* OCTOBER 2019 - Testing Thread *

Good luck to everyone testing this month!

I had to chime in on the food conversation because it's utterly fascinating to me. I grew up eating a (mostly healthy and almost all homemade) SAD foods ("standard American diet" - I guess you wouldn't use SAD if you didn't grow up in the US, as I did!) and switched to vegetarian when I was 20 after seeing a guy on the UC Berkeley campus with pictures of animals in cages, etc. At 26 I went full-on vegan, and spent 6 months eating 100% organic raw vegan before I got pregnant with my first. I was vegan while pregnant with her, and stayed vegan until she was almost 2, when - for various reasons - I switched to a pretty much paleo (hate that word!) diet. That's how I've eaten for the past 6 years.

I will definitely check out the Game Changers movie - I refuse to call it a "documentary", as it's obviously propaganda -- which is fine! most "documentaries" are actually propaganda, as they are geared towards making the audience come to one specific conclusion. It isn't designed to objectively explore vegetarianism/veganism; it wants you to watch it and decide that YOU should be vegan/vegetarian. And people are very, very good at designing films/articles/books and cherry-picking studies or blowing up one part of the data while minimizing or ignoring others. I'm not even saying that they're wrong; just that there is so much to consider and so many unknowns.

During my years of dietary exploration I have read so much compelling and convincing information on dead-opposite sides of every possible spectrum, to the point where I'm pretty much convinced that nobody knows the ideal diet for people (and that, maybe, there isn't one). While I was raw vegan I was CONVINCED by Dr Doug Graham and his 80/10/10 principle (just google that one - it's fascinating, and when you see the guy, you'll feel convinced, too!). And then you'll read Dr Gundry's "Plant Paradox" and feel equally convinced that we actually shouldn't be eating most plants - nightshades especially. Then you'll read about Joe and Charlene Andersen and their carnivore diet and be convinced that you literally should only eat 100% beef all the time, with nothing else except salt on top and water to drink. Then you'll read all of Dr Mercola's very thorough and compelling arguments about why vaccines are evil and we need to be drinking bone broth all day and eating a GAPS diet. And then you'll come full-circle and read Dr Esselstyn and "The China Study" and you'll think, no, veganism is THE ONLY WAY. But then you'll read about the metabolic theory of cancer and how our biggest health threat is the constant inundation of sugar into our cells, and the answer is a keto diet and intermittent fasting. And finally you'l read about how it doesn't matter WHAT you eat; all that matters is the mindset you have while eating it, and your internal spiritual and emotional state will be what nourishes you more than any food you could possibly eat or avoid. And there are people who are practicing all of these lifestyles who are all the most gorgeous and thriving specimens of human beings you've ever seen, each serving as possibly the most convincing argument for whichever lifestyle they happen to represent. It's enough to make your head spin!

These are all very smart people and they know how to present data, or half-truths, or even worse, full-on pseudoscience (I'm talking to you, "dr" Mercola). And it's very, very, VERY convincing. It seems we have been able to reach a few MOSTLY agreed-upon conclusions; processed food is mostly worse than whole/homemade foods, sitting down and being mindful is good, food dyes are mostly not good. Beyond that... we still have so far to come in our understanding of why some people thrive and others do not. Maybe it is a genetic issue more than anything (the MTHFR question is getting a lot of attention these days), maybe a mental/stress one... maybe the biggest threat to our health is the worry itself about how we're eating! I definitely don't feel like I have any answers beyond what I've discovered makes me feel the best (which is essentially a whole30-style diet) and how I like to eat with my kids and family.

Anyway, thanks for indulging my little spiel :) Sending you all my best thoughts and lots of luck!
This is my chart so far. I know some people like looking at charts! Still only faint lines on the opks but that's normal, usually about cd17 or even later. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! We are getting our living room plastered. So an expensive messy weekend for us!

Screenshot_20191018-175932_FF Mobile.jpg
I'm so sorry it looks like AF for you! What DPO for you? Possible it could be implantation spotting?

