now. I am not sure how many appts will this appt tmrw lead too and will probably have to tell my manager but being a very close unit I really don't want too.

I hope the appointment goes well. We have taken the odd month off...it really helps. I read up on implantation and apparently selenium is important - there's tons in brazil nuts.
Hello ladies sorry I've been awol, trying to not SS so easier to do this when not on here too much.

Well I got my wish of ov early so FX I get my wish and hubbys of a bfp, i'm 9dpo now.
Bit freaked out as we DTD this morning and I've had ever so slightly brown tinged cm, trying to not overthink this as we know our bodies like to play tricks at times.

We've been really busy decorating the house which has helped to pass time :)

Hope apt goes well Alexis :)

And :dust: to everyone
Anyone else due for AF on Sunday? I'm doing the last bit of waiting now, soooo tired could just sleep sleep sleep, emotional and covered in spots. Not normally spotty, is this a symptom does anyone know? I think heightened progesterone can bring on spots but not sure?
AF due Friday/Saturday! Will be testing with a FRER tomorrow.

I am full of cold, and cramping a bit.

During the 2ww all symptoms sound promising but most is caused by progesterone whether or not you conceived! There is just no way of telling, is there?!

lots of :dust: to you!!! x
Nope no chance to ever know!! I've had cramping too, slightly milder than normal AF cramps, but paranoid every time I go to the loo I'm gonna see blood!!

Good luck taking FRER!! Can't wait to hear your results. I won't be taking until I miss AF, so maybe never :( OH won't let me take before missed period as "waste of money" - think I've exhausted my early testing with BFN's that he won't let me do it anymore lol. x
Thanks everyone. Feeling really emotional today. It really means a lot to come on here and see everyone wishing me well. I am really nervous. Leaving work at 1 oclock t go get hubby and go to the hosp. I am 9dpo today still not many signs of anything other than more pinchy pains right sided on and off. Af due Sunday/Monday. Good luck everyone else waiting this week there is a lot of us ...witchy woo stay away even though its almost halloween your not welcome hahaja
Anyone else due for AF on Sunday? I'm doing the last bit of waiting now, soooo tired could just sleep sleep sleep, emotional and covered in spots. Not normally spotty, is this a symptom does anyone know? I think heightened progesterone can bring on spots but not sure?

I am sooo tired....my chin is all spotty and I am due on Sunday/Monday too if my opk LH surge was accurate. I haven't had any cramps just pinchy pain on right side now and again. I tend to get spotty skin due to progesterone rise anyway so not new for me but read it can be a sign if not normal for youm Fully expecting af to show but still will be gutted as I always am. Wishing you luck x
Just been for our appt. It was so quick she asked us a few questions looked at DH sperm results and she said were excellent and my ovulation bloods really good level at 44 so I habe been refered for a hsg scan or whatever it's called in 4-6 weeks time. She said cant ttc during the time leading up to tne scan so that will be our break I giess. I've to go back in January for next steps after than. Feel better for starting the ball rolling.
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Just been for our appt. It was so quick she asked us a few questions looked at DH sperm results and she said were excellent and my ovulation bloods really good level at 44 so I habe been refered for a hsg scan or whatever it's called in 4-6 weeks time. She said cant ttc during the time leading up to tne scan so that will be our break I giess. I've to go back in January for next steps after than. Feel better for starting the ball rolling.

Sounds so positive. Hope you can enjoy the break a bit xxx
Just been for our appt. It was so quick she asked us a few questions looked at DH sperm results and she said were excellent and my ovulation bloods really good level at 44 so I habe been refered for a hsg scan or whatever it's called in 4-6 weeks time. She said cant ttc during the time leading up to tne scan so that will be our break I giess. I've to go back in January for next steps after than. Feel better for starting the ball rolling.

that's so positive, I'm glad they're taking you seriously and doing something for you. I bet you're torn between wanting everything to be fine and finding something treatable? If everything's fine it will be frustrating that nothing's happening yet, but if something isn't fine that's still frustrating!

I have everything crossed that you get a BFP before any tests needed!! x
I hope the break will do you good Alexis and that you will now get the medical support you need. FX that your BFP is just around the corner :dust:
Just been for our appt. It was so quick she asked us a few questions looked at DH sperm results and she said were excellent and my ovulation bloods really good level at 44 so I habe been refered for a hsg scan or whatever it's called in 4-6 weeks time. She said cant ttc during the time leading up to tne scan so that will be our break I giess. I've to go back in January for next steps after than. Feel better for starting the ball rolling.

YAY!! I'm really pleased to hear that your hubby and you had such good test results!! I'm sure it's such a relief to finally be getting the ball rolling and taking steps in the right direction. fingers crossed that everything goes well! 4-6 weeks yay not long at all considering you've been quoted 1 year before hahaha xx
Didn't put myself down for this month for some reason so can you put me down for 30th please hun, 7dpo today and had such a dull ache in my womb area sort of like a pressure. Trying to not think to much of it xx

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