@Jac2019 Your lines are so clear, I'm hoping the spotting is just the baby trying to burrow in.z

Today is 11 dpo. Holding out hope it could be implantation!

@Jac2019 I have everything crossed for you!
Thanks @Littleperson I really hope so I thought af was due Sunday but it is due Monday so see what happens. Still hoping for you too. :clover:

Sorry to hear this @Sterksworks. Is it full af or spotting. I started spotting but just when I wiped now it is away again. Fingers crossed still for you. Xx

Thanks @Natalie8964 I have also had a CP after my mmc as spoke with midwife and she double checked my scans was absolutely nothing left so said it had to be another pregnancy and if tests got lighter it would be an early miscarriage. I just hope this isn't my 2nd CP as got negatives before started testing for this months trying. So hope you give us good news again too xxx <3

It is just spotting. I am 11dpo so I am holding onto a tiny glimmer of hope.
I know :rotfl:
Same with me, pretty boring cycle nothing really going on.
Although earlier I sneezed and it hurt my stomach so much, was like I pulled a muscle or something. And now I am a little sore on the left side. obvs it’s not a symptom but the only eventful thing that’s happened in my 2ww xx

not trying to symptom spot BUT I will say that’s actually something that happened with all 3 pregnancies for me, sneezing and feeling a sudden pulled muscle. I noticed it every pregnancy prior to getting a bfp.
It is just spotting. I am 11dpo so I am holding onto a tiny glimmer of hope.

Implantation can happen 6-12 days after ovulation. I'm keeping all my fingers a toes crossed for you.

I've had a temp rise again this morning from 36.12c to 36.45c to FF as confirmed ovulation on CD16 :) but I'm a did concerned as my step son was sick last night and worried this temp jump is more of a reflection of me getting the bug :(.

How is everyone this morning? Xx
Implantation can happen 6-12 days after ovulation. I'm keeping all my fingers a toes crossed for you.

I've had a temp rise again this morning from 36.12c to 36.45c to FF as confirmed ovulation on CD16 :) but I'm a did concerned as my step son was sick last night and worried this temp jump is more of a reflection of me getting the bug :(.

How is everyone this morning? Xx
I hope that it continues to rise or stay high and not to do with the bug your step son has. The 2week wait is just the most stressful time isn't it?

I am okay spotting getting but more redder for me so AF on way early today but would rather that now and maybe best for me to give month or few off trying to let body recuperate after everything 2 CP after miscarriage probably saying give me a break :think: ;) xxx
I hope that it continues to rise or stay high and not to do with the bug your step son has. The 2week wait is just the most stressful time isn't it?

I am okay spotting getting but more redder for me so AF on way early today but would rather that now and maybe best for me to give month or few off trying to let body recuperate after everything 2 CP after miscarriage probably saying give me a break :think: ;) xxx

Tell me about it after ovusense has confirmed ovulation I'm gonna stop temping.

Maybe you should go to the docs, and see what they say. It's worth a try to see if they can't do further tests. When is AF due? Maybe it's just implantation spotting xx
Tell me about it after ovusense has confirmed ovulation I'm gonna stop temping.

Maybe you should go to the docs, and see what they say. It's worth a try to see if they can't do further tests. When is AF due? Maybe it's just implantation spotting xx
I have never managed to temp with my sleep pattern so gave up on that after 1 week and tried twice opks but this morning I woke up just felt the stress of it all and AF starting. For a year my hormones gone crazy.

Might try see the doctor again even just to talk how I feel but every time I go they just smile and send me away no tests nothing. I have af cramps but now just want it to come and go and I can rest from all the stress of trying and losing and trying and losing and worrying haha.

Good luck though this month will stay around to finish the thread off and hopefully see a good few more bfps. Let me know if you want added xxx :clover: <3 <3
I have never managed to temp with my sleep pattern so gave up on that after 1 week and tried twice opks but this morning I woke up just felt the stress of it all and AF starting. For a year my hormones gone crazy.

Might try see the doctor again even just to talk how I feel but every time I go they just smile and send me away no tests nothing. I have af cramps but now just want it to come and go and I can rest from all the stress of trying and losing and trying and losing and worrying haha.

Good luck though this month will stay around to finish the thread off and hopefully see a good few more bfps. Let me know if you want added xxx :clover: <3 <3
How long have you been trying for jac?? Xx
I have never managed to temp with my sleep pattern so gave up on that after 1 week and tried twice opks but this morning I woke up just felt the stress of it all and AF starting. For a year my hormones gone crazy.

Might try see the doctor again even just to talk how I feel but every time I go they just smile and send me away no tests nothing. I have af cramps but now just want it to come and go and I can rest from all the stress of trying and losing and trying and losing and worrying haha.

Good luck though this month will stay around to finish the thread off and hopefully see a good few more bfps. Let me know if you want added xxx :clover: <3 <3

That's why I love the ovusense as my sleep can be a bit up and down.

Oh Jac, I'm so sorry your going through this. Try and be more persistent with the docs, I go everyday till they listen to me. This will be your 3rd loss in a row they can't ignore that.

I really wish I could take all the stress and heartache away for you <3<3<3
How long have you been trying for jac?? Xx
I have been trying since last November a year. Lost first baby at 18weeks in March then losses since then. Feel just actually exhausted now... Af has arrived but good luck everyone still to test :2ww: <3 <3 xxx
That's why I love the ovusense as my sleep can be a bit up and down.

Oh Jac, I'm so sorry your going through this. Try and be more persistent with the docs, I go everyday till they listen to me. This will be your 3rd loss in a row they can't ignore that.

I really wish I could take all the stress and heartache away for you <3<3<3
Thank so you much @CrazyChic. I am okay just tired now. I will have a wee rest day and think back to focus on healthy lifestyle and take it from next year.. Good luck to you hope after your heart ache you get your rainbow baby soon xxx
I have been trying since last November a year. Lost first baby at 18weeks in March then losses since then. Feel just actually exhausted now... Af has arrived but good luck everyone still to test :2ww: <3 <3 xxx
Aww jac I’m so sorry to hear you went through that! I knew you had losses but didn’t know how far along you were!
I’d be marching into that doctors office and asking them to help you!
My auntie had several losses and they eventually gave her an injection as soon as she got a pink line up until the second trimester! I can’t remember what it was not but it worked for her! I will message and ask xxx
I've heard of this before, it's definitely worth going to the doctors @Jac2019. Even if you are going to have a break, it's good to get tests and stuff done so you know what's going on before you start ttc again xx
Thanks ladies I will phone them Monday morning try and persist with them. Fingers crossed for all rest though. At least AF came 2days early and put me out misery and tests will go negative soon enough again. Wishing you all pregnancies asap xxx <3 :hugs:
I’m waiting on tests arriving in the post today (just the cheapie 10 mlu ones)
Absolutely dying for a wee but want to save it for when they come lol! still sittin pretty at 36.9 today! But absolutely no symptoms at all!
been two days since I got that delayed line on the frer! Think anything would show up on a cheapie today? Xxx
I’m waiting on tests arriving in the post today (just the cheapie 10 mlu ones)
Absolutely dying for a wee but want to save it for when they come lol! still sittin pretty at 36.9 today! But absolutely no symptoms at all!
been two days since I got that delayed line on the frer! Think anything would show up on a cheapie today? Xxx
I really hope something does show up. I feel for me the less symptoms worked as I had that with last pregnancy. Will keep reading to see how you are all getting on even if not going to try for a while xxx
Can I ask all you ladies 1 thing. What can help an egg? I think I want to try help my eggs be stronger in hope when try again that might help? Xxx
@Jac2019 - so sorry hun. Massive hugs coming your way from me. I hope you get your rainbow soon. You deserve it.
Regarding egg quality, you need to be taking ubiquinol, 400mg a day. 200 with breakfast and 200 with lunch. It’s not cheap but it’s known to help egg quality and the book I am reading about ivf said it’s a definite before going through ivf to make sure your eggs are the best they have ever been <3 xxx

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